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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I don't crinkle them up. I find that I can't thread them through the buckles if I do. I'll sometimes wrinkle them a bit after assembly. Mostly though I glue them in a wrinkled/disheveled position like below.
  2. It was the Bronco 1/35 Type XXIII kit so not a small box. They were quite perplexed on how no one could find it either. Probably a good thing too for my wallet's sake Carl
  3. A bottle of paint for my Sherman. Almost bought a U-boat but the LHS couldn't find it. Maybe next time. Carl
  4. Harv, do these pics help at all? These are the instructions from Wako for their US belts. I used these for my belts as the HGW ones ddidn't make any sense to me. As the part numbers aren't the same, I used the parts layout diagram to match up and compare the two different belts. Also, HGW don't give you enough buckles and belts to make a full complement of belts. Go figure. If you need more help, let me know. Carl
  5. Then it was time to install the gunner's station into the fuselage. I then added the second section of ammo belt and the box. I'll do the waist gunner's position on the port side next and then it'll be ready to close up. Carl
  6. It was a fairly busy weekend so I didn't get too much time at the bench. I did make some progress though. First up was the booster motor and chutes for the tail gunner's position on Betty's Dream. While those dried, I installed the belts for the gunner. Next up, after painting the booster motor, I installed the first of the ammo belts.
  7. Thanks Peter! I don't really know myself. But it is fun. Which I guess is the point.
  8. If you're federal, you get it off but not in Ontario. When I worked at a bank, we had it off as we followed federal guidelines. I agree that it should be a mandatory holiday so hopefully they'll change it. Carl
  9. Great work there I really wish Tamiya had done their 20mm cannon with full length barrels as well. They'd look so much nicer. Nice fix on the dihedral too. Carl
  10. Our neighbour lost her brother to friendly fire when he was posted there. It really hits home for her whenever Remembrance Day comes around. Unfortunately it's no longer a stat holiday in Ontario but my wife and I both go to Queen's Park and attend the service there. It's the least we can do. Carl
  11. Please do Ernie. Not enough PB&J around these days. Carl
  12. Might be tedious but you do it so well John. Carl
  13. Looking great Cees. I want to convert one to a 21 as well so thanks for the info on the incompatibility of the Revell wing. I'll have to think of possibly another approach if I do. Carl
  14. I was wondering what that clear box was until I read your post. Great idea. I'm trying to figure out if the suspension on a Tiger 1 model I have is correct or collapsed at the moment and a jig like that would have been very helpful. Carl
  15. Thanks for the info Hubert. I haven't tried cutting any thick styrene yet which is why I haven't experienced the deflection you mentioned. I'll have to keep that in mind and maybe down the road upgrade to the RP Toolz one. Carl
  16. Looking forward to see what you pull off with this kit. I've got a pair on the go and it's been fun so far. Carl
  17. Yup, she's a big 'un. And nicely done too. Carl
  18. Next up was the Nose LG. I found another broken bit for one of them so I made a replacement. With the legs done, I started installing them.
  19. "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!" Whoops! Sorry about that. Thought we were quoting movies. My name is Carl and I am all over the map. I have kits I started in a previous century that still need to be finished and i have kits that get done slower than JohnB but faster than molasses flows downhill. Ernie, don't forget you build some crazy complicated biplane things with all that silly string/cobweb stuff stuck between them. I get crosseyed just looking at it all. Carl
  20. Hubert, Karim, I wonder if you have a different Chopper to the one I recently bought. I see several similarities between mine and the RP Toolz version. I certainly like the mitre function a bit more on the RP Toolz one. Carl
  21. So I started to do some more work on the MLG. There's a couple of lines to add to each leg. HK moulds them thin enough that you need to take care getting them off the sprue and cleaned up. After doing that successfully, I still snapped them in half. So I decided to try making replacement ones from wire and strip styrene. The finished lines: I used some soft wire at the ends to replicate the flexible rubber sections. They'll be painted black later on. Carl
  22. Thanks Maxim! Nice to see you here.
  23. That looks great. Thanks for sharing James! Carl
  24. Does the Mig-31 Firefox count? After all, they had to get Clint Eastwood to steal it. Carl
  25. I tried to build one. But it was the Trumpeter 1/32 Mig-15. Maybe when the newness wears off the Mig-29UB I'll try again. Carl
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