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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Quoting myself to share my stupidity. I was sitting at my bench working on my sons HEMTT truck, looked up on my riser and found a couple of Quinta interior sets sitting there. Yep, you guessed it. I had already bought a second set for the P-40K project. šŸ˜ It was sitting with the Trumpeter set I accidentally ordered. Double Oof.
  2. USPS just left me another care package from the Brothers of Sprue. Of course my head was up my keister when I placed the order and I have a set of P-40 canopy masks coming from eBay. The order was for the cockpit interior. Just had to add to it to make shipping worth it. The brass angle is actually to do a repair on the dashboard of my 1990 F-250. The radio and climate control trim panel clips into slots on the main dash panel. Those tiny openings break in the middle and the clips wonā€™t hold. Iā€™m going to cut 1ā€ pieces of angle and epoxy them at the crack. Might even do a work in progress thread. šŸ¤£
  3. Did someone say Seaview? It was one I built in our group build here. Tena lighting kit.
  4. Mike, welcome to the forums. I did a search over on Scalemates and came up with this info on the Avro. https://www.scalemates.com/search.php?fkSECTION[]=All&q=Avro+Arrow* It looks like there is another set of AM parts for this kit as well. But I have not heard of anyone picking up the product line. Also looks like even before he got himself into trouble he was not honoring orders placed, but putting items up on eBay and fetching higher prices. I did see some vendors with MasterCaster inventory, but not what you are looking for. I also did a quick search on the LVM stuff. Looks like a lot of people are still looking for these sets. Good luck! Iā€™ve said it many time before, and since youā€™re new here, Iā€™ll say it again. If you see any AM you think you might want, buy it now. Not when you decide to build the model. Aftermarket industry comes and goes very quickly within the timeline of the hobby. Iā€™ve seen quite a few come and go over the years due to various reasons. Cutting Edge, Fisher Model and Pattern, DMold, AMS (now continued by B&B resin) Zotz went away for a while due to health but is back now, Chris at Zacto Models had to throw in the towel due to health issues. Almost forgot about G-Factor brass landing gear too. Even Eduard will make a run of products to only be out of production and no longer available once sold out. Stock up now if you think you may want to build it one day. If you change your mind later, you can probably double your money!
  5. Love it John!! Canā€™t wait to get mine going. Iā€™ve got a Quinta interior arriving Monday, but forgot to order another set of canopy masks. So that low cost order will be another $70-$90 to make shipping worth it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  6. Close call! Momma was preoccupied by the grand babies while USPS put this on the front porch. Time for that K!
  7. Interestingā€¦..at 62 yo, Iā€™ve never personally owned a turntable nor have I ever purchased a vinyl album. Younger years I was into cars and cars came with cassette tape decks and AM/FM radios. Hell, my first car only had an AM radio. I started driving too late to get in on the 8 track fun. My brother had a huge collection of those. By the time I had any desire to listen to music in the home, I already had an extensive CD collection. Now my youngest son has commandeered the CD collection since all we use is Spotify. My 2015 Mustang came with a CD player. I have never used it. Funny thing though, I use to own the very first automotive CD player Sony made. Man, that thing skipped at the thought of hitting a tiny pothole in the road. Hell, I think rain hitting the car would make it skip.
  8. Read this yesterday. Canā€™t get that cheeseburger out of my mind. The gears are spinning in my head nowā€¦.. see, Iā€™m thinking bacon added would be a bonus. Not sure if it would work with lettuce, tomato and pickles though.
  9. A visit 3 hours away? Thatā€™s criminal. Your attorney needs to rip him a new rectum for that stunt. Honestly, sounds like heā€™s trying to set you up for either failure or a gotch moment. Like if you can travel for three hours there and home you can do your job. Make sure your attorney files suit asap. There is a time limit on WC and they will close the case without telling you. Childhood friend and old neighbor was in your situation. I turned him on to my friend, the WC attorney. They day they met he found out he had by the end of the day to file because it was about to be timed out. He got in just in the neck of time. Now that being said, this was SC laws. Could differ with your state. BTW, WC dragged their feet so long my friend is now living on SSDI because he didnā€™t get in fast enough to reverse any damage.
