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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I know.. I know...you just got a 1/32 Hase Ju-87 but not @50% off!! The Academy Hawker Hunter was also 50% off at my Hobbytown in Mobile plus I p/u the Tamy 1/48 P-51B got a couple of more decal sets for the Recce Crates they are colorful.Those three kits were covered by the generosity of my older Sis($100)for my B-day yesterday I spent another $149 on supplies.
  2. She came out looking real Nice John!!
  3. You should try going further south like another 4/500 miles whist it does not happen often here last time Jan/05 we freak.
  4. Not long enough of a range and you got to ditch the scope! I have been studying this morning getting ideas.
  5. Kriss she came real Nice! I almost popped open an F-4c last night Col. Olds plane looked at the stencils and put it back for another day
  6. Looking good there Oliver shame about the first go round but with your skill-set she will be a beauty
  7. Looking good Mike esp the carts!I can't believe you added the antenna already in doing my MiniArt kit they had that and the gun barrels added way to early for my taste...things break.I am anxious to see the final dio keep plugging away.
  8. It came out great Hubert and I still find it hard to believe if actually flew.
  9. At work we have this term when things get out of hand let's say..."Too Much" nice way of saying to much frigg'in BS one's mind gets distracted.
  10. The boy just keeps drop'in that hook think foghorn
  11. Jeroen all is looking good and up to your usual specs!I received my boxing a couple of days ago it's the high-tech version will go Quintas on the inside.
  12. Nice looking crate it's always good to clear out the hangar of unbuilts
  13. Nice start and in for the build.
  14. Rog I bet you will be glad when all is settled...whew!!
  15. I continue with the MiniArt kit all the stencils have been laid and about to take the wash to the plane methinks?The bombs was something I have been wanting to do for a while ...create the cast iron effect.I had to do this twice seeing I did not make the seams disappear well enough the first go around and the q-tip was not the right tool.I got seams all correct this time I used a foam pad and worked the Mr.Surfacer 1000 onto the bombs.I dipped the sponge into the 1000 started dappling the bomb until the sponge was resisting the effect to pull away(raising the paint).The bombs look about right to scale for 1/48 and think 500 would do well for 1/32.I will fix the antenna/gunbarrel when finished have broken them off several times a better plan by MiniArt would of been nice .
  16. A Nice build from an ole kit...it can be done.
  17. I feel for ya Peter I got that a few years back for the first and let's say it was seriously no fun out both ends till I finally cough up the offend in the sink.I have a cast iron stomach but not that day Sir talk about every muscle in the body ached from so much convulsions.
  18. Damn Rog you have a much cooler head than me good to you for that and May God Bless you for that!It is said when door closes another will open and with your attitude I am sure it will happen.
  19. Now that's Taylor's a/c John?
  20. Mike everything is really looking great there and I really think the carts came out fabulous.I am thinking if it's good with Martin if you need a couple more weeks let's make it happen.
  21. This kit goes together rather well I got to try out my new Velocity Jet Renegade AB from Badger me likey!! It lays a very thin layer of paint though I have not gotten a hairline in the spray yet but do feel 1/32" maybe smaller is highly doable.The main decals have all been laid down now onto a few hours of stencils.I liked the decals they do want to set rather quick so keep the surface well lubricated.The decals feel a bit thick I tried Microsol Red to little effect hit it with Walthers went down well and did not shrivel like crazy.I had to repaint the stripe on the tail three times was to fat the decal had to fit between it and an ares below on the rudder that protrudes out it is not a 16" but a 14" stripe now the rest are 16".
  22. Still some of the prettiest semi-auto's out there Glocks just do absolutely nothing for me at all.
  23. Not here yet but coming early next week from SB these or my B-day to myself coming the 1/5 be turning 64 years young "getting younger everyday"
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