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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

A new shades of Proper Plane wood decal has released

Proper Plane

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Dear friends! As we mentioned before our new line of Proper Plane plywood decal got wider! We added 4 new shades.

This decal has a transparent background and was developed in co-operation with Dave Douglass - a famous artist which widely known as Albatros and other planes researcher. Set of decals containing 4 sheets with 4 wood textures. Fits the 32th scale but also can be used in the 48nd.

To make an order visit to online store www.ProperPlane.com

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  • 9 months later...

Hello Danny!

As I've already wrote you, with a respect to your willing I'd like to underline some points:

Before you have made the order you accepted the terms on our site. Let me remind them to you:

- Producing terms:

usually we produce the sets you have ordered in terms up to 10 weeks. If this term changes we inform you as soon as it possible. If you need the goods urgent, please let us know to approve special conditions.

- Delivery options:

Worldwide delivery by registered air mail (usually takes 2-8 weeks)

As every propeller is hand made to order I did my best to made it without the queue and sent your propeller ASAP - 2020-05-25 11:27 - 4 (not 10) weeks later after you've made the order. According the situation with COVID-19 in the World any delay with working of postal services is possible and your ordered has not delivered to you before today. The latest status is: "2020-07-08 06:17 BELGIUM, Arrival at inward office of exchange". I claimed to post office according their rules (Any claim accepts at 30 days after sending the package) and still waiting the respond for them. I am sure your packet is ok and will be delivered to you soon. Actually according my experience only 1 packet were lost during 3 years and we settled this without any problem. I have made and sent new set for free.

As i confirmed in my letters I will send your money back to you if you still want it. In this case please confirm your readiness to send me back the ordered propeller to me when you receive it.

Some words about a way of recall your money. I can do that via: 
- PayPal (as I said before it is limited available in Ukraine and I can only send money, not receive as you claim in your post) or 
- bank transfer (in this case I need your bank account details which I was requested from you for several times. My bank does not allow me to see the IBAN and other details which need to send the funds back), 
- Western Union (it seems I have all data I need to send the payment) 
- or even send this 31 Euro in an envelop. But regarding the terms of delivery it would take too much time.

So we eager to close this dispute and come back to our work.

Thank you!



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This seems like a situation that could have been avoided with a little more communication and patience. What it probably didn't need is the interjection of a third party who probably should have stayed in the background.

If you're not named, then there's no point getting upset because there's no possible way anyone can know that you are being referred to. But to come onto an open Forum, and take pot shots at someone just because they took pot shots at you is just bad form. 

I don't know what your behaviour is like on LSP, and frankly I don't care. This kind of thing is generally not acceptable here.


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I think maybe we should end this now. Toes do not need to be stepped on,  feeling ruffled. You all are my friends and I dont like were this is going. MY 2 cents....harv.

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We’ve all bought through Proper Plane in the past and I just have to say that I LOVE their products. 

Danny, I feel your pain, my friend. We’ve all got orders sitting in limbo waiting for them to be fulfilled.  

I have decals from Hungary still in limbo after months, but it is what it is. I agree, maybe a bit of communication would be better, but personally, I have a huge faith in Proper Plane, and I will be placing a fairly big order tonight.  I like to buy all I think I’ll need for quite awhile from my Eastern European friends all in one swoop, if for no reason other than to save postage.  Heck, even 15 props from Henri Daehne in Germany of all places took several months.

Then we add Covid to the equation and it’s pretty soon insane. :)

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Things are slow EVERYWHERE! Just be understanding. I made two orders from BNA two days apart, one order arrived in less than three weeks from Australia to US, the other smaller package took 16 weeks! The postal system worldwide is in disarray, I am experiencing significantly longer shipping times from all over the world, so we all have to be understanding of this. Also, be aware that there are communication difficulties in translation and volume. What is socially normal in one culture is vastly different in another, and throw translation issues in, some wrong assumptions can be made. Please, just take a minute to put yourself in the others persons shoes and give everyone a little extra time. 

