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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Sounds like a nice trip. My grandfather, on Dad's side was born in Galicia.
  2. Today ....A big one! Andy's website said this one was on its way, so I hit the pre-order button last week. It's Andy's Hobby Headquarters M8 Light Armored Car Greyhound (AHHQ-008) in 1/16 scale! I've been waiting for this one since it was announced. A cool vehicle in a cool scale. It was delivered by UPS after a three day delay in Hodgkins Illinois...... Those in the midwest who have had experience with UPS may know of the UPS Hodgkins Illinois facility. This facility is known for package delays and packages disappearing. When I saw it was there....my blood ran cold , but after being there without updates for three days it was finally on its way.....bullet dodged. Anyway it looks good....and best of all....it's Big! I'm sure it is going to be a fun build.
  3. Today an item from Dspiae..... It's their; Reciprocating Sander ES-A. Kind of a impulse buy, I thought it would be fun to try out. It looks good; well packaged, having a nice case, and seems to be well-made. It comes with eight sanding heads to which you attach pre-cut self adhesive sand paper that is included and a usb c cord. It has three sanding speeds. While I don't think this will replace sanding sticks, I think it will useful...... We'll see.
  4. Thanks. I'll have a look at the Mr Color metallics. Do these paints use levelling thinner to thin? I've used the Tamiya metallic grey a lot...also their dark Iron. I like these, but I miss my Metallizer.
  5. What do you use for Gun metal paint? I liked using Model Master's Metallizer gun metal, but it's no longer available. I would prefer a lacquer...I have a can of Tamiya spray gun metal...but it's not what I'm looking for. I want a dark, dead flat, durable finish like the Metallizer non-buffing product. Any suggestions?
  6. Holy Cow, what a haul! I also have the big Gecko Panzer II, but the Africa version. Didn't know about the Aber barrels though.
  7. Rob, sorry to hear about the back. The props look great!
  8. At 60 I know I'll never finish mine! I must have well over a hundred now...or more. A least I'm back to building again. Got a few on the burner now....will be painting this weekend.
  9. My stash all fits in a small walk-in closet off a small bedroom, admittedly, it's getting full. I just want to get a few of the big-scale kits coming out this year; the Andy's M8, M113, and the Gecko Universal Carrier and that's going to be it for a while.....hopefully, unless something..really Special is released. Like a......big-scale Brewster Buffalo, M7 Priest, WW1 British Mk.IV.
  10. Today.... From Amazon, and costing me just a bit over $11.00 using Amazon Points; It's Takom's T29 Heavy Tank (No. 2143) in 1/35 scale. I've been looking for this one. An experimental , stretched, Pershing with a V-12,and a big gun. It never saw service. Also, Tamiya's 2008 re-release/remake of their; Italian Medium Tank Carro Armato M13/40 (35296) in 1/35. I built the 1974 version over 20 years ago. This release has four new sprues of parts. New figures, aluminum barrel, and photo-etch. New plastic parts include: figures, tools, exhausts, sprockets, Link & length tracks, new headlights, and other details. The upper deck has been said to have been revised, but is still dated 1974. New sprues are dated 2008. I did order a set of Friuls for this, but they haven't shown up. Lastly, some Surfacer from Mr. Hobby----Mr. Mahogany 1000 and a spray can of Tamiya gun metal lacquer TS-38. I have never used the Mahogany surfacer before----have you guys?
  11. Purple float plane? Show us.
  12. Looks amazing! Nicely done!
  13. Looks great to me, Scott!
  14. Glad to hear of a positive resolution to your troubles. Hoping for a good recovery.
  15. Agreed. If anyone has watched any of my "What did you just get" posts I prefer out of the usual subjects, but I agree...build what you want. The hobby is meant for ourselves to enjoy.
  16. Never saw this! Very nice!
  17. Paintwork looks great!
  18. Not sure when, but I agree it looks like a quick trouble-free build and an aircraft would be a nice departure for me. However, I have some unfinished kits to get to. I looked at some builds online and most agree that the interior color call-out should be a "bamboo" green instead of what the instructions call for. Anyway, I'll need to buy some paints first.
  19. Yes, got another set today--------but these are special; First, they are the ATL-54 set that I've been looking for, for soo long! They fit the JSU-152 I'm working on now. They are the light type with guide horns on every other tack link.......A set that has been hard to find for me....finally found them! Secondly, they special because of the trek---the virtual odyssey --that they took to arrive. Sent from Avondale Arizona, to Phoenix, then to San Francisco (754 miles in the wrong direction), to Oakland California, back to San Francisco, to Chicago Illinois, to Palatine illinois, to Waukegan Illinois, to Wandsworth Illinois, finally to Beach Park Il. Now normally, when I order from Andy's there's no side trip to California. Things arrive in a couple of days in Palatine Illinois and then I get them the next day. Not in 11 days! Anyway, this set includes: 90 links with guide horns, 90 without, the usual brass wire, and a bunch of little "bungs" to close up the ends where the wire is inserted---- very tiny, these bungs!
  20. Congratulations! You must be very proud.
  21. Turned out, well, spectacularly done! Great subject and markings.
  22. Looking forward to the tape coming off ! This is a cool subject. Too bad there's not a styrene example in this scale......You know, for mere mortals, like the rest of us!
  23. Assembly done (mostly). Still waiting for the Fruilmodel tracks. Shown here in black Surfacer. My JSU-152 coming along..
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