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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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This is a build from about two years ago. Wingscale asked me to build their B25 from a test run, which meant the kit was missing some details but there was enough in the box to come close. I had only six weeks to build this, because they wanted to present the model at the fair in Germany. It was a marvel of a kit. There were no decals so I asked Mal Mayfield from Miracle Masks to cut me the masks for Finito Benito. We all know that Wingscale never materialized and that the kit now is marketed by HK Models. And a good thing it is, because something really beautiful can be created straight from the box and with all the detail sets available these days. It would have been a shame if those moulds would have been left unused. This is how my six week journey turned out. I hope you enjoy the pics, all comments welcome as usual. Happy modeling, Jeroen.

















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Thanks for sharing - what a wonderful build, and this from someone who never really liked that 'Finito...' scheme.


Hope you can share more of your builds with us at LSM as time goes by





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Thanks guys… it was the holiday season so I had some spare time. It might seem like little time, but it wasn't. I remember you telling me that you saw it Jeroen, just can't remember if it was in Germany or Belgium? Not many pics of the interior James, but here are some. No etchings, no decals, it was all kinda bare because of the test run, but with bit of improvisation and careful painting it didn't look to bad...







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