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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Now Kai's message is coming through Loud and Clear. Rob updated with pics of less glare the light game and shadows.
  2. I will play it out on the bottom first Kai I did it on the P-47 and some P-51's makes it pop some but then again those are props and get dirty some.
  3. That was cheap!!
  4. I am thinking it will work good in the end lots of decals let the future dry good enough with abit laid down might be able to use the Tamy wash this time used magnesium on the gun ports tried stainless looked frigg'in blue almost.
  5. Hey Peter I got this same kit not long ago my ALL Time Favorite Race Car no others compare to style and shape.
  6. This is were she sits ATTM I am on the fence the AirFrame Silver looks splotchy to my eyes and trust me I have laid several more coats with the same results it's how the light hits it.I have started doing some panels in the last week just playing around using a pointed Yamiya q-tip and buffing(SNJ) with a regular one no need to tape off in this case very close in color to the AF silver I think it lends itself for the most part better lighting on the R-side of the a/c.I am almost tempted to buff the whole plane?
  7. John how you like the jig for the engine exhaust quite a nice touch I thought by ICM?
  8. I used very little filler on mine John did scrape here and there.John when you glue the wing on thick glue or tube on those rails locks them in good I had one wing come loose after the paint used tube glue and no repaint needed.
  9. That was the recovery effort Rob never have and never will combine any kind of work and alcohol a disaster waiting to happen. Had to go look them up "Kitty Daisy and Lewis" kinds reminds me a cross between bluegrass and New Orleans blues. I have a bunch of Louie Armstrong from my Mother wished I had my Dad's classical stuff let it go years ago. http://www.kittydaisyandlewis.com/
  10. Yeah you know how with lacquer if the cuppeth runneth dry it's tough getting the next batch to flow hence the reason this happened not the first time but can count on one hand probably in the last 20 years though.
  11. Thks harv but going to look better I spilled paint from the cup on the fuse behind the wing should of not of had the cup that full
  12. Not to cry in my soup but damn I have been busy as you know what lately.I got some work done the other night and started painting last night Alclad Primer,Alclad Gloss Black then some Airframe Silver wanted a slight shine on this one.I put some Beethoven #5 on the turn table started spraying some more and fook me I did not say one cuss word started cleaning the airbrush and try again tomorrow scotch(and a scotch now) brite and repaint that area and I saw another area I did not like so maybe theirs a reason?
  13. Nice John should be a sweet looking build!
  14. Well did not win that one the auctions were going for stupid values.The Fr8 was expected to go from 300/500 I had 650 plus auction fee,shipping and transfer at 650 would of made it $800 something only time would bear out a recuperation.The rifle went for $700 to an onsite buyer if I kept bidding how far?All I can say is a French Mas expected to go for 400/700 sold for $1400 a rifle I think is butt ugly.The auction yielded every single rifle I had on a watch list -1 all went for 50/100% above the stated values or expected ranges of purchase.I am staying away from the auctions till things calm down but makes me think I could sell much of my collection last time I looked 25/30K worth for 50K but could not replace it like I want in this market.
  15. Very Nice work Kriss, very Nice!!
  16. Nice Start Kris!!I do not think my skillset will lead me down the road to a full rivet deal mine are for what I erased along the way.Lovely work!
  17. Nice!I see you can paint within the lines very well!
  18. She is coming home this afternoon glad I have a sister-in-law to help work is not about to let up methinks.
  19. Well after eight days straight of work then yesterday the Wife had knee surgery 9th day I finally got some time at the table.The fuse is glued up no open panels I liked Jerry's rendition and it's less work.The two halves of the fuse have an ever so slight step from the wing root(WR) up maybe 1" no biggee .The wing is still not glued in place but the worst seam is the side you see now at the WR area I am thinking putty wipe with an alcohol swap and an 800grit scotch brite that is getting some wear.I have got to afix the front and rear parts of the pit research more on colors though.This one is going together easy peasy.
  20. You're killing me Got one of these on order coming at the end of the month.I have become a big fan on ICM will be watching with interest.
  21. Nice Hope mine comes out that good.
  22. The wing is not glued in or is the tail section alittle more paint and the wing roots not to bad.
  23. I started this project some time back and lost interest but it has arrived back on the bench with Avionix AM for the pit.I am going to do zero with the engine interest me none at all.Nothing is glued ATM but will be shortly.
  24. Nice scheme John!
  25. Copit/Underside.
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