  10. A good attorney will send you to a doc he knows for another opinion among other things like PT if the doc suggests it. Sometimes they even foot the bill and recover when the file is closed out. I had forgotten about this thread. But I went back for my 90 day follow-up a couple weeks ago. Surgeon told me Iā€™m not even a candidate for surgery at this time since I have progressed so well. As I told him, Iā€™m about 90%-95% back to where I was before the nerve damage. I am experiencing a lot more mid thoracic muscle pains due to not standing as straight as I was before. Beats the hell out of losing my ability to walk or throwing my SI joints out of whack.
  11. I think she finally realizes itā€™s cheaper to keep and control me. Besides, I spent the day working on her hobby, the boat. And Iā€™ll be doing it again tomorrow. Sheā€™s got it made. No dragging it to a marina for service and waiting 3 months to get it done. Iā€™ll do it in two days. In my younger days I could have done it in 6 hours.
  12. Oh, I sent the meme to the family. She replied Sell! Sell! Sell! I simply said ā€œWhy? Youā€™ll just take those winnings from me like you did at the casino last week.ā€ Yea, I had $30 free play and turned it into $185. She hit the cash out button and stole my ticket. šŸ˜¢
  13. With new tariffs to China in playā€¦..
  14. ScottsGT


    Sheā€™s probably menopausal. My wife is going through it now with the hormone blockers sheā€™s been on post breast cancer. Itā€™s kind of funny around our home lately. I use to be hot all the time. Even winter I was wearing tee shirts and sometimes shorts. I lost 50 lbs and now I canā€™t stay warm enough. Wife is hot flashing it all the time. It will be 35 degrees out side and sheā€™ll open the back sliding door and go outside to cool off, but leaving the door open to freeze me. Itā€™s quite the show Iā€™m getting sometimes with her ripping off her bathrobe and night gown while watching TV. Iā€™ll casually look over and tell her Iā€™m not interested now, you can put your clothes back on.
  15. Problem might have been just using the wrong knife. I was using a chefs prep knife. Big wide thick blade.
  16. Sorry for laughing at that Carl, but thatā€™s a classic! Publix grocery stores have sales on standing rib roast just before Christmas every year. This year it was $6 a lb. Last year it was $4 a lb. Limit two. I bought a 4 rib for dinner and a 6 rib to cut up into nice thick ribeyes. Had three of them with family this past weekend. I did discover that I need a really nice and sharp butchers knife that will hold an edge. I thought I was buying nice knives when I went with Wusthofā€™s a few years back. Either I got counterfeit or they are total crap at holding an edge.
  17. Damnit Carl! Stop posting yummy pics like that. Iā€™m gonna wind up eating my iPad. I wanted to try a brisket again a few months back. Publix wanted $11 a pound. Yea, that wasnā€™t happening. Went to Samā€™s Club last week and they were marked down to $4 a pound. Of course it didnā€™t show up at the register so I told them to keep it.
  18. I looked at some of the other sold guns. This makes no sense to me. I know old Winchesters are valuable, but was this some rifle owned by a famous person? Or Winchester #1?
  19. Outstanding! I have a weak spot for colorful warbirds.
  20. My sons were begging me to build one of those years ago. Parking lot donuts look like more fun than you should be allowed with your pants on.
  21. Looking great John!
  22. Wow. Thatā€™s full auto price range. What was it?
  23. Amazing how expensive Garands have gotten. The youngest son got one of the special grade rebuilt by the CMP armorers. I think it was $1200 when it came out. I had originally built him one from the wood less Danes they were selling for $300. I put it together with a new Boydā€™s stock, did a really nice boiled linseed oil finish on it, sent it off to Springfield Inc for a black park job. In the meantime I ordered the special grade for a close friend. When he saw the one I did for my son, he went nuts wanting it and traded me the special grade for it. Back in December I watched a special grade CMP rifle sell for $3600 on Gunbroker. šŸ˜±. Later on another sold for $3200 or $3400. As far as older S&Wā€™s, they just introduce 3 models at SHOT that come without the Hillary Hole lock. Theyā€™re finally listening to customers.
  24. I never did either. Went to price them on eBay years back. And it looks like I wonā€™t!
  25. Well, first Iā€™ve noticed this post. Read the headline and thought you built this: But dagnabbit John! Itā€™s so damned odd I had to have one and just placed an order for the kit from Super Hobby. Your build is spectacular! Will look great next to my oddball Cutlass. Looking forward to this one. edit: I just realized yours is the 1/48 kit. I ordered the 1/32 kit.
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