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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

2019 IPMS USA Nationals. Chattanooga, Tn


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On 1/17/2019 at 9:49 AM, 1to1scale said:

Hey, Ernie, the local IMPS running the show in Chattanooga are asking if anyone is interested in sponsoring trophies, they are $85 for sponsor packages. Do you think that makes sense for LSM?  

I was there last weekend for the winter show, word is, they are booking the whole convention center, this is going to be a real big one! They have booked over 40 vendors already.


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Just keep in mind, Chattanooga is not a big town! There are a couple good restaurants.


I have been the the Urban Stack is a good Burger and Whiskey place. 


Southern Star is a little more of a down-home cooking (meat & 3) place.


City Cafe is a good breakfast place, but may be a bit crowded during conventions.



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I'm open to whatever day for dinner. Last year we did Friday, one other year, we did Thursday. Then a bunch of us went to dinner instead of paying stupid money for a bowl of chili and tacos, or whatever they served.  It'd be cool if we can hook up with the Tamiya and Wingnut bunch again.. I also know Glen and Floyd should be there as well.  

How many from TOS are going? I I haven't heard much other than Tim and Brian aren't.

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My UK tour trip was fun explaining to friends and coworkers....

"Oh heading the the UK?" They would ask.

    "Yes" I'd reply.

"Wow, seeing London, Big Ben, getting some fish and chips...? They fantasized.

   "Uh no, going to model show"  I'd remark deadpan.

"You mean a model show with attractive ladies" They would inquire eyes wide open.

    "No plastic models" Again deadpan.

"You mean like toys......." Asked with a confused gaze.

     Defeated I say "Yep like toys......"

Usually they walk away contemplating the cost of air fare and lodging just to go see a bunch of toys.....

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47 minutes ago, Bomber_County said:

Interesting you said that Ryan, as only ever been to Telford is the US Nats as big?

I would say almost as big as Telford, the competition display is much larger in the US though.

Some other things I noticed in Telford that are different that the US, was the strange selling area for personal modelers, as if the show was only for vendors or club displays. For example if "Chadwick Prescott the Earl of Model Kits" wanted to sell his own kits at Telford he could do so only in the special area? perhaps it has something to do with VAT? I have no clue. In the US, if Uncle Billy Bob Kit Basher wanted to sell his kits he could just rent a table and set up shop. Maybe I have this perception wrong, I certainly don't remember what it was called, but there was a separate area to bargain for personal kits.

Another huge difference is the amount of SIG and club displays, you just done see that here, at least on the scale it is at Telford.

Some other non modeling observations are the very narrow streets with short curbs to destroy rims almost everywhere. Then there are the roundabouts which in the UK is serious business needing careful navigation, in the us these are normally just (1) lane affairs.

The people were very nice and the moment of silence to mark the end of WWI was very touching at Telford, which if i understand is done every year on Sunday.

Personally, I was somewhat of an oddity as the places I stayed (Ellesmere Port/ Chester) don't see many Americans...or that what I was told on a couple of occasions!

The walk to neighborhood pubs was very neat, the one I remember was the Red Lion in EP.

Perhaps the biggest things that impressed me was the robust construction of the buildings, I mean thick brick walls, the heavy tile work etc on the roofs ( I guess to combat the weather). Speaking of oddities though (compared to the US), the washer and dryer in kitchens and the wall mounted water heaters were strange.

Sorry for getting off topic, but It was my first time in the UK and I had a great time.

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Thanks Ryan for the observations, having worked for a US firm for last 25 years, I do understand your “queries “ concerning the English nuances, the best  was on a visit to our Dallas office. A lady said I bet you live in an old house like mine. On enquireing of the age, transpired to be 1930’s. We were at the time renovating a property circa 1550...........Shakespeare was still alive as was Queen Elizabeth I.............next time you’re over give me a shout, goes for anyone form over the pond......

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I certainly will, we were planning a Telford trip this year but decided on the US nationals instead.

Perhaps next year for Telford.


Can you explain the whole private seller thing at Telford?

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