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Small update,


Been working on the bombardeers office, the bombsight ( I haven't figured out yet how to make the crosshairs ) and reworked the chin turret.  Question about that when the turret is pointing to the side there are two "black" panels showing in the pictures. Are those clear panels or something like that?

46582907802_97685dd957_z.jpg110_4436 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

45720601835_8717063171_z.jpg110_4435 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

46582908052_051cb28f5e_z.jpg110_4434 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

45720602885_33e9a6b688_z.jpg110_4433 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

46582908272_c07c77fa84_z.jpg110_4431 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

45720603475_3ac7419169_z.jpg110_4430 by Rick Martens, on Flickr

46582908432_4e9cd0e4a5_z.jpg110_4429 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


  • Like 8
  • 2 weeks later...

Been working on the bombardier's compartment


46774344741_5a443a0953_k.jpg110_4474 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


45859298355_49b38fe9e2_k.jpg110_4477 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46049244894_6111b3da48_k.jpg110_4478 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46774344271_c6b8405854_k.jpg110_4479 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46774343381_59289a8555_k.jpg110_4490 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


I have added the bomb release switch, bombdoor controlls, a portable oxygen bottle and the springs and pulleys for the two machineguns in the nose. Maybe not all that accurate but it looks fine to me.


46049244434_97941ef070_k.jpg110_4482 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46774343791_d17c494325_k.jpg110_4484 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46049243994_89f02858d1_k.jpg110_4485 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


Could't resist a dry fit. That place is crowded they had hardly room to breathe in there!!


45859298205_fc36866dca_k.jpg110_4495 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46049243374_6aa22a1132_k.jpg110_4494 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


Also finished the Norden bombsight. Only could't get the crosshairs done. Tried stretches sprue, thin wire ( too thick ) and even the dogs hair so I will probably leave it as it is.





  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...

I have added everything I wanted to the nose section.


46170510864_053f8fc38e_z.jpg110_4560 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


Assembled the crew.


45980795005_14b889162c_z.jpg110_4555 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


45980794495_c846865ccb_z.jpg110_4557 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46843461272_eb47a2a41c_z.jpg110_4558 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


46843460952_d2b0a77fb1_z.jpg110_4563 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


45980793215_5b28f85a54_z.jpg110_4566 by Rick Martens, on Flickr


The tail gunner and the radio operator are like Frankenstein put together from all sorts of spare parts.



  • Like 7

Great looking figs!  I like crew for a number of reasons.  One is scale.  Another is it brings a model to life.  the third, is they hide detail I may not want to build.


Keep rocking!



  • Like 2
  • 1 year later...

Hello Rick,

Have you sorted out the motors for your project? If not it might be worth looking at Magic Scale Models website - they do light\sound for scale models, and will be doing a set for the hk B 17, but also do the motors separately. Alternatively I got a few Chinese copies of the Airfix prop motors off eBay (the genuine ones are going for crazy money!!)

Hope that helps.

Blue Skies!

Captain Boogaloo

  • Like 2
  • 2 years later...

There is a personal account on You Tube  conducted by Raymond McFalone - he conducted a hundred+ interviews of 390th crew members. The pilot was Elbert Steele - if you search under his name you can hear his account.  His memory was not as clear on details but he states there was nose art and he said it was “Boaster F. Fox” in the interview. 

  • Like 1
  • 2 years later...

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