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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Eduard P-47D Thunderbolt "Dottie Mae" WIP

Guest DannyVM

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Guest DannyVM



I know that camera can change the color, but cockpit color on my screen seems to be more Olive drab.

Indeed it is, no screen dis-orientation, but it's really not the right color. I'm at the moment in doubt to repaint the cockpit.





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Guest DannyVM



Excellent work Danny

Thank's Mate :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:


Ok, last day's i've bin really busy doing modeling. I work on two subjects at the time, something that isn't mehmmm.gif hmmm.gif .........who am i ????innocent.gif mental.gif


That said, today i finished the P-47 "Dottie Mae" cockpit. I used all the pe that was in the box available which gave the cockpit a nice extra detail.


Ok let's look at some photo's. First i was not so happy with the cockpit color, but at the end, i think it turned out rather fine.








I also did some wiring behind the IP.




When i dry-fitted the cockpit into the fuselage i noticed something i never noticed before. I knew Hasegawa kit's are quality, but when i did put the two fuselage half's against each other, the cockpit dropped right into place and the two fuselage half's stayed in place, without glue or tapesmile.png .........you know guy's, i like that when such a thing happens.






And last but not least.............the P-47 model is huge, where i gonna put that when it's ready??





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That has gone together nicely. Far better than the Trumpeter version does - they have the spine as separate parts which just creates seams and poor fit where you don't want it.


Can you actually see any of your IP wiring in there? The fit looks lovely and snug but not a lot to be seen.

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Guest DannyVM



Can you actually see any of your IP wiring in there? The fit looks lovely and snug but not a lot to be seen. 

I think it will be barely visible once the windscreen is in place.





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No black humour, but Jeroen is correct. I had been burned out after doing long drawn projects without even a chance of finishing one within a reasonable timescale. To get the juices flowing again I got myself the Hasegawa P-40E. And it has given back my mojo and enjoyment in modelling. I have been looking at Danny's build and the P-47 has a similar style as the P-40. I intend to build one myself after the Warhawk is finished.

Looking great Danny, you have really got it up to speed.



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Guest DannyVM


No black humour, but Jeroen is correct. I had been burned out after doing long drawn projects without even a chance of finishing one within a reasonable timescale. To get the juices flowing again I got myself the Hasegawa P-40E. And it has given back my mojo and enjoyment in modelling. I have been looking at Danny's build and the P-47 has a similar style as the P-40. I intend to build one myself after the Warhawk is finished.

Looking great Danny, you have really got it up to speed.



That's great Cees. Indeed, a nice kit can bring back the pleasure of building it. Same story here, after my Tamiya Corsair build, i started the Trumpeter MIG 23. But the nose cone problems kept building up so i started to lose the interest, until i casted the first resin nose cone, and my P-47 felt in my hands the same week, i got my pleasure in building back. Now i work on two different subjects...........crazy isn't it :wtf:





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  • 1 month later...
Guest DannyVM

Hi Guy's,


finally back to the modeling table after a while. So i'ts time to show you guy's some progress regarding the P-47D.


Wings, and tail planes are joined with the fuselage, but not without any problems.




Upper joints of the wing and the fuselage are rather good. Some filler is needed to get thing's smooth, but that's really not of a problem




Bottom joints are another thing. here, wings and fuselage are not really gives a smooth transition, so, some hacking, sanding is needed here.












Next, from a basic oil cooling system, to a more advanced one.






At last, some detailing regarding the wheel-bay doors. I used some kit pe, to advance the doors a little bit. For this, some part's need to be bend, which is not so easy regarding the tiny part's. Luckily there are some tool's for this, and i'm fortunate to have the Ushi Jigmaster at my disposal.








The jigmaster gives a firm grip to the tiny pe part. Even with an Etch-mate it is difficult to obtain this sort of grip to get the job done.


After all was bend this is the result.











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Guest DannyVM
19 hours ago, Carvair said:

Nice job on the folding and glueing Danny , i also do like the colors on the cockpit.

Thank's, only the folding wasn't needed, like you will read in my next post.





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Guest DannyVM

Today i made some more progress on the Jug.


Like mentioned in the previous post, i made a mistake regarding the pe which i bended and glued on the landing gear doors. At the moment this mistake is set right and thing's are more accurate now.




I made a start with the landing gear legs and the Brassin wheels.






Same quality like we used to see from eduard Brassin set's, but this time the wheel rim's didn't really do justice once they where glued onto the wheel's. A rather large seam was left between the rim's and the tire, so some putty was needed to fix this problem.






I'm glad i bought the Perfect plastic putty at the last convention. This stuff is really wonderful to work with.




Drop tank's are also glued. Here the filler cap's where in my opinion not so nicely the way they should be. So again, some putty to make them more realistic with the use of pe.




Last item for today are the under wing pylons.







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Guest DannyVM

I really need to get me some of that plastic putty.

I've heard good things about that stuff...

Indeed Jeroen, it's really good stuff. If i get the chance i will buy some more tubes.





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Guest DannyVM

nice pit, some great saves and scratch work...

Thank's Rick for the nice comment mate.:thumbsup2:





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Guest DannyVM

This is looking great Danny, excellent so far. 

Thank's mate:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:


Tomorrow i have some extra bench time, so i aspect to get some progress done by tomorrow evening.





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Guest DannyVM

Today i had some bench time, so i used it with much confidence to glue all part's by the end of the day........:hmmm: .......it worked......:punk: 


Still there where some issues to deal with. that said, compared to nowadays standards, this kit show's it's age very wel. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good kit, fit is rather nice, but you still need to keep the putty at handed very close.


First thing, and problem to start with where the (i presume) 165 gallon drop tank's which i will use for my model. Like i mentioned in my earlier post, the filler cap's where not much of a use, so i filled them with putty and sanded them smooth. Some pe was use to represent the filler cap's which you will see in following photo's. 

Another problem was the connection of the fuel tank's onto the under-wing hard point's. the sway braces where just to narrow. This resulted that the fuel tank didn't connect properly against the under-wing pylon. To do so, i had to press it against the pylon, resulting in disfigure and finally breaking of the sway braces.






I decided to remove part of the sway braces, and widen them, to give the fuel tank enough room to connect against the pylon. Afterwards i would make new sway braces from brass tube and evergreen and relocate them so they gave a nice contact onto the fuel tank's.


After removal of the bottom sway braces, the fuel tank connected nicely against the pylon.




I drilled holes of 6 m/m and put some brass tube true it. I also glued a evergreen disk onto the brass tube. 






The fuel tank was fitted onto the pylon, the sway braces where adjusted onto the fuel tank and glued firmly, et voila, the job was done.






Much better isn't it...:hmmm: 




Next step, some detailing with the Eduard pe, included in the box.






The turtle deck behind the pilot's seat.






Like Cees mentioned before, the engine mount needed to be lowered by 1 m/m so the whole engine with cowling would fit onto the fuselage. At the bottom, the engine segment didn't really gave a smooth transition with the fuselage.


Here you can see the problem




After lowering the engine mount.






And so i glued all part's, except for the windshield.Time to dry-fit some thing's, and look, it start to look line a JUG.









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