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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Glad to see you pulled it off Mike looks really good.
  2. I may pull the plug on this Fran got it in the cart at SB's
  3. I think you should be good to go Mark that is really nothing but an hour if that of work.
  4. I hear ya Guy some times it seems all can go to hill in a hand basket quick like.I had like three builds in a row fight it to the end one of them I gave away the Eduard P-51 it was not worthy.
  5. You'll cross the line I am sure Mike got my fingers crossed for ya.
  6. Nice! 48hrs left little one....the pressure is on
  7. Dave I did Revells rebox not the night fighter but much the same the panels around the engine was the only issue I had .
  8. To be honest guys I have kits like most ya'll for each nation Hase=Bf-109X2, Tamy =Spit MkVII, PCM = 202/205 and I am pretty sure I have a P-40 just what scale?Then you got those tracky things I have built enough ETO over my life have mention several times this board the MTO and PTO have garnered my interest the last few years hence my IJN builds.This cats ready for LFG.....
  9. looks much better with a coat of paint Mike.I am glad the you and the family had a great holiday.
  10. I am using a #2 X8mmL 8mm is long enough I bought a #3X12mm to long for me https://www.ebay.com/itm/335334807064?var=544691646807
  11. Something to keep me busy till 9/1 a little 1/72 Ki-49 and before I go any further I am painting all the glass by with a pedicure brush I might be finish with that this evening.The two main pieeces are complete scraped with a toothpick(never could paint inside the lines) once satisfied I dip in future to protect the work.
  12. Yeah Kriss's work in 1/72 is mind blowing
  13. Loookie silver to me plug it in the memory hold,
  14. Thanks John value the input you do more navy in the PTo than I would ever thought of doing.Thanks Again. I guess that would work Guy the width of these frames is like 1/64" or so I might drop by HobbyLobby tomorrow.? Oh it's 1/72 still braille just using the pic to show all the frames.
  15. Thanks John!You think I guessed right to go White on the LG's? Appreciate that Guy the effect came out pretty good could of been a little softer but that's part of the curve.I am playing with a 1/72 Japanese "Helen" it will be NMF I might go play.I am having to resort to painting the framing on the glass by hand with a pedicure brush
  16. Finished it took from 7/24-8/24
  17. Thanks Chris it works for me seems it would of been that way in real life to a point on fading. Thanks Hubert! I appreciate the compliment for a few days was thinking the point of attacking the paint may of been insufficient . Did not know they been around that long Peter just been seeing the name of late.I wanted a dirty finish being in the PTO(ETO different) was not sure about the color being used it works for the most part.Thanks! Thanks Martin still a far cry from yours and Rob's talent I tried doing some fuel leaks on the bottom from AK not subtle enough or realistic lets say.I think more success would of been pulled off using oils.
  18. Well it looks like I beat the deadline all that's left is the aerials. This was my first with Florys interesting can see some future use with them definitely easy to use but if you want more removal go gloss I went semi.
  19. That came out real Nice Carl
  20. While I still have a ton of MM enamels I am going full bore lacquer it seems they dry fast and thin way down control control ..control.
  21. Hhmnnn..... wings still not glued on.I have AK fluids=white thinner and Florry's =H2O(?) I have a lacquer semi-clear varnish so called by Tamy base down suggestions?
  22. But Guy you live on the Rock? Well my last couple weeks just so you guys think Kevin never gets anything OH contrar .I P/U first the Me-109 and the P-40 then had to have a different decal set know how that goes.The ship and the Dora well let's say Kevin is minus one Tamy p-51 I also got a signed print from the artist himself.Greg came but one day saw the P-51 on the floor in the living room he asked Shirley "you think he let that go?" she came back "I don't know he's been looking at it lately".Greg comes by one night to the shop screams in "kevin" he walks in with the Alabama "I like to trade you this for the P-51" I just look at him he goes "I got more". Then he walked in with the Dora's(one complete kit in the box) I start rubbing my chin...no hook yet.Greg goes I got something else comes back with a print of Beauvoir Manor a beautiful if not the best rendition of the house I have ever seen.I said you got a deal.The Tamy paints and florry's (my first) all came from Hobbynut Models one of our sponsors I have been using them more and more of late.The Me-262 and the Dart come from Mobile yesterday along with the Mr.Leveler seam filler and some blades.
  23. Looking slick as a wet cat!
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