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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Thanks, Dennis, for the information. never thought such a small detail would turn into something so important.
  2. Thanks Hurbert, completely agree. I'm thinking good old silver aluminum in color should do.
  3. Jeff Could be but if I were a pilot back in those days and being trapped in the cockpit with a fire burning, the crowbar, would be my only chance of not burning to death. I'm only guessing but if it wasn't there, I would be having a long chat with my crew chief.
  4. Thanks Kai, very much appreciated and no one works at the pace John does and flawlessly as well.
  5. Carl, thanks for the information, as I have read that as well. NOt sure which color to use yet but red is out.
  6. Thanks John, but how true. I only have made this much progress in a short time for me, as I started a number of the assemblies while working on both the GT40 and Embraer 190, waiting for the gloss paint to dry. Lots of waiting time and nothing to do on either build, so I started small assemblies on the Spit. Seems to have worked out well, as so many of these assemblies were done and waiting in the wings for the build to actually start.
  7. Jeff Thank you for all the detailed photographs of the dropdown door with the famous crowbar. While Tamiya's rendition is very well done, Barracuda's set seems to be a little finer and for a few dollars, well worth the upgrade.
  8. Guys, please stop using this forum for a build thread, as I do not think it was intended for this purpose. If you are posting photos of your build, just start a build thread in the right forum, as posting your work here makes it so hard to follow as it's mixed with whose knows what. Same amount of work but now everything is where it belongs. Much appreciated
  9. Mark3 Fantastic progress on the Lanc - you're surely at full speed ahead on the build
  10. Sasha Beautiful work and the weathering - spot on. 🏆
  11. Hi Kev Your progress is amazing and looking so good. I read Rob's comments about the engine and it's a shame MiniArt supplied the wrong engine in your kit. At least the recognized the error and corrected it.
  12. Thanks Mark Now that our home renovation is done and with 90% of everything back in its place, the pressure is off and I have loads of time to spend in my studio. It's rarely a day goes by, I don't spend a few hours at the bench and a good deal of days a lot more then that. 👍 I wish I could work at your pace and accomplish the type of work you do.
  13. Thanks Carl, very much appreciated. I lucked out and found a set, but I should have been smarter and asked as my options were running out. 🙃 So far, it's the only weak spot I found in the kit and this is my third Tamiya Spit.
  14. Carl Nice find for sure. Would be cool in a NMF and make a nice pair with your NMF MkXVIe Spit.
  15. Nothing more iconic then the Toilet Bomb❗
  16. Paul Glad you now have the missing parts and can keep the build moving.
  17. John Completely agree. and the same goes with all the internal details that will never be seen if all the panels are not left off .. just not cup of tea.
  18. John Nice work on the Big radial and completely agree, spending a lot of time wiring her up when almost nothing will be seen depending on how you have the cooling louvers, was the right way to go.
  19. Bill Looking good and maybe using Mr Surfacer for that hard to reach seam/gap might have been a bit easier in cleaning it up.
  20. Gaz Weathering is adding a lot of character and feel to your Jagdpanzer and I always appreciate you taking the extra time to both photograph and explain how you go about creating your weathering. Looking mighty good
  21. Dennis, Eureka❗ I can't thank you enough. That's the perfect detail photograph and exactly what I needed to know. Now I know how to mask and finish the armor plate as I'm not too far priming now.
  22. Much appreciated Rob Thoroughly enjoying the build and with a bit of extra care, no fit issues at all. I've always been a "neat and clean" guy and except for some light weathering, like the "museum finish" look as I look at my display case as my personal museum. When I owned my owe plane, I would wash and wax her every week, as I just enjoyed looking at her sparkle and glisten in the sun - guess it carried through to my model building. I have been lately thinking about doing a diorama or a vignette and that's the point, I'll need to play with some form of more aggressive weathering - just not to much.
  23. Thanks Gaz An iconic and classic design that seems to grow over time and she does look so good.
  24. Thanks Kev Kust a gem of a kit and so far, no vices at all. In all these years, I thought I would never use any glue other then Extra Thin but I've found so many uses for Revell Pro Contacta, it's become an everyday glue along with my Tamiya glues.
  25. Carl Know the feeling all too well but stick with the B-24 and get her across the line. HB's mistake isn close to unforgiveable as to what the kit costs.
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