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1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109G-14.  Donated by Clunkmeister Won by Smitty44

Any single engine in production and in stock Wingnut kit.  Donated by Clunkmeister Won by Carl

Wingnut Pfalz D.llla Donated by Harv Won by  Recon

Trumpy Skyraider package. Donated by TJTX Won by 1to1 Scale

Kitty Hawk 1/32 F-5E. Donated by 1to1scale Won by Bill_S

Hasagawa FW-190F-8.  Donated by Jeff Won by Martinnfb

Trumpeter A-7E Donated by GusMac Won by Maru

Bronco Models 1/35 scale YW-531-A   Donated by Pardelhas  Won by PeterPools

Revell 109G-10 Donated by Grunhertz Won by TJTX

Budweiser BD-5J  Donated by Peterpools Won by Daywalker 

Hasegawa N1K2-K George  Donated by Bill_S Won by GusMac

Revell Duo Discus and engine   Donated by Daywalker Missed on regular drawing, drawn  afterwards, Won by Jeff

Winners choice of either a Revell Beaufighter or Trumpeter Bearcat  Donated by HubertB Won by Wouter

1/72 Hasegawa McDonnell Banshee Donated by Maru.  (Rumour has it that it comes with an electron microscope so it can actually be built) Won by Jeff

1/28 Hobbycraft Fokker Dr.1   Donated by Maru  Won by Jeff

Wingnut Wings Snipe (late) donated by Seiran01  Won by DaveJ

 Choice of either: Hasegawa FW-190D-9 with Aires cockpit and Eaglecals decals or A 1/12th scale Tamiya Yamaha Moto GP kit; with Studio 27 photoetch set, Tamiya fork upgrade set and Valentino Rossi decals.  Donated by Wumm. Won by Seiran01


Books and Literature:

Panther on the Battlefield book donated by Carl Won by HubertB.

Vickers Wellington winter scene print.  Donated by Dave J. Won by Harv

B-25J ETO deckle set  Donated by Martinnfb Won by  Maxim

Kagero (red series) Heinkel HE 111 Ps of KG 27 (decals), and Sq EA-6b Prowler walk around.  Donated by Recon Won by [Cat]Cpl.Slade

Desert Eagle Zelda M113 Part 1 (fitters), and Concord Merkava 1, 2, 3.   Donated by Recon  Won by Grunhertz



$100.00 gift certificate to the online hobby store of your choice. Donated by Smutty44 Won byPardelHas

$25.00 gift certificate.  Donated by Drifter Won by Martin  

Ok Y’all, here’s the biggie.  All the names went back

in, and the winner of the Lancaster as drawn by me is...




Congratulations and Merry Christmas from LSM! 


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To everyone who participated, THANK YOU! 

Mods and Admins, thanks for allowing this to happen! Y’all are a breath of fresh air!

It was a pleasure to do this and I’m sure we’ll do it again next year. 

Those who donated, please get in touch with the winners and arrange shipping to the winners location. 

Merry Christmas!

  • Like 5
  On 12/25/2018 at 9:28 PM, Jeff said:

Wow...... Congrats to Bill S on the grand prize !  Thanks Ernie, job very well done !


CONGRATULATIONS  to you Bill on WINNING THE  PRIZE...  WOW ... its about time you had  Fun..:unworthy:


And Jeff It must be Kismet that WE ARE GOOD FRIENDS and you won both MY donated kits..

Please do contact ME when you get a moment  so I can start looking for bubble wrap  and boxes to send the kits to you.


and KUDOS and Congrats to ALL the winners....


now to GO AND  see who won what again !



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  On 12/25/2018 at 9:45 PM, MARU 5137 said:

CONGRATULATIONS  to you Bill on WINNING THE  PRIZE...  WOW ... its about time you had  Fun..


And Jeff It must be Kismet that WE ARE GOOD FRIENDS and you won


Cathy is suspicious... LOL!!!!:rofl:

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