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Thanks all.

I am glad it’s enjoyable and of use.

In the previous post some of the pics seem to have gone in out of order, even after editing, but suffice to say that after spraying the semi Matt clear, everything gets toned down.

[edit: I have gone back and re-arranged some of the pictures so hopefully it makes a bit more sense, and the pics with the clear coat are now shown at the end; sorry about that] 

back to the approach, i can only say that if I can do this and get these results - which I think look pleasing but are nothing ‘out of this world’ - then anyone can!

The biggest thing for me was opening my mind to some new techniques, watching quite a few YouTube videos, and just ‘having a go’.

one of the things I picked up from the SMCG Facebook page was being willing to make mistakes because I knew I was happy to try to fix them, rather than the previous fear of screwing up and when I did thinking ‘that was the end’.

And fwiw this afternoon I spent a very frustrating time trying to fix the exhaust stubs - it feels like six months since I have actually had to glue anything lol - and duly failed! 
Will try to post some pics once I have another go ;)



Edited by nmayhew
sorting out picture order in previous post
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Darker tones added to simulate the extra dirt and wear that accumulates around the ammunition bay covers, and also grime around the engine panels

here is the selection I used



First dabs around ammunition bays


then added some more - a reminder that with oils you can always just remove all of this without affecting the paint job underneath: mineral spirit over MRP is fine


not sure the staining around the fuel filler cap is 100% correct but I’ll add some for visual effect and see what it looks like after

and here are the engine panels that I have seen look a bit grubby in some of the pictures… more dark oily colours here rather than just ‘dirt’…


and after some blending…


Decided to do a bit less this side as the oil filler cap / hatch is port side



Wing bays after some blending…


fuel cap - not convinced but I’ll probably leave it


and overhead view; for some reason I missed adding the dust tones here earlier so I will come back and do that



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Exhausts - PITA!

I ended up clipping the nibs off because they didn’t fit very well


Sone light sanding to flatten the end the slow setting CA glue each one, hoping not to drop the bloody things!




not very pleased with the fit / sit but that’s as much a function of the size (undersized exhausts / oversized cowling opening?) as anything else

i am however pleased with the overall look of the exhausts themselves 

After gluing, I added some black (oils) to the base of each stack and blended it out 

starting to look a bit more like a P-40 now!











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I like the dirt effects around cowl and access panels.  I've looked for similar fuel stains on the 109F whose filler cap is nearly the same location as the P-40 you've got.  Haven't found one, yet.   But who is to say it just wasn't photographed.

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i had plans to do some more weathering but i got a little impatient so decided to do the landing gear...

given it's so long since i actually looked at the underside, here is a reminder of where we got to...



Hasegawa's engineering here is almost too good - they are a bugger to insert just because the fit is so tight - nothing is glued in this pic



all the gear and doors have been patiently waiting for this moment!


the gear was glued in place with Tamiya extra thin - it's probably the only thing that would wick its way in there - with a small dab of CA on the two supports at the rear

brake lines were then added with 0.4mm wire, threaded through tiny metal eyes which were already drilled into the oleos; there is also a small hole drilled into the gear bay itself so the disappear off somewhere vaguely in the direction they are supposed to

the lines were then painted tyre black, but i may come back and do them in regular black, I haven't decided yet





always quite pleased to get this stage out of the way - it's the one part of an aircraft build where you can f*ck the whole thing up in an instant, and one of the reasons why i find building armour so much more relaxing (there are no such moments building a box on wheels!).

I can almost see the finish flag fluttering in the distance now!


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10 hours ago, GazzaS said:

I like the dirt effects around cowl and access panels.  I've looked for similar fuel stains on the 109F whose filler cap is nearly the same location as the P-40 you've got.  Haven't found one, yet.   But who is to say it just wasn't photographed.

this was one of the images i had saved down to help me with wing root weathering - you see that this one was pretty grubby! - and it shows at least some staining around the fuel filler cap, although mine is probably a bit overdone


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here's a few more pics of the gear in slightly better light (still all iphone camera, sorry)

i may leave the brake lines that tyre black / dark grey i think

i need to fix the chipping that went a bit wrong on the inside bay door in the pic below


next will be another semi matt coat and then a little extra dust type weathering on the insides of the wheel - mainly to cover my glue f*ck up - somehow i managed to smear some glue and strip a small patch of the paint off 🤦‍♂️








tail wheel also attached...



i just couldn't nail the canvas boot as i wanted - mainly because i wasn't clear in my mind *what* i wanted, perhaps because to my colourblind eyes the colour is just too close to that of the bay doors maybe?

i think i will add some more dust weathering here maybe





but overall pleased to get this (critical) stage out of the way

cheers for looking


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Absolutely superb weathering on the gear and tires. Looking back over all the finishing/weathering stages so far, they all balance and compliment each other and the effect: perfect - not overdone, just operational with a lot of flight time.

