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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Calling this one done.I was going to do the wash but did not care for the results so backed-off I think it was the issues with the gun earlier making the surface slightly grainy.
  2. All is looking good Sir!I just did one of these some months back got another in the stash and Bomber County you need to get out more.
  3. Last coat of clear has been applied tomorrow I start with acrylic panel wash. DocRob 18X50cals.
  4. Decals have started over a coat urethane semi-gloss barely changed the color and only one area. one no flash other with.
  5. Peter I have always used a fine tip on the Badger Renegade never had this issue before but I almost remember the event went sliding the needle back in after cleaning out the black lacquer paint the other night.
  6. I am building mine back up my cave is about 500 sq.ft.
  7. Show Time............took quite a few hours,turntable Roger Daltry,Doobie Brothers,Moody Blues about eight albums and I still going
  8. Rob Not the tip Rob but the needle was ever so slightly bent.I took out a pair of un-serrated needle nose and worked then sanded from 240/400/600/800 worked like a champ @15psi with Semi-Matte Silver
  9. Rob AlcladII Aluminum also same thing with DuraAluminum.The needle looks good but I do have a spare tip will check.thks Rob
  10. I cleaned the air brush today and had the same results So started playing with the pressure was @21psi went down to 15psi starts good then you see dry paint in the air around the model in the lights.I increase pressure to 25psi seem to be a little better but still have the some of the same effect not as heavy.The temp in the shop was 65' humidity outside is 56% about normal around here.I have seen the black do this in stringers coming off the forks of the badger Renegade but it never makes it to the subject you clean the forks.I was told by a fellow member on another professional car painter temp and humidity if memory serves me right.The kit cleans up well enough to proceed I just wipe it down with a very soft cloth that came with the old SNJ powder kit.Some Pics......... Now to highlight some panels.
  11. So far it has not been that good on the spraying of the silver I was getting streamers from the gun looked like dust on the plane.I went and polished down the whole plane tried a different bottle(old maybe) same results.I do remember when doing the black thinking time to clean the gun.So I only have a little more polishing to do the gun has been soaking since Saturday evening(working) will be back at it tomorrow.
  12. John that is really Swweeettt!!
  13. I think its time for Some "Shining" silver.
  14. So here it is it does nothing for me but I really detest stain!!Now I can/will build another one this time in Sapele with tapered legs/inlays all the same dimensions and be 100% happier.My Wife likes the color and all only complaint was the rail design for the drawer which I already have a solution for that. PS: still got a couple of coats spar-urethane to apply semi-gloss and no the drawer is not crooked it's an illusion with contrasting grains methinks I checked another reason it's blah to me.
  15. I was inquiring about the Corsair canopy John?
  16. The Racer looking Good!John what you going to do with the canopy?I gave mine to a guy some 12yrs ago with the intention he replace it on another board never saw that happen.
  17. The paint continues to get closer.The wings have zero filler 100% seamless for anyone that may do the kit glue the top seam first with thin Tamyia wait five minutes with your thumb under the wing apply light pressure to close the 5/10 thousand gap apply glue hold for a moment let dry.I am definitely looking into some more ICM kits in 1/32 they are a dream to build.Some pics..........
  18. Some in progress shots were I started tonight and were I finished.The fit of this kit is unbelievable the wings are not glued in yet and the tail surfaces is seamless 100% ICM does some NICE kits. I wanted to address the the ports on the leading edge one wing as you see is pretty good the other dismal but I have yet to see in my experience a manufacture get that right yet
  19. That came out Super-Nice Gaz .The dio works very well in this one!
  20. Appreciate the comments guys!! cables added to one engine and the other under construction wings are under construction also waiting on those belts before closing up the fuse.
  21. Well that be the HB or ICM? I am thinking the the HB also new engines available now and all the reviews say the fit is excellent!!
  22. If you click on the pix it will enlarge.
  23. I decided I wanted to jump into a GB on another site and take a break from the Tiger(wheels F#@&).I used the Eduard PE interior took about 5/7 hours to complete waiting on belts forgot to order.So,I have started on the engines which are a gem in themselves and doing the cables ATTM I don't know why because I wanted to.
  24. I am bidding on a Spanish FR8 nice little carbine bolt in .308 this is said rifle.
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