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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. On the Cold War Studio turret, I have to figure out how to get it in and in what order. After some trail and error, here's what I came up with. First, reduce the diameter and length of the pin that mounts the 0.50 to the turret interior. This is trial and error but it's about half as long and a third narrower. Then put the gun in place. I've also added the shield but it's only dry fitted. Trim down the tabs on the inner walls that hold the parts together. I've found almost all the tabs in the kit are way too long and need trimming. I also had to sand back the rear edges of the interior bits. You can see where that is by the bare plastic. Don't glue the halves together. You need to slot them but glue the middle parts (Z8 & Z9) to one side. Insert and position one of the sides in the turret. Add the opposite 0.50 in its place (same as the first one). Then juggle and slip in the second half. Squeezing the rear bits together slightly helps it to slip in. One rear turret. Friction is the only thing holding everything in place at the moment. The nose turret can be inserted from below in one piece as it has a much larger opening.
  2. Thanks for the encouragement guys. I appreciate it and it helps keep me going. The engines() are done. The rear faces don't even have cooling vanes moulded into them. Good thing you can't see much of them. Next up was figuring out the turret interiors. At least the rear one anyways. I think one of the reasons HB split the turrets was so they could get the interior into them. Which meant I had to figure out how to get them into a one piece shell. Here's the kit parts inside the rear turret half. And closed up. A bit hard to get through the bottom opening if it's one piece.
  3. If you have a circle template, here's what I do. After cleaning up any mould seams, I spray the rubber portions on the wheels with rubber black. Once dry I just hold them behind appropriate sized circle on my circle template and spray the wheel colour. The one I use is from Hasegawa and increases in diameter by 0.5mm. And nice work on the Sherman.
  4. I'd be interested in that too
  5. I keep looking at the Meng version of that kit which comes with the dozer blade. Like Phil said, where's the GB? I think Harv is going to do a P-47 soon. Bubbletop or razorback?
  6. I just finished reading Leviathan Wakes and about to start the second in these series called Caliban's War. They're by James S.A. Corey and are the basis for The Expanse tv show.
  7. Looks very nice there Peter. I wonder if the ammo doors weren't painted which would explain their different shade. The wings were puttied which is why they got painted but I don't think the ammo doors were. Carl
  8. That's not a barrel, that's a telephone pole! Otherwise it looks great. Can't believe you only started it last week. Carl
  9. Martin, I briefly considered binning it but decided I had to at least give it a shot at fixing it. I've already binned too many multi engine bombers for one reason or another.
  10. The Asuka Shermans are considered to be some of the best Sherman kits in terms of accuracy and detail and without a lot of small fussy bits. Some folks feel the recent Rye Field kits have topped them but only barely. They go together really well without any hiccups. Even the included rubber band tracks are nicely done. Unfortunately their HVSS kits don't have rubber band tracks, just the individual link ones. The only annoying/gimmicky bit is the working suspension. They use soft rubber pads to cushion the swingarms. Some versions have a plastic spacer you can use to get rid of that "feature" and build it fixed. I used pieces of sprue cut to the right height to do the same thing. Tamiya thought they were good enough that they even re-boxed a couple. Those are silly money on the collectors markets. I've build three so far and have another three to go Carl
  11. I wonder if it was because they felt that the .303 round being smaller and lighter, they could carry more rounds of ammo for the same weight versus .50 cal. The same sort of argument of 7.62 vs 5.56 that came later on. I'd also read somewhere that the RAF had a massive stockpile of .303 ammo and wanted to use it up before buying something else. Maybe a combo of the the two? Carl
  12. Nowhere near Thanksgiving here (that was back at the beginning of October for us Canucks) but all this turkey talk made me hungry so...
  13. Sorry to hear about that Hubert. Glad to hear you're both getting better. There's too many vulnerable folks in either mine or Sue's extended family for us to skip out on the flu shot every year. I ended up getting the flu shot, shingles, pneumonia and my Covid booster shot within a couple weeks of each other earlier in the month. My arms were sore especially after the shingles shot but not as much as it was from the IV when I had my heart scare right after. Carl
  14. Ernie, any thoughts to what markings you'll do yours in? I broke down and sold one of my mountain bikes to pick one up. Don't worry, I still got another 4 so I'm not without wheels. I'm leaning towards R for Ropey which I have custom masks for. I've got the Belcher's Bits decal sheet and was thinking of the wartime VR-A but that has bulged bomb bay doors. Carl
  15. Looks great there John. I think you need to stick to planes as you're making the regular armour builders here look bad. Carl
  16. So a question for the Aussies here, is this really a mode of transportation in your country? https://driving.ca/auto-news/crashes/australian-man-gets-cooled-off-by-cops-for-driving-motorized-cooler
  17. You guys are making me hungry!!! Carl
  18. Thanks Harv!
  19. So here's the lower fuselage gap. With some strip styrene glued in place. Reinforced with CA and most of the gaps now filled and sanded to shape. Lots of panel lines to be restored but it went better than I thought it might. The topside is done too. Just a bit of filling around the nose.
  20. The problem was I no longer have access to the Liquid Gravity as it's trapped between the fuselage and the false wall I put in the nose gear bay. I thought I had enough space but didn't take into account the ribs moulded into the fuselage interior. I hadn't noticed them until I was gluing the two halves together. Thanks Peter. I filled the gap with strip styrene glued in place with cement. I then filled the remaining gaps with thin CA to add some further bonding strength. I hope.
  21. Well, I took the tape and clamps off this afternoon. There's definitely going to a bit of filler needed. Especially on the underside. Could've been worse I guess. I'm going to let it set up a bit more and tackle the seams in a day or so.
  22. Thanks guys! Definitely get the turrets if you decide to get this kit. Hit a milestone and a bit of a rock too in the build. I added the remaining nose weight to the fuselage. Then I noticed that I hadn't glued the cockpit floor to the fuselage. So the Liquid Gravity not only started to leak out but also jammed in the gap between the floor and the fuselage. Which meant the fuselage no longer closed up... So after some grinding of the fuselage interior, thankfully where it won't be seen, I got the two halves together. At least on the topside... As you can probably tell by the size of that clamp, I'm not getting it any closer. Thankfully the nose section meets or I'd have a really problem with the canopy and nose glass.
  23. Heresy!!! The pilot's name is Hikaro Ichijo and it's called Macross, not that abomination that was sold to us as Robotech by Harmony Gold. Otherwise it's a nice looking model. I wonder if the 1/60 scale was picked to go with the Yamato/Arcadia figures. MAcross: Do you Remember Love is still my favourite anime film. Carl
  24. Cool! I see it's got cameras in the conversion as the old Alley Cat set didn't.
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