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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. aren't we all. Cheers!
  2. really nice. you got the painting down my coaching for you is "panel line wash" like a Florys or MiG. the difference will be immediately noticed. continue your great work, have fun and ask more questions.
  3. is this the Cheyenne tail?
  4. DISPLAY STAND READY TO PAINT Easter Break and Spring Break chaos out of the way. Finally some bench time. The stand build is now complete. Off to the paint shop tonight. A few FW190 preview shots included. Will scratch build a ladder which will rest on leading port wing edge. Antenna wire is EZ line with white glue blobs for resistors, then painted white. This weighs down the EZ Line just right. Not sure if I am going to sling the port harness over the cockpit edge.
  5. My call will be Jug in 2016, late summer release!
  6. Call it wishful thinking or sensing a pattern. I never saw the Tamiya Mossie coming, caught me totally off guard. Yeah heard some rumblings last summer. Then BOOM! Mossie out. Tamiya may be loading up for a special launch of a new kit or two sooner than we expect. Just a hunch. Pray for a Jug...any Jug. Agree on Mossie Night Intruder. I have the Ju88C conversion and would love to have an all black Mossie NF and all black 88C side by side.
  7. very nice well worn look. welcome to LSM. look forward to see more posts.
  8. Great news for Mossie lovers. Exceptional engineering and buildability will be a given with Tamiya's FB Mk.VI release. With HK's B Mk.IV there is now clearly two very nice offerings for Mossie enthusiasts. Will be interesting to see comparisons of both kits. This is a rivet counter's wet dream. With plans to snag the B Mk.IV. Now with the FB Mk.VI release looks like I will have another stash fire sale. I envision a FB Mk.VI and Ju88C in black finish on my shelf.
  9. Me thinks Tamiya might unleash some surprises in near future.
  10. MISTLE 190 DISPLAY STAND Mk.I (M190DS Mk.I) The problem arose when I was thinking how to display when not mounted on my Ju88. I decided to scratch build a display stand, call it a prototype. My Plastistruct inventory took a hit and I put together a base with square tubes, half circle rods and rods. The mounts were carefully copied after the AIMS supplied mounts which will be used on the completed Ju88. Lots of measuring, test fitting. The 95% final result yielded several things: A display stand for the Mistel 2 FW190A8 A prototype for the struts on the Ju88 I learned and will apply several short cuts and important construction guidelines when I begin M190DS Mk.II I need to add the strut for the tail support. I used some of my son's Lego pieces for the photo shoot. When complete, I will prime and paint. Colors will be RLM76 and RLM 75. I taped the fuselage of Revell's Ju88 together in order to get precise measures for the main struts, rear strut and exact location. What I build here will be duplicated in scope and scale when I build the struts on the Ju88. Brass wire was drilled in both ends of each main strut. I may take a different approach on the M190DS Mk.II build. The FW190 is 99.9% done. Some minor cleaning and finishing yet to do. It's pretty crowded and the fit is tight.
  11. WEATHERING FIRST STEPS Florys Wash applied then a filter of diluted black/brown applied. Exhaust filter and MiG pigments on deck. This is my first complete NMF using Alclad and I really like the difference that Flory's wash offers. Before Florys. Hey, I'm a P47D-26 RA with "retro/field fitted" bomb racks, compression flaps and fin fillet! Wait! I'm a P47D-25 RA with "retro/field fitted" bomb racks, compression flaps and fin fillet.
  12. Colorful metaphors often emerge from my bench. Ask my 8 & 10 year old kids.
  13. Several have asked about the KG 200 unit badge. The KG 200 unit badge is an interesting use of the cartoon characters "Vater und Sohn" (Father and Son). "Vater un Sohn" is the creation of artist Erich Ohser using pseudonym E.O. Plauen and were published as regular strips in a Berlin magazine in the mid to late 30's. The Mistel program code name "Beethoven" was referred to as "Vater un Sohn" by the pilots and staff of KG200. Therefore, the "Vater und Sohn" Staffelwappen was adopted by KG 200. Image credit: Mistel, German Composite Aircraft and Operations 1942-1945 - Robert Forsyth Ohser began to criticize the Nazi party with defeatist comments and was arrested by Gestapo in 1944. Goebbels personally handled this case. His fate obvious, Ohser committed suicide the day before his trial. The "Vater und Sohn" strips appear today in several German publications. For me, one of the many joys of this hobby is the immersion of the unique history of each subject. Image credit: Google
  14. what a great finish and a great plane. Waiting for the 1:32 to be released.
  15. Great finish Mike. Always love your photography. I have found myself well stocked with a handful of 109's for the same reason as you. All those awesome schemes. Have a few 190's too and will most likely enhance when the Revell 190 comes out
  16. great finish and bravo on slapping those demons around.
  17. Looking good mike. I have the Azur H75 and will certainly raid the left over pit parts to my Trumpy 40B. Albeit I might cave and get the LoneStar pit.
  18. truly a pleasure to watch. During a build session I would love to be at your bench and just observe. I'd be willing to hold the beer (or whatever) for you.
  19. Check Maketar and Miracle Masks for the National Insignia and custom Codes and Serial numbers. I have used Maketar for custom masks and have been most pleased. Have not worked with Miracle Masks, yet...soon Mal. However several on this forum have had custom masks done by Miracle Masks with great results. If you can get a clear image of "Wicked Wacker Weegie" nose art Maketar or Miracle Masks might be able to cut it. Good luck
  20. great finish, great scheme! an exemplary effort. You are on a roll my friend with these exception builds and most compressed bench time.
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