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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Kai What and eye for details - glad to see you caught the two missing canopy parts, scratch them out and added them to the Mirage. Nice work on the Shafrir2 rockets. Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Alan Nice to see your 190 underway again. Some of the best medicine is building and hanging out on the forum. Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Martin and Ernie A Buddy build - awesome. let the good times roll. Keep 'em comin Peter
  4. Thanks Scott. Glad to see you are building Tamiya's F4 and making nice progress. I found the intakes a dream to build and attach compared to the ZM and Hasegawa traditional method. Which scheme are you planning on doing? Why not start a build thread so we can see and appreciate your work. Keep 'em comin Peter
  5. Bryan Thank you for your kind comments on both the F4 and my photography. I do spend quite a bit of time on the photographs these setting up the lights and shooting area. Most of the photographs are focus stacked and then all are processed in Photoshop. The F4 has been a pleasure to build and it won't be long before she rolls out on to the flightline. Keep 'em comin Peter
  6. John, Nothing like planning ahead and having everything you before starting. I have tought about decals and a paint scheme yet or is it too early? Keep 'em comin Peter
  7. Thanks Kai, much appreciated I've gone as far as I am going on the right side and wing with the stencils - just want the look and feel. Keep 'em comin Peter
  8. Thanks John I really enjoy decaling but the Big Phantom is going to take a good long while to get them all down and add in the time to figure out from whose decal sheet I use for each group. Keep 'em comin Peter
  9. John Does it mean you'll be diving into the P-51B? Keep 'em comin Peter
  10. IT’S DECALING TIME 8/18/21 I’ve finally reached the portion of the build I like the most: decaling. After all the color coats had dried thoroughly, I gave the Big F4 a thorough going over with a Tamiya anti-static brush, removing any dust that still might be lurking here and there. Time to gloss the Phantom and my preferred gloss: Mr Color #46 Clear Gloss. Yes, it smells and even when thinning I wear a good respirator. I glossed the undersides first, let dry for a good six hours then gloss the top and sides and left to dry overnight. Tamiya’s decals look wonderful and they are getting better and better. The fly in the ointment is I had purchased had two Furball F4 Bravo Mig Killer decal sets a few years back for the Academy F4B & F4B/N , never built either the kit. The Furball decal set is gorgeous and printed by Cartograf. The dilemma, which decals to use. I decided to use the best from Tamiya and Furball. Both sets include the gorgeous CAG F4B of VF-51,The Screaming Eagles on a specific date of 5/6/72 so they should be the same but they aren’t. Looking over each set, I found loads differences in color, size and thickness of the lettering and the Eagle itself, especially with the Tail Feathers. Diving in, this is all I’ve accomplished so far and it’s a combination of both sets. The Screaming Eagle is from Tamiya as the Furball Eagle just doesn’t fit right as with the Danger/Intake decal – the Furball decal was a bit too big and didn’t fit naturally as well as the Tamiya. Nope I’m not planning on drowning the F4 with stencil data, just enough to look good and somewhat busy. While both sheets have the minimum of clear carrier film, I do worry a bit more about the possibility of silvering with the Tamiya decals as they are a bit thicker and the carrier film has a slightly milky look to it. I also wanted to see how the Tamiya black boarder stripes worked for the red tip bands and applied the first one to the top of the vertical stabilizer – it fits just fine. Just a few images to show as I’m out of the gate, with the decaling well underway with most of the decals now finished on the right-hand side of the fuselage and wing. Just a few quick images of where I’m at. Thanks for checking in Peter Nearly done decaling the right hand side and keeping the stencils to a realistic number before it drive me nuts.
  11. Phil Much appreciate but what did you do with the tail that was so bad? Keep 'em coming Peter
  12. Old age on my part - hate getting old and my apologies to Cees. Keep 'em comin Peter
  13. Gaz Glad to see you decided to push ahead as you poured in an abundance of hard work and determination and nice to see the 109 up on her gear. Agree with Rob, about the gear in the second photo - hope it's an easy fix as the 109 just won't give in for sure. Keep 'em comin Peter
  14. Frank Hope you enjoyed your vacation and looking forward to your next update Keep 'em comin Peter
  15. Ernie Looking mighty good Keep 'em comin Peter
  16. There are lots of other way over done subjects to add to the list but I think a WWII subject will have a wider appeal then a WWI subject. Best to sit tight and wait for an announcement as to what their first release will be rather then just guessing, which is what we use to do for the new yearly Tamiya release which has ceased to be. if it's a quality kit and from the team working on it, all the indications are t it will be a first class kit. Keep 'em comin Peter
  17. Thanks Gaz Going to be playing with the area again and will add a bit more soot and grime Keep 'em comin Peter
  18. Thanks Rob I'll be doing a bit more weathering after all the decals are on and everything is sealed. Keep 'em comin Peter
  19. Ernie I did an earlier post today asking if anyone might have some inside information but it appears we're all in the same boat and will have to just wait and see. One thing for sure, if the new kit(s) are going to be up to the standard of WNW, they surely won't be $99 each. Quality costs and I'm all in. Keep 'em comin Peter
  20. Kotar, a new upstart model company from New Zealand and they are working on two new 32nd scale WWII aircraft kits. Could this be part of a WNW rebirth? Richard Alexander (formally WNW) is the general manager, Darren Mildenhall (formally WNW) and Jason McAdam (formally WNW) are on the Kotar Team as well. This is the link to their website: www.kotare-models.com Does anyone have an inside scoop or information? Keep 'em comin Peter
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  21. Dennis Perfect purchase - save those knees and legs plus helps organize the stash Keep 'em comin Peter
  22. John Absolutely! Your mark: speed and perfection Keep 'em comin Peter
  23. Hubert Surely hope so and the juices start flowing again Keep 'em comin Peter
  24. John Smooth as silk - love the free hand cammo. Keep 'em comin Peter
  25. Rob Decal look perfect - amazing work. Keep 'em comin Peter
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