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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. For the Wessex? Nice!
  2. Hi Rob, I built one a few years ago. Really enjoyed the build. The only big thing I did was modify the nose gear to better reflect the real thing.
  3. Yup, that's a Spitfire alright. Looks like a nice clean build as expected. Carl
  4. I used most of Harold's resin bits on mine too. The hardest part of the build is the intakes. They are a horrid fit. Once you get that sorted, the rest isn't as bad. Carl
  5. Nice start to the camo. Glad to hear your wife is doing well. Carl
  6. Nice work Peter. Still surprised at thr amount of dry fitting required but I guess that's reflected in the price like you said. UMM make a stainless ruler that I use for scribing panel lines where possible i just tape in place so it's less likely to slip. http://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/product_info.php?products_id=3377&osCsid=a90df386950e2ad03832761af89d993e Carl
  7. A Red Bull one for me.😝 Carl
  8. Nice progress there Rob. I believe I have that clear hatch still if you want a second one to make the window from. Let me know if you do and I'll search for it. Carl
  9. Think of it as motivation.
  10. Thanks Peter! I have no idea why they included twice as many tanks. I suspect it was a QC issue during the design of the kit. They put them on a sprue that has the bombs and other stuff that you do need duplicates of and no one noticed in their design dept I guess. They did leave one out of the instructions that you do need though so someone tried to compensate.
  11. Peter, that's what killed my B-25 builds for me. I went crazy reseaching what went where and then how to make it and then realized you can see any of it. This is my redemption build and how I'm going to approach the pair of HK Lancs in the stash. Otherwise, they'll never get done.
  12. I got a bit of work on the interior done. I added some of the waist areas details. Nothing fancy, just OOB. The waist window hatches are in place too now. I then sprayed the O2 tanks in yellow. There's a lot of them. Then I realized that Hobbyboss gives you twice as many as you need. These were glued together and then installed into the fuselage halves. They will be barely visible so I didn't bother with the seams. I started on the pilots' seats. There's a fair number of parts for these. Lastly, the MLG bays are assembled.
  13. Peter, it's definitely making things easier interior wise. So little will be seen I can take liberties with details.
  14. Phil, same here. This is my first Lib ever. Talk about jumping into the deep end.
  15. The Tamiya scriber is nice and extremely sharp. However, it's also quite brittle so don't drop it or it'll shatter. I do like that they come in various thicknesses. I've also got some PE Scribner's but haven't tried those yet.
  16. That's a pretty decent custom pickup conversion. Knowing how short a Cube is, it makes the new Maverick look like a long bed. There's a company in the US that sells conversion kits to make Mk IV Jettas (Boras I think they're called outside NA) into pickups. Doesn't look too bad when done. Edit: found it! https://www.smythkitcars.com/
  17. Nice progress Rob. I'm not a fan of re-scribing either. I've got a pair of Tamiya Tomcats that will need to be scribed. One day. Carl
  18. Looks like I'm doing fewer and fewer guns for this build. The waist gunners' windows are in place which makes sense since these planes would have been flying over the north Atlantic. The kit includes the window inserts thankfully and they're a great fit. This also cuts down further on how much of the interior is visible. I also painted the bomb bay in neutral grey.
  19. Nick, that sounds good to me with regards to the turrets. Glad to hear there's more AM starting to show up for the kit in general.
  20. Very nice John. Made me look in the stash at what Tamiya Spitfires I had left. I knew I had a pair of the XVIs but was surprised to find a IX too. Carl
  21. I've lost most of the lids that came with my Iwata airbrushes. Would probably be a good idea to find them now that you've mentioned it.
  22. Nice! You going to stick lights in it? My vote is for photon torpedo tubes. Carl
  23. Great progress there Mark. What issues did you have with the DN masks? I've used their masks on other projects without any issues so maybe I can suggest a fix. Carl
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