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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by GazzaS

  1. Here are some quick and dirty pics. You'll notice Bob's buckle used on the albatros along with monofilament fishing line.... I used Stren 2lb. test. The tubes look really large in macro shots. Here... on the Fokker, I used elastic line and only glued the tips of the line where I wanted... You really don;t need turnbuckles if you don;t want to use them...WNW says not to bother. It's all easier than you think.
  2. Hi Kai, There are a couple jigs out there that are useful. You've seen the one I'm using on this build which is the Vertigo Jig. It's made out acrylic with some hardware and is held together with CA. I actually drilled holes and put copper pins in the joins because I kept knocking parts down. MIG makes another one that looks like it secures the model better than my Vertigo jig. Here is a link: https://www.migjimenez.com/en/scale-model-kits/2232-biplane-plastic-jig-stand-transport-evo-bi-3224.html Let me introduce you to Bob's Buckles: https://www.bobsbuckles.co.uk/index.html This is my preferred method to rig. What you get from Bob's Buckles are eyelets and brass tubes. My favorite method is to drill a hole and place and glue with CA, the eyelet in the desired place. Then I slide my line through a the tube, through the eyelet, and back through the tube where I can snip it off cleanly. Stretch line is great for this as it disappears back into the tube. This image is from Bob's page: I prefer this to Gaspatch buckles because IRL, turnbuckles don't jump out at you. But Gaspatch buckles draw my eyes every time. But to each his own. Like Rob has said, you can use monofilament fishing line. The trick with that is that I heat shrink it with an incense stick. I will be honest... I have actually melted a line before, or burnt though the wrong line. But it is stronger than elastic line. You have WNW kits... And they are Fokker's Dr. I and D.VII. So, rigging will be limited. Very limited. If you don't wish to buy a jig, here is a home made method that looks relatively simple: https://modelpaintsol.com/guides/a-brilliantly-simple-biplane-assembly-jig There is little that can go wrong with Bob's Buckles. Because the line is only glued inside the tube, it avoids glue blobs on the surface. If you make a mistake, you just cut your line, grab a fresh tube and start again. There is no need for tying tiny little knots. Because the line is drawn taut either by elastic action, or by heat shrinking, and because the ends are attached to eyelets and free-moving, there is no chance to get the angle wrong. That is one of the most common mistakes with the Gaspatch turnbuckles... getting that angle wrong on either the vertical or horizontal axes. ... tell you what... I'll see if I can manage some close up pic's of the finished installation.
  3. Say Merry Christmas to me, my brothers! Today, Santa delivered a Fisher F9F. It's the most resin I've ever seen in one place, and everything looks pretty awesome! Thank you Santa! (Ernie)
  4. There is no need to fear rigging. Especially on most German fighters. Uschi and mig make great elastic line. Rigging is a bogeyman we've created with our minds. It can be as simple as 1 piece of elastic line between two holes with 2 dabs of CA. That's how I started with a 1/48 scale Eduard Roland C.II. Actually... it might be a useful way for you to start... something cheap and disposable to learn on. Personally, I don't really find it an enjoyable experience until it is finished. Because most of the time you are afraid of what your fingers may do... or worst case, knock your model off of it's jig. ....speaking of jig.... do you have a biplane-capable jig?
  5. Loving all of your scratchbuilding! Love the little details... and the fact that the engine hangs on the bearer!
  6. Thank you, Sir! Thank you, Kai! Getting the itch to to build WWI, yet? Thank you, Rob. I'm much happier with the propeller boss, too. Thank you, Peter!
  7. The interior looks great,Peter! I'm very glad that modelling has helped improve your manual dexterity. ...I'll tell you a story: We had to go to a family birthday party. They had some drinking games and one was like this: The idea is to move the hook around the guy without hitting him and setting off a buzzer. While sober, everyone tried it and none of them made it half way around without setting it off. I consider myself shaky, so had no expectation of beating anyone. But... because of this modelling thing... I did it first time around without setting off the buzzer. Nobody wanted to play it after that. My wife said: "See, your modelling is useful for something after all."
  8. Hi everyone, Not a huge update as I'm allowing the oils time to dry and harden. I've finally dealt with the propeller boss question:
  9. Ouch! How long was the dog in the Subaru?
  10. I've got two large dogs here. But they get real bones every day. Either beef neck bones or beef marrow bones. Except for a few of my wife's shoes, nothings been chewed since my youngest was a pup... six years ago.
  11. ZM kits look like a bit more than I want to bite off and chew. But I think I will make an exception for these two.
  12. Looks good, Phil. I always get extra nervous on twin boom kits, expecting bad things.
  13. Thank you Kai. The finishing steps are quite few... but I still won't finish this weekend. Paint the combing around the cockpit. Give oils a few days to dry. Seal the paint with clears. Add windscreen. ...then I can prepare for rigging. I'm not sure I'm going to use turnbuckles. The real thing are so thin IRL that I might just use a little paint.
  14. Hello friends, Finally the pin wash is done. To keep it short, instead of using one color for the entire plane, I used shades of each color zone to keep things fron contrasting too unrealistically. The exclusion to this is the louvres on both sides of the engine and under the fuselage where I used black to illustrate an open space. Anyway... pics!
  15. Some paints, thinner and a really expensive detail set for the Hobby Boss Seydlitz from the ever reliable BNA Model World. It's got everything.... and then some! I'm not ready to build it... but I didn't want the set to be gone when I finally got around 2 it.... and I wanted free shipping.
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