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1/72 SCALE

Yup, 1/72nd scale. I’ve always enjoyed an alternating diet of 1/32nd, 1/48th and 1/72nd scales and it seems the perfect medicine to keep the juices flowing, especially when the KH P-39 bogs me down.

A few weeks back I cruised through my simple stash and low and behold, there were nearly equal number of kits in all three scales. Now ain’t that something.  

You just can’t go wrong with a Tamiya kit regardless of scale and the P-47 is no exception. Cockpit detail is wonderful and only required the addition of a nice set of Kit World 3D seatbelts and harnesses not included in the kit. I decided to use an AM set of decals for the 56FS. That’s it, OOB the rest of the way.

I should have taken a few front office pics but I plain old forgot, so the build thread starts with the fuselage buttoned up and the wings ready to be glued in place – right now they are just resting in place on the spar.


Cockpit detailing is superb and with the addition of the Kit World seat belt set, it’s busy enough for me. Jugs were spec out to have the cockpits painted in Bronze Green or Dark Dull Green, not Interior Green, so I went with Mig Dark Dull Green and which to my eyes might have just a hint too much of blue but no biggie. Details were highlighted with a pin wash of Tamiya Black Panel Wash, lightly dry brushed and I’m more then happy with the front office. Fit of all the fuselage parts was typical Tamiya, nearly perfect.


Tops and bottoms fit is spot on but there are a few small issues to deal with –

Nav lights

The nav lights didn’t fit at all and most likely my fault, as they are TINY and cutting them from the fret and removing the sprue gate is a tough act for me. I most likely went too far with the file work, which didn’t help the size or shape. I glued them in place with Tamiya Extra Thin Cement and when dry filled in the gaps, corrected the fit and shape with extra thin CCA. After an hour or so to let the CCA, I sanded and polished the Nav lights and they do look good. I’ll apply the red and green clear paint at the end of the build. Right now, there isn’t any way I can drill out the lenses and drop in some paint for the colored bulbs – just too small for me to handle.

Gun Port Covers:

Four 50 Cal in each wing and the leading edge cover fit wasn’t great, requiring some sanding and a bit of filler. Most manufacturers seem to have troubles with this part – I have no reason why that seems to be.

I scribed a few panel lines that were lost to sanding and now the wings are ready to be glued into place and walla, that’s where I’m at. Sweet and totally enjoyable – just what the doctor ordered.

Thanks for checking in













  • Like 7

Nice work Peter.  I have a Tamiya 1/48 Razorback to build someday.  The first plane I ever foiled was a hasegawa razorback.

  • Like 4

Peter that pit looks Really Sasweeet! I think you pulling our leg and used a Quinta kit:D I have p/u four of them of late one for the SH Yak-3 ;)

  • Like 3

Wow Peter, 

Nice to see that you are also building 72nd scale models! And what a model! Beautiful pit with awesome detail! 
You‘ve already gone very far with it! 
Good choice for an in between the F-4 and the P-39 build! 

  • Like 3

Very nice, the pit looks awesome Peter. It's good to see some 72 scale planes here. I have only a handful in my stash, but will build them along the others. The only thing, which never seem to work for me, is the fast in between build. There is no scale / time factor in my projects :D.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 4


Much appreciated. Just taking my time and a magnifying lamp is all that is needed. Being able to work in 72nd scale again puts a smile on my face as my modeling therapy for my hands has paid off in big dividends :)

Keep ‘em comin


  • Like 1

Thanks Kev

Nope, no Quinta Set but Imdo love them and already bought four of then for future builds. Yup, Was on your Yak 3 build this morning and will be following with great interest

Keep ‘em comin


  • Like 1

Thanks Kai

Loads of fun without any stress or fuss. A few months ago I couldn’t fathom a  1/72nd build with the way my hands were. I’m all smiles

Keep ‘em comin


  • Like 2

Thanks Rob, much appreciated and hopefully not to far down the road you’ll work your magic on on a 1/72nd scale kit.

I’m sure I miss phrased my ‘in between, fast builds’ thoughts. On long and complicated builds, I tend to flounder at times  and need something a lot simpler to work on and keeps my modeling juices flowing until I’m ready to resume work on the more difficult project. I tend to work in stages on the more complicated builds and look forward to taking in between build/ breaks with a simpler, easier and quicker build. Just my way of working which helps me not wander too far away from the bench.

Keep ‘em comin



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