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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. PAINT UPPER Using Mr. Color RLM74 and RLM75 diluted 3:1 upper camo is applied. It was late...think Paint 0030. Decided to get a little creative with the mottle. Must have been the lacquer fumes. Final results, NOPE! Repaint black base. New application of RLM 76
  2. This is an interesting clip on The First Air Force One (think Ike). The Lockheed Constellation is one of the most beautiful multi engine a/c designs ever. Truly a multi-role a/c Enjoy
  3. COWLING MASK This will indeed be a most daunting task for me. With copy of a line drawing from Yellow MMP's P-47 Thunderbolt, straight edge and French Curve I rendered the Scalloped Cowling art. Port side. Scanned then a horizontal flip for the starboard side. Execute a FPO for test fit. Looks good. Now on to some cutting.
  4. just a beautiful rendering. great work on the wood grain panels!
  5. Thanks Ted. That's what she said, Appreciate the kudos Jim.
  6. "jaw hits floor!" The plane build is top. Then you just advance to the water effects. true artistry. You nailed it! Bravo Arno!
  7. Jane is looking might fine!
  8. really nice and through review, well done. waiting to watch the build-off guys!
  9. Thanks Paul. Not that hard. Alclad has been good to me so far. Thanks Matt. Always happy to inspire you.
  10. ANTIGLARE After some masking and black base applied, Mr Color 304 Olive Drab thinned 3:1 painted for the antiglare. Masking tape removed from the tail shows some touch up needed on the rudder hinges. Will most likely do this before I add the black stripe on the rudder and stabilizers, TBD. Then the Scalloped red cowling, yikes! Will need to clean/touch up around the hinges. Fin Fillet dry fitted.
  11. After an overall coat of Alclad Aluminum I begin working on the panels, control surfaces, etc. I must have used about a mile of Tamiya Masking Tape. Cowling has light coverage as this will be shot with Insignia Red. Panel color selection is random. Control surfaces were specifically painted Semi Matte Aluminum. Other Alcald colors used: Airframe Aluminum, Dura Aluminum, Dark Aluminum, White Aluminum and Magnesium. Next step will be Anti Glare application. Apologizes for iPhone pics. The SLR is on leave. Albeit, I do like how the color of my shirt was picked up on the Alclad finish. The wastegates and supercharger panel were given a shot of Pale Burt Metal for exhaust base and heat weathering.
  12. PUTTY SAND REPEAT Hopefully this will solve the sink mark issue. Time for primer and paint.
  13. Tamiya XF64 and Black: 5:1 then lots of thinner
  14. uber thinned! like an overall wash you apply on a model.
  15. highly diluted Raw Umber...brush on. or spray brown/black highly diluted.
  16. Thanks Dave. Yes, please move to LSM WIP.
  17. Making progress on the Mistel FW190A8. Laying down the paint begins. After Mr. Surfacer 1500 applied I thinned Mr. Color RLM 76 and got to work. Mr. Color RLM 02 applied to wheel wells and flap openings. After wheel wells and flap openings masked RLM 76 application is completed. Power Egg is dry fitted. The Mistel 2 FW190A8's had the MG131's removed to add a fuel tank. Gun openings were covered with field prepared panels. The outboard wing Mg151's were removed and gun openings buttoned up. A thinned wash of RLM 76 will be applied to blend the mottle application. RLM 74 and RLM 75 application on deck
  18. hihihihihihihihi
  19. Thank you Kent. I will give it an effort.
  20. Any recommendations?
  21. so tempted.....
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