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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. That would be the one Martin. Carl
  2. I'd love a set for Robert Hampton Gray's Corsair, Canada's last VC winner. I know that there's a lot of debate over what they were, but I'd be fine with 115. Carl
  3. And there's my answer. Thank you kindly! Carl
  4. Thanks Martin! Forgot to mention my slight colour blindness. Dark olive drab? Or dark red? Carl
  5. Ok, something that I started on a whim. This one goes back to my childhood and building the old Airfix LCM kit in 1/72(76?). I stormed many a Normandy beach with that one and the Sherman it came with. Anyways, with a number of 1/35 Shermans in the stash, I thought I'd relive my childhood, only in a proper scale. So part one is the landing craft and it's a fairly straightforward kit with a single piece hull. The vehicle well was built up from side panels and an upper deck. Then the two were joined together. So far, it's been pretty painless. Now to modify it a bit to more closely resemble the RN version as I'll be using a Sherman Firefly as the cargo. I'll probably work on this in-between the B-25. Carl
  6. Hi folks, Anyone know the colour of the ammo boxes used in USAAF bombers? These would be the ones for the defensive gunner positions on a bomber- nose, waist, tail etc. I can't tell if they should be olive drab, green, or something else. Thanks in advance! Carl
  7. Thanks guys! I'm going through the bench at the moment to see where I left off. Bad news is I'm definitely missing a set of waist gunners windows. So I'll have to see if I can get some replacements or fudge it. Which means I'll probably just focus on one for now and try to get 'er done.
  8. My phone can't spell Maru. Silly phone.
  9. Ohhh, my kind of bikes. Here's a couple pics of mine. Custom built Ti 29er: A piece of history: My last Ibis: And my current one: What happens when you ask your friends at the bike shop to build something that a hipster would never ride: And after the joking stops and they put the correct front tire on: My current fat bike: Our garage has 13 bikes in it. People are amazed we can fit both of our cars in there too. Carl
  10. I'm as bad as you Maru. Apparently I joined in 2013 but haven't posted until today. Carl
  11. The HK fuselage is a bit bare aft of the bomb bay so I decided to add some detail to it. Not sure it was that great an idea and you'll hardly see any of it.
  12. Harv asked me to join in and give him some motivation so here's the B-25Js I started at the same time he did. I've been off in Scotland for the last couple of weeks visiting family and just got back. With my kids starting back at school in a couple days, it seems as good a time as any to get back to them. I started with the engines The HGW seats and belts. The bomb bay. This is where after realising that I had painted it the wrong colour, I decided to start the second one in ernest rather than repaint.
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