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Everything posted by GusMac

  1. That's half doing the Ju-52 and the other half doing the SM79 Sparviero......
  2. Nice start.
  3. Seems a bit OTT for a kid's balance bike. What's wrong with a few old planks?
  4. Yes, sorry just an attempt at humour. I realised it was still a work in progress and it is going to look great just like the street scene outside.
  5. Seats look a little uncomfortable at the moment....
  6. I'll back up Hubert, definitely not getting bored of this one.
  7. Just keeps getting better and better.
  8. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  9. I salute anyone who can build an AModel kit. I tried a couple with my son a few years back and we ended up binning both as the fit was just appalling.
  10. Bench time has been a rare commodity recently but got a bit more progress done. Weapons and pylons are assembled, as are the airbrakes, and everything has been painted. The green is rather lurid but it's correct and will be a nice contrast with the splinter cammo. Next up is weathering these then flat coating everything including the main airframe. Had to order more matt varnish, so that has also contributed to the lack of progress.
  11. Looks great. Do you glue them individually with white glue or are they just set in place so far?
  12. So carcinogenic, mutagenic and highly flammable just for starters. Sounds like something to be avoided to me. We used to use liquid scintillators at work which were based on either Xylene, Toluene or Benzene. We eventually decided none were worth the risk and ditched the tests that required them. Thankfully, the clinicians were happy to switch to a Carbon-13 alternative which just needed a mass spectrometer.
  13. Use Linux. Just sayin' fellas.....
  14. Nice work so far. I really like the original 500 unlike the modern abomination which is almost as bad as the modern BMW Mini.
  15. But born and made in Glasgow.....
  16. I'm a massive metal fan but I've just never rated this as an ACDC song. It just doesn't hit it for me for some reason. Give me anything from Powerage, Highway to Hell or Let There Be Rock before this. I think it's down to Chris Slade on the drums. He's a decent meat and potatoes drummer but just doesn't have the swing that Phil Rudd has with that distinctive 'back of the beat' rhythm. Motivation for me needs to be a bit heavier, so I tend towards 80s Thrash metal with Anthrax, Testament, Metallica and Exodus being regular listening. Another reason why my wife leaves me well alone in the modelling room, never mind the odours! That's the paints, not me I hope. đŸ¤ª
  17. Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body!
  18. So, so true...
  19. Stealer's Wheel, can't beat it. Another brilliant song from the late, great Gerry Rafferty.
  20. Ah, Stirling is a nice campus with views of the Wallace Monument, etc. Weather is looking better for the end of this week and onward, so hopefully you're in luck.
  21. Looking good Jani. Where about over here is the graduation? I hope the weather gets better for you as its been lousy for the last few weeks.
  22. I'm with Phil, please keep posting your builds. It's not something I would attempt but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in the processes and the outcomes you can achieve.
  23. Does seem pretty poor given the cost of these sets.
  24. Hi Chris, I used Bob Smith CA to glue the fins and they went on okay. It doesn't dry too fast so you've a bit of time to get them straight. I've tried fitting that one on the left against the resin pylon and I'm hoping it'll straighten out okay with some CA to hold it in place. Failing that I'll try one of the others from the box as the load for this is 2 Sparrows and 4 Sidewinders so I've a couple to play with.
  25. SNAP! Guess what I was building tonight as well. Haven't started on the Sidewinders yet but these look great, although some of the fins had a slight twist. As Chris says the resin is quite soft so they bent back to shape quite easily.
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