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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. Yes, and yes. This is a USD$24 kit which builds really nice OOB. It's all relative, add another USD$90 and you have a complete uber kit. A few pits and MG131 upgrades will be ordered. Nice review Jim.
  2. Great review on really nice upgrades. I have all of these, new prop on the way soon. My Dora stash is significant. There seems to be a Wurger uprising these days, that's a good thing.
  3. great work on this. love the scheme. One of my Mustangs is slated for the Swiss scheme.
  4. nice build..
  5. beautiful. love the upgrades and those invasion stripes.
  6. Hasegawa's P47D Bubble Top was used for Frank Perego's mount "Slick Chick". Overall a sound kit and fun build with only issue being having to lower the engine mount by about 1mm. See my WIP log. BUILD DETAILS Alclad II - various shades Gunze and Valliajo used throughout Flory's Wash Thinned brown & black wash followed by Alclad II Semi Matte overall MiG pigments for dirt, exhaust, powder burns on blast tubes and ordnance weathering Added various wires & plumbing in R2800, cockpit, wheel wells, landing gear and bombs Aftermarket items Eduard bomb fins/belts, Hasegawa brass blast tubes, Barracuda wheels Scratch built the M10 bazookas, K14 glass, oxygen hose, fuel lines on drop tank and static wire With flaws too numerous to mention this build yielded some great lessons as my skill-sets continue to evolve. Thank you all for your encouragement and support during this build. June will be dedicated to rebuilding my bench and setting up new photo table.
  7. Finished. A few pics until I post in Finished Work.
  8. rkranias

    New WnW GB!

    15 Dec! Even I might be able to finish this one.
  9. nice to overcome the hurdles. looking really nice.
  10. Thanks Matt. Next is tear down bench and rebuild. Most likely to resume around late June. ON DECK: Ju88 G1/G6 Mistel 2 - finish Typhoon - finish FW190C - finish Tamiya Mossie from delivery to bench DH.9 Greek - assumption WNW GB will be 2 seater Ju388 Conversion
  11. Pit clean and tidy, blast tubes added and landing gear set. Nav and recognition lights Next steps: Antenna, mirror, pitot, drop tank and ordnance to be added. Brake lines need to adjusted, wheels weathered...closer yet. Apologizes for iPhone pic.
  12. rkranias

    New WnW GB!

    Ναι! Θα κατασκευάσω ελληνικό DH.9.
  13. rkranias

    New WnW GB!

  14. Hasegawa AH64 - my cousin is currently an AH64 driver. Going to build it for him. He sent me lots of pics when he was FOB Afghanistan. Revell FW190F-8 at USD$24 a pop I could not buy just one. At least one is destined for a captured Wurger. So many schemes...
  15. Nice review James. The thing about the treaded/ribbed FW190 tires (tyres to you UK chaps) is I rarely see photo of Wurgers with treaded/ribbed tires. I have all 3 volumes of Creek & Smith's FW190 and Valiant's #7 FW190 I can count the number of photos of FW190's with treaded/ribbed tires on both hands, perhaps a few toes as well. Any feedback on this is most welcome. My Revell 190's are due here tomorrow, one is destined to be a captured "Butcher Bird". Very excited to drool over the sprues, also have a set of Eduard undercarriage.
  16. Kalimera Nick. Great work and problem solving on the pit.
  17. Oh yeah, I gots a Mossie!
  18. sad I sold mine!
  19. Thanks Jim. Your mottle coaching helped tremendously. The Revell kit is on my sights when available. Thanks Dave. See the belt? Thanks - Telford trip is TBD. Have room secured. Other variables need to fall in place. Thanks Ralph. Just some light mottle. Thanks. Epic? Perhaps the build timeline is epic. Thanks Aaron. Did ya notice the slung harness? Ju88 is on the bench and hope to finish by end of summer. Thanks Jonathan. Always happy with any accolade. 1st place was a very nice Ki43. BTW my kids took 1st in their categories (12 and under) ... they've been teasing me since.
  20. This was a truly enjoyable build with plenty of engineering challenges and build drama. My WIP link is: FW190A8 Mistel 2 Hasegawa's 1/32 FW190A8 modified as Rudi Riedl's FW190A8 Mistel 2. 6./KG200 Tirstrup, Denmark, February 1945. Eduard photo etch for interior and CMK 600l Luftwaffe drop tank were added. EZ Line for aerial with white glue blobs painted white for resistors. Refering to Forsyth's book Mistel - German Composite Aircraft and Operations I scratch built the Ju88 throttle controls and fuel switch on port inside panel. While the center IP got Ju88 RPM/Oil Pressure Gauges and Auto Pilot control. Ignition wires to the BMW801 have been added albeit almost impossible to see but I know they are there. Decals came from the AIMS Mistel 2 sheet and some spare EagleCal decals. The 6./KG200 Mistel unit badge "Staffelwappen" on cowling as created via ink-jet printer and decal paper. Ju88G1 or G6 (not sure which one I am doing) Mistel 2 is currently on bench and will get plenty of love this summer. Revell's Ju88A-1 is the donor kit using AIMS Mistel 2 conversion. The scratch built display stand utilizes the same mount points which will be on the Ju88. This will also serve as cradle when not displaying on the Ju88. NOVA IPMS 2015 Model Classic. 2nd Place
  21. Finished! Go to Finished Work for more pics.
  22. way to fight the good fight. looking good.
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