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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Oliver Nice start on the chain link fence and looking mighty good.
  2. Very nice progress and looking mighty good.
  3. Mike Thanks so much for all the information and photographs. Absolutely incredible work on two beauties from the Iron Works Gang in Bethpage. NMF looks spectacular and I'm happy I took the plunge yesterday and ordered $50 worth of Vallejo Metallics from Sprue Bros. Seems there are two ranges of Vallejo Metallics and I bought the newest version in the larger bottle which seems to be the one you used, as you could pour the unused portion back in the bottle. I planned to use my standard Tamiya Gloss Black Lacquer or MRP Gloss Black for the base over MRP Gray Primer - my standard procedure for NMF's. Ame here in that I'm tending to use more Model Air and Mig Ammo acrylics for health reasons, no smell and easy cleanup.
  4. Thanks PW for the insight and info, and completely agree. Alcald here in the States is still the same product, with no changes. Just thought MRP might have bought the company as their range of Metallic paints seems to be the same.
  5. Carl WOW, absolutely a gold mine - congrats and enjoy. Of course, a bit of envy needs to be also thrown in 😉
  6. Carl Some terrific electrical engineering work and thanks for the size comparison, Cylon Raider sure is big!
  7. John Some mighty nice work - the Aires bomb bay looks spot on the money.
  8. John What can I say ... there are just those days. Some mighty nice engineering getting the Aires bomb bay to fit after the fuselage was glued up. I can just imagine how you felt and the cuss factor running in high gear when you found that the guns were backwards. Glad you took a break, relaxed, worked out a POA and is A-OK. The MG do look might good.
  9. Looking forward to the update.
  10. Has anyone used these yet? I'm thinking of trying a few to see how they compare to both Alclad and AK. Also, are the new MRP Metallics (at least to me) the same as Alclad? Thank You Peter
  11. Jani Some might nice work getting the kit to the stage you're at. A ton of work and I think you made the right choice going wheels up. No question about it; the Academy seat is on the left
  12. Carl Nice progress for sure. I'm still always amazed and somewhat envious at your ability to work on so many kits simultaneously and maintaining your high standards for each kit.
  13. Terrific start and certainly my style of building ... will be following for the full journey.
  14. Gus Awesome progress. looking might good and the Viggen is one big bird for sure. If CA is too risky, I would always default to Micro's Kyrstal Kleer, which I use to attack most of my canopies with no matter what the modeling material is.
  15. With all the modern technology, not creating an accurate model is close to a crime. Unfortunately, it all seems to come at a price these days, as we demand so much and that just fuel to the price elevator. The Beaufighter will be awesome for sure.
  16. Rob Nice work on applying the X22. These days, I tend to use both X22 and LP-9 and thin both to approximately: 1 pt clear to 1.75 or 2 pts of self leveling thinners and in multiple coats. As the very thin coast build up, the surface becomes super smooth and glossy, I have had the same experience as you in the past and my solution was the same as your, a thin application of SLT's, blow dry with the AB and all was fine.
  17. John Beautiful cammo work and nothing like shooting with enamels - sure wish they would make a comeback here in the states. Tamiya's fit: amazing. Fingers crossed the Aires bomb bay set arrives today.
  18. Carl Nice start of the LED lighting and the perfect solution to the fit issue - results look spot on. Sometimes it hard to realize the chosen paint color was not good and start over but the new choice seems to work well. Nice work on the louvers.
  19. Carl Looking so good and having to deal with decal issues right at the end of the build. Agreed, just leave the decals now as is, and bring her across the line.
  20. Kurok Thank you for the link - some very impressive work.
  21. Rob WOW, gorgeous work! WNW details are amazing and your treatment: brilliant. Chipping is looking mighty good as well.
  22. Sure hope so, as I've also followed a number of builds and none seem to have had anywhere near a gap that large.
  23. Thanks Carl, much appreciated. The past few days of bench time have been devoted to finishing and weathering the landing gear and as well, applying the zillion of Tamiya decals for the loadouts - easily a good weeks' worth of work ahead.
  24. Jeff Spot on. Just an incredible build and there isn't an update that doesn't include at least one mini tutorial or how to!🏆
  25. Thanks Rob, even at my tender old age, I'm always learning and try to pass it on in my build threads. I've also been on the learning end 100 times more when following builds on the forum.
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