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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Welcome to the HK Models Competition!


We are proud to host this one of a kind competition in co-operation with HK Models and judges Aitor Akzue, Alexander Glass (uschi van der Rosten) and Jean Diorama.


For a look at Jean's amazing work, check out this link:



And an example of Aitor's inspiring efforts, look here:



And Uschi van der Rosten!




The rules are simple!

Competition starts January 1st 2016 and ends June 30th 2016.


Only HK Models are allowed.

Post your build log and finished model in this section of the forum to participate.

Model shall be at least 75% un-finished to be allowed to compete.


The winner wins the coming HK Models Lancaster kit!



Good Luck!

HK Models and LSM Team

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Well ...


Didn't see this one coming!! ...


Ok ... since I have a few months, I may just give this one a crack!


I don't expect to win ... My skills are just not that good (no way I'm hitting those links Jeroen - I may just get too discouraged!!!)


... but it will be fun.


* De Havilland Mossie "Straight Outta Box(ton)"


Rog :)

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Well ...


Didn't see this one coming!! ...


Ok ... since I have a few months, I may just give this one a crack!


I don't expect to win ... My skills are just not that good (no way I'm hitting those links Jeroen - I may just get too discouraged!!!)


... but it will be fun.


* De Havilland Mossie "Straight Outta Box(ton)"


Rog :)


Don't put yourself down. I'm sure you'll turn out a real gem, and if you've any questions, then this is a great place to ask ;)

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Don't put yourself down ...


Oh!! Don't get me wrong - It wasn't self abasement ... It's like Dirty Harry says: "A man's gotta know his limitations" ...

I'm a realist - I'll have a crack at building an OOB mossie (since I'll be on a roll with a 109 and a Spitfire) ... and I want to have a go!

... but the masters can't use me to pace 'em - I'll be taking a leisurely stroll through these 42kms, sir

... and I won't be doing too much that's funky - a very basic build.


Rog :)

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Damnit. I so want that Lancaster. Mossie or Do335?



Do335.  :D


Loads of good news here !


Will enter the contest with the B17G...cool ?


Cheers !

Laurent.  :ph34r:


I agree ... Do335 ... If just for a bit of variety ... :)


When is the release date for that one?


I'd go the B25 ... But since I'll be doing strict OOB only (and I use Master brass gun barrels where they poke out) it will have to be the Mossie. 


Rog :)

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And a HK Models Lancaster prototype that has been dismembered and just had some Evergreen strip added as fuselage structure?

Can that enter too?



I think that the sheer fact that this requires a lot of work (still) and that it's a HK Models prototype we an OK this!

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I've finished one of the HK Meteors including the G-Force undercarriage, Fisher nacelles and Brassin wheels but I've also ordered and will be building the T7 Meteor when the Fisher upgrade is released in February time.  Are upgrades like this allowed or does it have to be OOB?


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