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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Scott I was watching Tedford(?) 2023 pics on YT last night and let me tell some of those digital splinter schemes had my eyes going wonkey really effective camo.
  2. That's an ugly most of us appreciate!
  3. So that s were the wig went !!Nice work Guy and yes I would think that those 1/48 would make great dios 2for the price of 1 in size.
  4. Looking good Ernie and am I spying some modulation in that OD scheme?As to the engines I thought they worked out Nice once doctored up a bit but could see weras some 3D print could add a Nice accent.
  5. Good work on the office and yes clears the mind relaxes the soul,
  6. Guy you don't tell me I never known that came out real Nice!!
  7. Thanks Harv just to late .I was looking at how another builder got pass it and he missed it at first but lucky for him nothing glued together in that part of the build.his method was some good cutting coming about at the bottom of the page. https://www.laroyale-modelisme.net/t27110p245-croiseur-de-bataille-dkm-scharnhorst-trumpeter-1-200-de-dyphrologue
  8. A slight dilemma ............a picture is worth a thousand words they say ......and a few curse words also.What you see portrayed by Trumpter is the deck of the Gneisenau!! They produced that kit first if not mistaken and just went willy nellie here I have the book from Kagero on the Gneisenau and that's her layout.The wood chip is stained now you see why she will not be stained at all.
  9. Feels slow Guy research and look at pics and more looking. Thanks Harv it's a long movie though.
  10. I have had some time to myself for a change and working to get it to pay off.I had to pull up three sets of Binoculars and reposition two of them further down the observation station and position two compasses.The book is becoming more and more a guide on the build this is the layout from March/43.I also cut off all the globes of plastic on top of the radar/rangefinder and replaced them with resin bits and made two features not present but so in 43.The 20mm Flak guns are really sasweeet but so fragile had to order three more sets just to be sure I have enough still more painting there.The rangefinder station is still not glued down yet and neither the tower to be built behind it sure/slow is the game plan.The book is awesome piece of reference material for this build a must.I have seen weras on other build people complaining about the fit of the rear SS to the deck?as you see I have left the moulded spruces in place from the factory giving it more rigidity across the deck.The rear SS will need a finger and 1/2 lbs of pressure till the glue sets slightly bowed upward it is.
  11. That is the plan in the head see were she ends is another event.The rigging is quite extensive on this ship but I like rigging it adds a whole other dimension to the WWII ships.
  12. Glad to have you along Peter just spraying alot of RLM75 ATTM time to add more bits to the SS today.
  13. Thanks Rob she is a bit to handle at times and to paint.
  14. I finally got an extra day off and the hull is painted except the very bottom about a 1' long area what you see is a whole bottle of Mr.Color RLM23 I got 3x more coming makes a Nice hull red for anything but the IJN.The wood decks you see have been attached and I am so so on these when the backing is in place they look decent but after you peel the backing the grain shows to much methinks?I will say what I have on the SS looks like it fades with activity so will see.The decks and SS are not glued down yet the fore-deck needs a little more work and the base needs to be cut with pedestals and all mounted.I will continue to play with features and sub-assemblies of the SS. Colors call outs Mr.Color RLM23=Lower Hull Testors Semi-Black =Boot Mr.Color RLM75 =Upper Hull Testors Flat White =Upper Hull Camo
  15. Have not seen that before either?My neighbor across the street treats me like a son he buys me different single malts from the base about once a month.I usually will have a cheap blended Scotch and if I feel special break out a single for the last drink of the evening.
  16. Fantastic Mike that prop looks the proper weathering!!
  17. Thanks Mike it's slow being between work and the shop but has to be deliberate and the correct action taken.
  18. Getting closer to some paint on the SS more procedural than anything ATTM.The ladders on the back are a nice touch the bottom platform stuck out towards the SS and glued into a slot on the SS.I have mask for all the wooden deck areas came in the kit just that you want use it at the right time.The Quad's are Nice even have the seats in place. 10/22/23 Added the binoculars to the forward part of the SS, port/starboard lights and some brass cages.I see the pic p/u a small seam that needs attention.
  19. Looking good John and having no barrels makes that fitting a bit easier it looks.
  20. Work has been slow on this been on six day work week's for the last few weeks this week maybe five?Tonight started on the SS ladders ...yes more ladders ...The ones I was using from the 1/350 were about to run out so I had to come up with an alternative.I finally after few tries and variables came up and manipulated a pair of tweezers to accomplish the job using fine brass wire.I laid down two lines of ladders with the homemade stuff still not primered and feel they look better than the prefabbed ones?Paint will tell the story methinks.The paints finally arrived from Gundam in Cali took a week order some bullets three days after the paint and got them two days before the paint! Oh the second is the 3D printed Binoculars,compass and telescopic chutes for various range finders those binoculars are so much better than the kits!I had to order another $140 worth of 3D the other night and I thought the Border lanc was expensive I am probably at $7/800 thus far
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