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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Yet another Tamiya Corsair Birdcage 1/32

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So gentleman,

I spent way to much time on a really small detail but,

i finally got something to show.

How many canopy's a man has to make before he's got a good one?


This is how i went about,

first scribe the lines on a piece of litho


Drill, punch, cut, ...


And after some filing,


then roll it on a soft surface to make the arc,

rinse and repeat for the inside,

make some small fittings,

glue it all together with a fine piece of celluliod inbetween,

paint it and voila,










It's far from perfect, but will do just fine in replacing the original canopy that i destroyed.

btw, i choose to have 'dirty' windows with dust in the corners and scuff's it just didn't look right with pristeen windows.

This is the best i can do with my current skillset, but lets not forget, it's really small and macro photo's take no prisoners....

@JeroenPeters sorry no beercan :)






Next to the sorry looking original


And it fits the airframe, it rides a bit high in the pictures but i didn't push it down enough,

i was trying not to damage the tiny rear view mirror that i spent 3!!! hours fitting.




my impromtu photo studio



I miss matched the alignment of the numbers, because i want it to look like it's been replaced, notice the slightly different color.

I still need to clean the spill from the setting solution then for some wheatering.


That's it for now, i am gonne rest up a bit and then (finally) on to the fuselage


grtz free

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the nice comments,

After 2 weeks of priming, cleaning, priming, cleaning, priming, ....

i was finally able to put some colour on the outer wings.

had to remake the nav light in clear acrylic because i could not glue the tiny vacformed one.

Had to strip back the primer so many times i was loosing my rivets, out came the toothbrush :)

finally i settled on black gloss base from alclad as a primer,


Gloss black and withe from tamiya for the canvas parts


then some aluminium also from alclad,


chipping medium AKinteractive,


yellow chromate from tamiya,




chipping medium

gloss black from tamiya


and then finally the main colour.


All acryics where deluted with mr leveling thinner.


Also put down a white coat where the insignias will come and masked them off.

Can anyone give me a reference for the insignia blue, or do i just match the Tamiya decals?

Again it isn't perfect, but i' am learning an all new way of painting and what you see is a result of pure perseverance :rolleyes:

there are still some surface flaws, but i have to move on. The next one will be better ;).

The fuse is still getting stripped, but now i have the sequence of how i want to paint it, it is just a matter of finding the time.

untill then, all comments are welcome, i 've got a lot to learn.

Grtz free

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Got some more done today,

starting the underside,


slowly does it


really slow goes a long way


i think it came out better than the topside


i went with ultramarine blue and black for the insignia, had to use golden inks because i could not get the hue with what i got from tamiya







That's all for now



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I prodded on and got some things done,

as you will see i sometimes do very good things and sometimes very bad things.

The day started good,

Walk this way?


Drats, the insignia coulours are not the same (i wanted it darker) but didn't expect this



So i had to remask the lighter one and go over it again, in the proces i lost the rather nice fading effect :(

I went outside for some pictures, dont mind the napkin,



the chipping on the second wing came out rather well


And then mister stupid knocked on my door and started to put down an overly thick showroom glosscoat


this was a stupid reflex from when i clearcoat pinball playfields, when it goes on a little dry, flood it.

On pinball playfields it doesn't matter, i need the clearcoat to fill inperfections but here i lost almost all of the rivetting :angry:

I sanded most of it back, and am now in the prosess of opening up every rivet


The underside and other wing where clearcoated aswell and no mishaps there, Lucky?




To change my mind from the clearcoat debacle i started to decal,

saying that Tamiya decals are thick is an understatement, they are really thick.

It took several passes of solvent to get them to conform to anything and even tough i trimmed of all the carrier film the really small ones appear to lay on top instead of embedding


knowing this i absolutely drowned "Daphne C", so much that i burned trough the clearcoat,after all it came out rather nice



That's all for now, I hope i can get that top wing in an ok condition, i would hate to strip it again!!!!!

Still procastinating on the fuse :D



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I know the feeling when "Mr Stupid" makes an appearance!  I've entertained him at my bench far more often than I care to admit...


Thanks for sharing your processes, warts and all - it continues to inspire us mere mortals. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Nice Job you have, very classy stuff. I always envision the frosted glass door to the Sam Spade office in one of theese 1930's Office Buildings in LA. Gold lettering is so cool.

Is the Belgian Sheriff written with only one f?

Cheers Rob

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  • 3 months later...

Thx coolbox, I hope it will turn out ok in the end. I’m just finding out while doing  it. I don’t have a set plan. Just dont want to drown it in paint and get away with the least amount of paint possible.

Topside will be more elaborate with

aluminium, primer and blue, meaby not everywhere but surely in those area’s prone to wear. 

Grt free


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Like Gus said, nice and subtle. I like your very thin layering approach. With a little bit of lucidity you achieve much more depth for the paintjob and less loss of detail.
Time to turn her upside down :).

Cheers Rob

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thanx all, i turned her over,

white undercoat for the insignias and i also did the fillercap for the fuel (gives the red a better chance to be bright)


reverse masking for the insignias and numerals followed by a coat of alclad aluminium


Then AK heavy chipping fluid and Chromate primer XF4 tamiya


And than some chipping,


So, after some clearcoat this is now drying, mayby i'll find some time tomorrow to start the topcoat.

Starting to get back i the groove

Back soon

Grt free





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