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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Thanks Phil Feels good to be building again and not frustrated and I'm now ready for priming this week 👍 I did think of building another Mossie for the competition but at this stage, it's way to involved of a build and I'm starting to concentrate on 48th scale builds for a while.
  2. Enjoy your new cave - looks perfect. I can't agree, as I love the looks and sexy lines of the P-38. An ace maker for sure and even Gen Robin Olds favorite mount. Completely agree about banging your head against the wall working on such an oldie - but still, very nicely done.
  3. Harv Right with you and I'll take a double portion.
  4. Thank Dave back on track and nothing like a Tamiya kit to get my juices flowing again.
  5. Kriss Incredible build and the cammo finish is spectacular. Way to go.🏆
  6. Phil Just glad you finally jumped in and enjoying a fantastic kit. Nothing like Tamiya and that's coming from a Fan Boy, even an old one.
  7. I now try to keep a pad at the bench and write down the supplies to be ordered as I run short or even run out. Forgetting to buy even the smallest item was never an issue when buying at the LHS (mine are gone) and has become a huge issue for us seniors.
  8. Ernie Never really big at that as the criteria for placing and winning so greatly seem to change to: biggest, most colorful and most detailed. Quality and skill of building normally suffers.
  9. Thanks Gaz Hopefully priming today or tomorrow.
  10. BACK AND UNDERWAY AGAIN Just a quick update photograph: My Tamiya P-38F is back on the bench and underway again. A days' worth of work remembering where I was in the build, cleaning her up of any dust that may have worked its way into the Tupperware storage container, fine tuning the gear and wheels, fussing with the canopy masking and taking care of a few odds and ends. Gear bays need to be masked and she is then off to the paint shop for priming. The kit supplied center (closed) canopy will be used for masking, as I'm going with the open canopy version, as well as the canopies still need to be glued into place, as they are still being test fitted.
  11. WOW, awesome progress, your Mossie is looking fantastic.
  12. Carl Absolutely first class conversion and completely agree the designer didn't leave a single stone unturned.
  13. John No question about that and don't forget the ever important 'cuss factor'!
  14. Awesome work.
  15. Eduard kits have started to arrive, with all being from their Pofipack Line, no need for any additional AM or Quinta sets.
  16. Kriss Supe progress and looking mighty good.
  17. Pete WOW. incredible detail work - looking fantastic
  18. Kev Absolutely a stellar build and your Jug looks the part -beautiful work. On my next supply order, I'm adding Mr.Color Re-Conditioner and going to give it a try. For what paints coast these days and who the solvents seem to evaporate so quickly, looks like it's just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for the tip.
  19. Rob Awesome progress with the F1 Renault, looking fantastic, as the individual sub-assemblies come together. After seeing your new air brush equipment and knowing how well 'new' equipment looks, feels and performs, I ordered a lot of cleaning equipment and some replacement parts from Spray Gunner in Florida. When the box arrived the other day, I spent well over three hours stripping down my two H&S Infinity CR Plus AB's, as well as my two Iwata AB's, disassembling them down to the last nut, washer and seal. The 'Gang" looks brand new and I'm eager to give them a go. Thanks for the inspiration.
  20. John WOW, what a conversion and going to be a gem to follow. Surely looks as if you have it so very well thought out and the initial work under control. Will be following with great interest.
  21. Carl Awesome conversion and the quality of the 3D Printed parts looks very impressive. Going to be intently following your progress.
  22. Thanks Guys, I so greatly appreciate all your comments, thoughts and suggestions. I normally respond to each post individually but in this case, I feel it's more appropriate to say: Thank You all as we are all talking about the same. Yes, my wife's and my medical issues (thankfully we're doing well and headed in the right direction), played a part in my final decision as the enjoyment of the build was long gone. As the frustrations built, I lost the fight and time to move on. I still plan on building towards the competition next year, in both 48th and 32nd scale but in much more familiar territory. I've already pulled out from the underway area of my stash, my Tamiya P-38F Lightening and she is back on the bench. In the very early hours of the morning, I cleaned off any specs of dust that crept into the storage container and started to clean up the landing gear as needed and redid the main canopy framing which is somewhat quite intricate; I hoping to do a progress thread update next week. Unfortunately, the P-38 isn't going to be a contest build as I'm way too deep into the build for that, as the Quinta detail already installed in the front office removed her from the OOB categories. I feel the juices coming back but most important of all, my friends have been here with support and a helping hand when needed - I am so grateful. .
  23. TRASHED Without question, the KH SH60B has to be the one of most frustrating, ill-fitting and poorest engineered kits I've ever wasted my money on. It has become a losing battle with an enjoyment level of zero for me. Yes I know the kit can be built by better modelers then I, as I have seen examples completed online but mine will never be one of them. I've ordered and wasted more money on AM that I don't even have yet (Werners Wings) and Oliver had so graciously sent a nice amount of Eduard PE (which I will be returning). Lesson learned even at my old age. The grand plan of a contest model has ended in complete failure. I have nothing more to say as the Seahawk has beaten me into submission and I just have no desire, energy or will to continue the fight and do battle. Maybe dealing with all the illnesses my wife and I have faced the past few years has something to do with it, who knows. I'm done fighting a losing battle. At 2:30 AM this morning, I boxed up the kit, threw in the towel and all the plastic components are now in my recycling bin, the paper and carboard will also to be recycled.
  24. Oliver Right now, I'm just working on actually getting them to build up as per the instruction's drawings. I might add a bit of extra detail but I'm way away from that at this point.
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