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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. The leather looks very good to me as does the rest of the interior.
  2. I haven't much time at the bench over the last few days but I did manage to get a pearl coat onto the front of the LUV. It's probably hard to see in the pics but it definitely has a subtle pearl finish.
  3. These days I do the same. Having learned the hard way, it only makes sense. Same with the kits that have a full engine option. Nine times out of ten, I build what's needed and don't bother with the rest. The Border Lancs are nice in that they give you the dummy engine for that very reason. Then there's the time savings involved.
  4. Chris, like the others have said look after your mom first. We can all wait a bit more for your masterpiece. For the gear, the main legs use a screw through the leg and into the wheel. Just drill a slightly small hole in the resin wheel and screw it in place. You can add some slow CA to get a better hold if you want. On the nose, I use a brass rod to replace the screw. Cut one long enough to go through the leg that sticks out on either side wide enough to mount the wheels. This time drill a hole the same size as the rod. Hope that helps.
  5. Usually it is. She does get upset if I move around too much.
  6. That's extremely disappointing with regards to the gap. I'd be one to leave the body off and showcase the work you've done on the engine and chassis.
  7. It certainly was. I had just about every bit of AM made for the kits, plus a bunch of scratch built work. A couple times I wonder if I over reacted but hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Martin yelled at me (in a friendly way) when he found out what I'd done. But as the minion in Holy Grail said,: "it's only a model!"
  8. Tim, it's very tempting and I did consider that option. But I'm still not sure I'm up to another try at the kit. The first two I started ended up binned when I fell down the rabbit hole of continuously adding details to them and then it felt like it was never going to end.
  9. Fantastic setup there Hubert. Nice to see other folks' bench spaces. The Colombia looks great too. Lovely job on the restoration. Carl
  10. Thanks for the heads-up Scott.but you're right, they won't ship to Canada. At that price I would have taken another crack at a 1/32 B-25. Third time's the charm right?
  11. Looks like this one is putting up quite the fight. I emailed Special Hobby once about spare parts and they were happy to sell it to as they had them in stock. So hopefully they have them for you. You could get the missing intake parts too.
  12. Here's the LUV. And here's the paint supervisor making sure there's at least a hair or two in the paint.
  13. So it looks like I'll be able to make it. I'm sneaking away for the day and I'm bringing our youngest. Hopefully he won't get bored too quickly. Anyone know how much admission is? For some reason I can't find it on the website. Carl
  14. The Sea Fury is behind the Tiger and the LUV is to the left of the Tiger. I know, there's so much clear space on my bench I need to find stuff to fill it up.
  15. That's a different solution to the intake problem. When I did mine, I split the trunking in two and didn't bother about trying to make it connect at the fan face. That's deep enough inside that you can't see it anyways. As for the nose weight, hopefully it doesn't cause too much fuss sealing it back up.
  16. Paul, that's a lot more wheels than I'm dealing with. The Tiger only has 48 which I glued on last night.
  17. Chris, Jeroen is on another level compared to us mortals. No idea how he does or how he doesn't get CA on everything but I'm sure they're interlinked. As for Moskit, they're definitely long gone. I suspect they're old stock or something hats been kept ont he stash for a while. There's a newer company called Rexx that does similar exhausts though.
  18. Wow John. This should be good. Like Hubert said, those intakes can be tricky but if you've built a couple already you know what you're everything into. I actually enjoyed the pair of T-33s I did. Carl
  19. It's completely over the top. The bikes that are made for kids these days absolutely blow away what existed in our time. Odds are they're more advanced than what we rode as adults. There's brands now that just do children's bikes and they easily run into the thousands of dollars. And not the Canadian Loonie kind either. Years ago, when I think our oldest was maybe 2-3 years old, I almost bought a titanium tricycle. The company that made it did it for fun but had enough people ask for one they did a limited run. It was I think $500 at that time. I nearly bought one of the last ones they made but came to my senses. I think it was more like my wife bludgeoned me into my senses.
  20. Fantastic work there Dave. Very clean work with gluing all that PE in place.
  21. I remember those! CADEX I think Giant called them. At least the mountain bike version anyways. Carbon tubes with aluminum lugs. I had a Trek road bike built the same way from the mid 2000s.
  22. Seen at Eurobike, the new Giant full carbon fibre balance bike.
  23. A blast from the past. Okay ,not really a blast but a kit I built as a kid when I was maybe 7-8 years old. Simple enough. I want to practice getting a gloss finish so it'll be an OOB build.
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