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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I have been eyeballing there B-24 Peter some of the builds are Nice!
  2. Can do later this week maybe Saturday hopefully getting that 8.8" rear end for the truck done?
  3. Let me know!!
  4. Looks big? You better watch out before long you going to be living in one of these Dio's.
  5. I have that one built Very Very Nice Kit
  6. Hell I am only 63 and can't remember that one must of been about 7/8 when that happened.I would say that since Dad served in WWII I am sure it was something from the Mighty Eighth.
  7. I am working this guys I just so hated the KW IP and all decided I am relegating it to an old Monogram/Revell kit I have.I ordered from HobbyNuts about 4 Quinta's Kits last Friday paid for faster delivery but still nothing in the mail yet 3/4 days was the time frame which would be today?Nada!So I am piddling here and there till they arrive.
  8. I know what you mean ...the last P-51 I did Eduard when I got to the paint fought me all the way when finished I gave it to a friend who has a P-51 collection it just did not cut the mustard.You keep soldiering on Mike walk that mile makes the next POS that hits the desk easier to deal with.
  9. Correct,may do well if we do a sandbox GB?
  10. That came out looking good John I just received the Hase MTO F-4 yesterday.
  11. I am in agreement the the background unit has more eye appeal.
  12. That's a colorful one John me likeey!!
  13. Got me Peter I am trying to picture WWL on a small Brit fighter?Mossie yes,I know German for sure ,I know British Seaplanes ,No Italian come to memory.....
  14. Very Nice crate Gus!!
  15. But looking good from here John.
  16. I think I know that one "flakvierling" pretty cool!
  17. I was going to myself now we are getting into the meat the IP /dash and engine looking good Jeff.
  18. I'll be waiting Gus the reveal and the clear parts is the best part.
  19. This will be out of box except for the Kits World IP enhancements(last set I buy no instructions/placement).The build should really be rather quick unless I get that that ink..il ing to wier the en..gines Ok maybe a little more than OOB no promises.
  20. I found this today Guy about 5 miles from the house U-166 but was U-571 in the movie @45' I guess 1/4 scale? Attached to a trailer on the front lawn of the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum is a 45-foot-long replica of the U-166, the only Nazi submarine sunk in the Gulf of Mexico during World War II https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/71927
  21. it's one of those things of late Peter I have really been enjoying totally off the beaten path.
  22. I am in then with the B-25
  23. I go sandbox
  24. Guy I just started on my B-25 last night is it 7/31 or 8/31 the last day?
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