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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. You missed your chance at getting an Armortek tank kit!!! That would have been perfect for her to get around on.
  2. The EJ kit builds an early hard wing E. Basically it's an E in the box with added bits for the EJ plus a grey nose section as well as the clear one that the E only comes with. EJ kept their hard wing and never got slats but did get new wingtip antennas and a radome with the EJ Kai. And Scott is correct, fit the burner cans. after the rear is assembled. Much easier for painting and any seam work.
  3. Overall, the kit goes together well. There are a couple simple things to do to make it look nicer. -Sand off the raised BDR patches on the fuselage. There's a pair of them on the aft end of the fuselage, two on the intakes (some seamless intakes have removed them already) - The outer wing pylons are too far inboard. They need to be moved out. I can't remember how much but I'll see if I can find it. - The canopy is probably the biggest challenge. Tamiya joined the canopy parts to the sprue along the side of the glass. Trim them very carefully of they will splinter and leave a nasty scar on the plastic. You can hide it by painting the sealant edge around the canopy and then attach them to the frames. Another option is Aerocraft makes a replacement set where the glass and frame are one piece. - The outer wing dihedral is off. The outer wings point too far up stock. Add a shim along the upper edge to flatten them out. Nautilus make/made an alignment jig to correct the dihedral. - The other thing is the burner cans are under sized. Most AM ones are too. GT Resin makes correctly sized ones. Sierra Hotel does too. I can't recall who else does. @ScottsGT should have anything I missed as he's built a bunch of them.
  4. Just trying to provide some support to Scott in his time of need.
  5. Or she could be waiting patiently bidding her time for the right moment....
  6. Thanks guys for checking in. This build is moving along a bit faster than I expected, especially with the occasional fit issues I've run into. Anyways, the internal details around the cockpit tub are now done. Which meant I could get the wing in place. Once I do some seam cleanup, the engines can go on too. Here's a test fit.
  7. Nice! I had a bunch of the Tamiya EJ kits in the stash at one point. The original plan was to do them as: 1)- Chico the Gunfighter 2)- early hard wing E 3)- Hill Grey scheme 4)- Euro One G conversion. I sold the Chico decals, got the Hill Grey one done, and have more G conversions than kits and...stalled out. Hopefully I'll get back to at least building a G. Carl
  8. I checked the very brief section on the H and its usage by the Marines and there's no mention of what they did about the lights unfortunately.
  9. Looking forward to seeing your WIP on the Lotus Rog. I'm hoping to pick this kit up at some point. As for the tobacco livery markings, it's not the model companies fault. Beyond any licensing issues, the markings are banned in Europe and North America from appearing on toys, which is what the models are considered. This came about in the late '80s. Prior to the ban, most models had the tobacco sponsors on their decal sheets. Many had to reprint new box art as well as decal sheets to comply with the rules. Thankfully you can get them from AM companies.
  10. Yeah, just hope it is.
  11. Hope this works. My first time on the site using a laptop. It's the best I could do as the book is a it thick and hard to get on the scanner.
  12. Nice camo Phil. I've always got a bit of touch-up no matter what I do.
  13. Ernie, I'll try to scen them tomorrow for you. I'll see what else I can find for you.
  14. Now for someone to build it that way. It certainly would look cool.
  15. Here's a pic of the instructions for German belts. The drawings below show the layout of the belts from a sideview so you can see which way they thread through the buckles. The top one is the shoulder belts, the bottom ones are for the lap belts.
  16. Well, the Beat is a convertible too so that's good to know.
  17. Nicely built and painted M60 Ralph. Glad to hear it goes together fairly well. I have the same kit but with the dozer blade in the stash. Carl
  18. I made up a set of seatbelts since I didn't want to use the kit decals. These are HGW belts but I used the Wako instructions for threading them together. HGW sometimes cheats and doesn't actually have you thread the belts through the buckles the way they're done in real life. I find that a bit silly so I just do them the way they're supposed to be. Either those done, I installed the cockpit tub into the fuselage. Lastly, I started assembling the main wing. The trailing edge flaps will go in after as this way I can get a better join along the rear of the wing.
  19. Thanks Rob! You should post them in the walk around section. That way others can find them if they need them.
  20. Thanks Scott. It's going to be fun. We're trying to figure what happens in a couple more years when it's time for a driver's license. I've joked we'll send him for his driving test in my '91 Beat. I haven't come across anything that says the car you do your exam in can't be right hand drive...
  21. Fuselage interior looks good Ernie. I see you didn't bother with the cabin heater. Something that probably wasn't needed in the South Pacific.
  22. Here's the text from the Schiffer book: Cont'd Note the last sentence which says the recognition system was disconnected on B-25Js. I wonder if this would apply to the H as well and would explain why they don't show in pics.
  23. I'm out at the moment but I'll heck my references when I get back and see if I can find anything.
  24. Our oldest became a teenager today so I didn't get much done as we had family over to celebrate. The brisket turned out nice, just a couple slices left so that's good. As a result, I didn't get to spend much time on the 262. I did get the nose cowlings on though. The smaller one required some trimming of the bulkhead to fit properly. You can see the cut back edges here. Then it was glued on too and now to let them dry.
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