Keep 'em comin


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Very nice weathering on the tires and underside.  I wish there were a lot more close up period photos.

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On 11/10/2021 at 3:44 AM, nmayhew said:

i just couldn't nail the canvas boot as i wanted - mainly because i wasn't clear in my mind *what* i wanted, perhaps because to my colourblind eyes the colour is just too close to that of the bay doors maybe?

Now HE has to go add insult to injury HE's colorblind!!! Frigg'in Fantastic work Sir!!! :notworthy:

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one of the last weathering details i have done is to (try to) simulate the wear and tear on the screw fasteners (or whatever they were) on the engine cowling and gun bays underside

in some close up pics it is clear that these heads become worn through to bare metal, so i used AK Xtreme Metals Stainless Steel to paint a few with a 5 / 0 brush

i use the AK paint here because it is extremely thin but mainly because if you goof you can generally use a q-tip / cotton bud to wipe it off (see Doogs' Corsair video series for example of him doing this); the paint is not a lacquer like MRP, so the two can operate in tandem with different clean up methods

anyway, it's pretty subtle but it is visible in some angles so i think it was worthwhile







that's all for now




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navigation lights added, as well as the other lights / clear parts

the nav lights had their backs ie the bit that is glued to the wing - painted silver, so you don't get a Middlestone coloured light

clear paint was then dabbed on and job done





and then something i have been waiting for ages to do - remove the canopy masking!

whenever doing this i use a cocktail stick cut with an x-acto so that the tip is in a chisel / wedge shape - you can then drive this under the edge of the mask and it won't damage the clear part

much safe than a blade or tweezers, and you can actually be quite forceful (another benefit of polishing clear parts rather than dipping in the F word - they are far more durable imho)

note no seat or control column - these are about to be glued in - as it was easier to mask off without the seat whose frame sits  slightly proud of the cockpit sill; same with headrest as well.

anyhoo, nearly there






cheers and thanks for looking


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I like your very subtle layering weathering technique a lot. It leads to a very realistic looking and well blended paint- and weathering job. Almost perfect, I'd say, but I don't like the fuel stains. When there is spill fuel, it would be more prominent in the lower middle of the cap, by gravity means and then maybe dragged a bit with the airflow. 
BTW: which was the color of the fuel? 

I'm nitpicking here, I know, but that's the way it happens when 99,9 percent look absolutely gorgeous ;).

Cheers Rob

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16 hours ago, DocRob said:

I like your very subtle layering weathering technique a lot. It leads to a very realistic looking and well blended paint- and weathering job. Almost perfect, I'd say, but I don't like the fuel stains. When there is spill fuel, it would be more prominent in the lower middle of the cap, by gravity means and then maybe dragged a bit with the airflow. 
BTW: which was the color of the fuel? 

I'm nitpicking here, I know, but that's the way it happens when 99,9 percent look absolutely gorgeous ;).

Cheers Rob

hey Rob, 

I am always happy to receive critique, even if sometimes it just tells me things i know but don't want to hear. 

i used to tell myself that i preferred aircraft "clean" but in reality it was because i couldn't model them weathered, and was too scared / didn't know how to try, but since watching a few (lot!) of videos on Youtube, and picking up lots of things on SMCG (Facebook) I feel much more willing to try stuff

so no problem at all - and you are correct about the fuel stain, it's not "right", and in reality from what decent pics i have seen (and even surmising what i am seeing on actual pics of this airframe), it leaks down and along the wing fillet panel line; on reflection i think i was unsure *exactly* what look i was after, and it turned a bit 'meh' but something to work on for the next aircraft (and my next project will be a Tiger of 502 in Africa - need a break from all this panel line filling and scribing bs!)

the colour was a self mix of oils i had in the pallet at the time 

As an aside, I have given up on most of those AK / Ammo washes although God knows how much money i have spent on them! In the plastic bottles once opened - and even if never opened - their shelf life is just not acceptable

You flatter me with the % btw, but I'll take it lol



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Looking fantastic and thank you for the chisel tip toothpick technique ... going to give it a shot on my P-51, as I always used pointed tweezers, holding my breath, hoping I didn’t damage the plastic under the masking tape.

After reading Rob’s post, I thought about the filler cap/gas/oil staining and Rob’s observations are correct. I’ve seen zillions of builds where this is over done and ruins the effect.
Keep ‘em comin


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hi guys,

the P-40 is done

although i took pics with my ipad - the bets camera i have access to - it was all rather rushed so i didn't have time to use even a white paper background etc

anyway, make of them what you will, and thank you to all who have followed or even just occasionally popped in to take a look















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Love this build and how it came out.  I'll be referring to it in the Future.   Sorry...   I said the 'F' word.

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Absolutely spectacular work and the P-40 looks simply fantastic. Your treatment of the weathering is so well done and realistic , dusty, worn and sun bleached  ... awesome work.

Keep 'em comin


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