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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Took my son's Edward to the LHS along with a friend of his who we had to buy a birthday gift for. Right before we get there, Edward says " Wait until you see how many models the shop has". His friend replies " You mean they have more than your dad in your basement?" Is that a good thing?
  2. Wow, much better looking than some of the converted RC kits that they have released.
  3. Peter, the Spitfire looks fantastic. Subtly weathered, not over the top and a great finish.
  4. I'm slowly going that way myself. But I have enough 1/32 ones still in the stash to finish first.
  5. Nice build. Great job on highlighting the interior.
  6. The clutch in my '91 Beat has such a short travel it feels more like a button. It's at least got some weight to it as do the brake and gas pedals. Mind you, the pedal box is so tiny you could probably step on all three with one foot.
  7. When my sis moved to London for work( the UK one, not the one a couple hours west of Toronto), she had to get a license that only allowed automatics even though she could drive standard as it wasn't indicated on her Ontario license. Her work even had to special order her an automatic as her company car because of it. She eventually did a retest and got rid of that restriction.
  8. Nice pair of kits Mark! I haven't seen the Stug out in Canada yet. Might have to wait for one of the shows next year to grab one.
  9. The longer fuselage section in front of the cockpit says it's a short nose F-4 so my vote is a Blue Angels F-4J. That and you said yellow for the FOD covers.
  10. It looks good so your perseverance paid off at least. How about something easier next like a Tamiya F-14?
  11. Mmmm, Oreos.. Thanks alot. Now I want some!
  12. Don't know who that would be.
  13. You should get the Tamiya B kit. They have options for parked, short take off and vertical flight poses. Landing gear oleos are suitably compressed/extended, jet nozzle rotated partway/fully and control surfaces to match all three options. Which explains the 58 page instruction book.
  14. The washes and weathering you've been doing really add so much depth to the model.
  15. Major assembly on the Mako One is done now. I have some scribing and filling to do and then I can start on paint.
  16. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Grant/Lee tanks but then certainly did the job when first pressed into service. I've only done the Miniart Grant and it's not quite done yet. No interior to it so probably a lot easier than the Academy one you're building.
  17. Looks great. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do my Tamiya one all clean like yours or beast mode with a full underwing load of stores.
  18. The shark mouth really suits the P-39 nose shape. Nicely done but that's to be expected from one of your builds.
  19. Good thing you caught it. At least it looks like the gear door fits reasonably well in the closed position.
  20. That's incredible progress already. Amazing work and a truly amazing pace.
  21. The Germans captured a few after the Dieppe landings and their first impressions were that they must have been leftover WWI tanks given to the Canadians to use.
  22. If you make that 1/6, there is one: https://www.armortek.co.uk/product/churchill-mk-iii/
  23. I'm with Peter on the nice cleanup and restoration work. The Cromwell looks very nice.
  24. Man, that looks really. Can't wait to see the finished pics. I remember buying the old AMT one in 1/48 but never built it. Somehow I lost the kit. Never figured out what happened to it.
  25. Sadly, with shipping to Canada it's more than I paid for the Fisher Cutlass. Hopefully someone up here will have it for sale at some point.
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