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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. SWMBO already knows what to do with everything when i kick the bucket. My sons have first dibs on anything and what is left is sold off and given to a Forces charity.
  2. I'm awaiting some paints and pigments to arrive for my Sd.Kfz.251 build so i whipped this little kit out of my stash and decided to throw it together (gives me an excuse to fill the slot it left lol). 1:35 Tamiya PAK40 L46. It's way old and is really showing it's age. Quite a bit of flash but it's a good test bed for a few things.
  3. Damn. I'd snap one up in a heatbeat.
  4. Doing a Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D for a GB on another forum. But i was going to build it for my Bocage dio anyway. So one stone, two birds sort of thing. Luckily Tamiya have provided decals that fit a vehicle with the same numbers as one used by 12.SS.Pz.Div in Normandy.
  5. Yeah we're lucky we can wild camp legally (some restrictions) but there are plenty of places down in Lincolnshire. I used to camp around scunny area quite a bit. Keeping away from the dog walkers is the hard part lol
  6. Just had the same issue again Jim. But i tried a pic reducing software (and saved as PNG) and it now posts pics. Is there a size limit for pics on the forum?
  7. Yay now i can actually reply to threads.... This is my other hobby. Wild camping / bushcrafting I suffer quite badly at times with my mental health. I suffer with depression, anxiety and agoraphobia (fear of open spaces/going out). The last one is a hard one to overcome when you need to leave the house to go to work lol. For a few years i have undergone some therapy session/counselling to help with my issues. They recommended many ways to help. But it's actually someone that i know from the forces that also suffers with mental health that got me into this. In recent years i have taken up wild camping / bushcrafting. This is to help me find a place out with my house that i can just empty my head of 'noise' and chill out. Sometimes i go out for an overnight stay, sleeping under a tarp and a bivvy bag. But today i just went for a coffee. So here are a few pics of roughly where i go and my little cooking set up. The first pics are of the way into the woods where i go. The last few are of my woodgas stove and me making the coffee. The coffee only took two pine cones and three 6 x 1cm sticks to make. Free is the best kind of coffee Excellent time out today. Bit blowy but i have a place that is sheltered. Head dump carried out satis!
  8. Just tried it on Chrome. Seems to have worked. Guess i'll not be using Microsoft Edge from now on then Thanks Jim
  9. Mine are stored in plastic stackable box shelves and each box is labelled for the specific aircraft, Fw190, Ju88, Bf109 etc etc. I also keep an inventory of them in an excel program and on Scalemates
  10. Well i've deleted my cache, history, cookies and still getting the error. I'm out of ideas here
  11. Aint that the truth! lol
  12. RIP Boss. Proud to have served you for 17 years.
  13. If there was a tree preservation order on it and he cut it down then he should have incurred a hefty fine. Grips my sweaty tackle when they do that
  14. Hmm i've just tried to upload a pic and i got the error 200 thing too
  15. Like yourself i am (mostly) a Vallejo user. But i have to admit i love Tamiya paints too. Just a shame their colour selection is rubbish. For metal colours i just love using the Vallejo Metal colour paints. Spray and brush an absolute dream and look stunning. I just sold all my Xtracrylix paints. They were fantastic colours but an absolute bitch to get to spray right. I got fed up with fettling all the time.
  16. I hear you Mark. I probably have enough kits to last me until i pop my clogs for now. Doesn't stop me wanting more though
  17. Not touched my Bocage dio for a while so i thought i'd add a few trees whilst i have a few days off. Furthest tree on the left is still to be painted and flocked.
  18. Even my wife laughed and agreed with this one
  19. I normally fish for cod and mackerel. Starting to get back into my fly fishing for trout.
  20. This is so damn true for me.
  21. This used to be my hobby but due to having a mental breakdown and leaving my job and not working for a while whilst i recovered, i had to sell her to feed my family and keep the mortgage going. These days i now go bushcrafting and sea fishing.
  22. Excellent wurger. I'd be well chuffed with that build
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