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Let me second everyone else's comments on longer shipping times. Sometimes, or in some countries, the organisation of the sorting centers in Post Offices has been completely wrecked by the necessities of social distancing and sanitary precautions. Point in case is the French Postal system, where an ordinary mail (not even talking of a parcel) can take any time between 2 weeks and ... never arriving (ask me how I know !)

I have ordered stuff from Ukraine, and the delays have been looooooooong lately. Not that I got worried. None of this is essential, and my stash has me busy for 150 years even before I grow it up ...

On the other hand, I sent parcels to Canada recently, from Portugal. The reputation of both Canadian and Portuguese Post Office is not very high, AFAIK. Yet, the parcels arrived amazingly swiftly given the initial reputation and the current circumstances.

Finally, when something is Air mailed, remember that you have not seen many flights anywhere in the world lately. Karim must have had some extra bench hours of late ;) (where are the results of all this extra time, my friend :rolleyes: ?)

Just my :2c:


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5 hours ago, karimb said:

Jeroen you’re right, this discussion is now closed from my side ^_^

signing out!


Thank you Karim. I have removed the first line of your reply to keep things peaceful and quiet. Stay safe everyone!

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Dear friends!
I'm very appreciate your support and advises you have given for me. It will surely help me to improve Proper Place customer service. 

I want to say thank you to Karim for his help in communication with my customer. As it was mentioned English is not my native language and I could have some misunderstanding with Danny. Karim is a real gentleman and he performed his help and I appreciate this very much. I want to apologize to Karim for these different blames he had heard to his address. It is completely unfair I suppose.

As for situation with Danny I do believe that was a real misunderstanding. I did send the package on May 25th, but it came to Denny only on July 9th. Due to the pandemic, mail has slowed down a lot. For my part, I made the best of efforts for seeking his packet, but, unfortunately, there are things there that I can't influence on. To confirm my words below I post a screenshot of tracking.

I urge you to take into account possible delays with the work of the postal service when placing the orders in Proper Plane in future.

Regards, Alex Belov
Proper Plane


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Just so everyone is clear here,

Karim was personally asked by Alexey to act as his intermediary here. Karim has a thorough mastery of English and is better able to communicate. 

Lets get this behind us. 

Covid has us all on edge, and we all are wondering about the future whe continuing to work to the fullest extent available.  

I use Alexey’s products, and to me, they are the best in the world. Around here, you can hardly expect to compete a WW1 model without Alexey’s products.

oh, and Oleg’s as well.


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26 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:


I use Alexey’s products, and to me, they are the best in the world. Around here, you can hardly expect to compete a WW1 model without Alexey’s products.

oh, and Oleg’s as well.


Krow, you mean this?  :rofl:  

I never thought about it, I said it from the heart, but it does kinda seem like a plug, eh?    It’s true, at least around here, we don’t have the skills all you guys have so we gotta get the good stuff. :)

This all seems a bit surreal.....

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It is surreal because it is a singular complaint being given maximum exposure of the wrong kind.

Thats why it feels a little 'wrong'

And is the definition of what sucks the most about the internet and human behavior in general.

I used another manufacturers wood grain decals years ago and it is well documented in A Gotha on three model forums.  So an argument can be made that a mod should not plug one manufacturers product.

This is how forums go a little sideways and can turn into a place where only the mods friends can get recognized or promoted.

I know yer a good guy Ernie and my suggestion is valid but not applicable to you in this case , just an example of what can happen.

I like it here and I can say what I want without the almighty judgement day coming down on me.

It looks to me that the problem is on its way to being resolved properly.


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Thanks Krow.  I’ve always said that if you have a personal gripe with someone, deal with it in private.  In public is not a good place. 

And around here in North Texas, PP props and Rexx exhausts are pretty much a requirement for any kind of context model here. Especially for me, because I certainly can’t come close to equalling what they do. Means you can add a few $$$ go every planned WW1 build 


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