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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Thanks Mike, very much appreciated. In all my years, I can't remember having so many painting go backs from overspray - just a tough kit to work around. But I'm getting ready for decal prep: gloss and decaling and then it's the home stretch. can't wait to cross the finish line.
  2. Outstanding work in every respect. Beautifully done
  3. Right with Gaz - beautiful work
  4. Kev Brilliant and simply amazing work. A jewel for sure.
  5. Mike What can I say .. simply in a class by herself. Your build and water diorama are spectacular. I've always wanted to build a ship one day and at this stage of the game do not have the eyesight let alone the skills to even attempt one.
  6. Thanks Hubert, so very much appreciated. Yes, you are so right as chemotherapy has made tremendous strides and progress and if it wasn't for my awesome oncologist and how he administered the chemo, odds are, I wouldn't be here. No doubt you know all too well the side effects and I've had my share plus cardiac issues directly related but thank goodness all is under control with medication.
  7. martin Looking mighty good - what a terrific idea and in your hands -simply stellar .
  8. John Nice change of pans and it might n ot be that the canopy stripes are too wide but a bit on the bright side. Looking so good
  9. CAMMO WORK IS DONE After I posted the photographs of the upper cammo, I carefully reviewed each one and found some bleed throughs and over spray spots – one of the major pluses of photographing your work as you go – finding mistakes and go backs that you might not notice on the real deal. What caused the painting mishaps was trying to mask around the antennas, struggling to mask corners in the tights areas between the fuselage and nacelles and around bulges – I just couldn’t get the masks sit down as needed. OF finishing the underside portion of the cmmo, I created a few more go backs which I am nearly done correcting – ran plain old out of steam and it will have to wait for a few more days to finish up before glossing and decal prep. Since finishing my chemotherapy a good nine months ago, my hands haven’t been steady enough for free hand cammo but slowly improving, with modeling being excellent therapy. There seemed no time like the present to give it a go again and see what happens. I actually wound up not just repainting all the overspray and bleed through spots I saw; other areas were also redone and it’s nearly impossible to tell which areas were painted which way. One happy camper and amazed at how my hands have progressed! Next up was the fuselage tailband which proved a bit harder then I originally thought. The fuselage band butts straight up tight against the vertical stabilizer, which made masking on both sides impossible. What I should have done is paint that area first, mask and then the cammo. But of course, I never gave it a second thought until I was ready to add the fuselage band, which now required two days of some tricky masking to get the job done. The fuselage band color is a very light bluish/green/cream mix, not Sky. I did a good deal of research with the explanations, as always all over the place. I’m happy with the color and it was also used on the spinner. The underside of the left wing and right horizontal stabilizer masked out and painted flat black, while the balance of the underside of the Whirlwind was painted in RAF Sky. Researched showed at the early stages of the war, this was done so ground gunner crews could identify RAF aircraft from those of the Luftwaffe. Sometime in 1940/41, the practice was discontinued as I assumed it wasn’t that successful.
  10. Paul Looking mighty good. The repaint looks spot on the money to me. Take care of yourself as the symptoms of low blood sugar are serious. Are you under a doctor's treatment?
  11. Rob OMG, does the bulkhead detailing and weathering look fantastic.
  12. John Simply stellar work - your Panther is looking fantastic
  13. Martin WOW- looking fantastic. Going to be quite a 1/72 vignette
  14. John Nice going .. lets see what happens.
  15. John Kind of figure that. I wonder if their acrylic line which is available, has the correct color. I pick up a bottle and see how it looks. Thanks for looking.
  16. John MM GSB looks so good, I'm going to start trying to find a few bottles - odds are I won't but I'll give it a try anyway.
  17. Martin Thanks you for posting the photographs - some incredible modeling.
  18. Kev Sure wish I could but I'll be 75 in six weeks and I'm happy to be able to just do one thing at a time these days 😉
  19. Congrats to the winners and enjoy your kits so very well earned.
  20. Rob Agreed, those tiny little buggers are a pain and do have a tendency to popoff when shooting on the next clear coat. But in the end, oh they look so good. I wish they would be the rub on type, which go on over a flat coat but I'm sure it will never happen and it would most likely have some issues as well.
  21. John Agreed and my collection is slowly growing
  22. John WOW, you're paint work and finish looks flawless! I'm pretty sure you're shooting MM enamels and their GSB color is the spot on. Just never understood if one manufacture can get it so right, why can't others?
  23. Martin Nice find and I have so little willpower, I have a very hard time passing up a bargain and same as you. Deep down I know the odds of building it, especially at this stage of the game, isn't good. 😉
  24. Gaz, it's a tossup and I had my heart set on doing the 109 first and then the P-40. See what happens
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