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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. I must confess that my display cabinets contain a lot more Spitfires than any other subject. Cheers Dennis
  2. Try Microscale Liquid Decal Film. https://www.wonderlandmodels.com/microscale-liquid-decal-film/ https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MSFILM?result-token=9ZrJj Cheers Dennis
  3. Now that is big. Cheers Dennis
  4. Here we go again, despite Italeri bring out a new one I am going to build this one, hopefully with the new kit will come some AM for me, I'm not going to finish this for some time, the last one took a year. Here's a clue You probably guessed. Cheers Dennis
  5. Thank you Gus, as you say the Italians did have some aircraft that showed the Italian flair for all things, the Re2005 is in my opinion one of those. I do like the unusual, I have built some French early WW2 kits (Azur and SH) and they too are pleasing to the eye. Cheers Dennis
  6. I have problems reaching the legal speed limits these days never mind breaking them, no more flashing around with my hair on fire, but me and my 1976 Honda CB750 go at a more leisurely pace these days and only on sunny days. New shiny superbikes hold no attraction for me, though in my younger days I would have loved one. I bought the bike new in 1976 and no one else has ever laid a spanner on it. My bike was my only form of transport between 16 and 28, I used it for everything no matter what the weather, I also worked shift so night or day did not matter to me. Marriage and kids meant passing my car test and buying a car, which is a great way to get from A to B without getting cold or wet but it is not fun. Most of the bikers I see nowadays are like me either silver tops or baldies. Cheers Dennis
  7. Thank you very much Martin, sitting here looking at it in my display cabinet is very pleasing, I'm glad that PCM did make so many different subects so I will start researching to build another one probably a Macchi C200. Cheers Dennis
  8. Thank you very much, I'm stunned that I finally finished after one year, must try harder in 2024. Cheers Dennis
  9. I hope this means lots of sales for Kotare and they can then bring out more kits, however this one is not one for me. Cheers Dennis
  10. Thank you for the kind words, it is appreciated. Cheers Dennis
  11. Thank you Peter, it really feels good to actually finish something, I am determined that I will start doing it more this year. Cheers Dennis
  12. Here is my completed Sagitterio, it took a year to complete, which is terrible, but I did have problems with my hands and eyes which slowed down my normal glacial building speed. There is not much in the way of AM about for this kit, but as I prefer painting markings I used some Montex masks intended for the MC202 for the national markings. Apart from being a very attractive looking aircraft I knew very little about the subject when I bought the kit all those years ago. But this is a summary of its history. The Re.2005 it was one of the three Series 5 aircraft, all being powered by a licence built DB-605 engine, the Fiat RC 58 Tifone 1,475hp engine. The three fighters were the Macchi C.205V Veltro, Fiat G.55 Centauro and Reggiane Re.2005 Sagittario, none of which were built in large numbers but they were all very capable aircraft. I found some notes on the operational use of the Re2005 on the internet. In May of 1943, the first Sagittarios entered service with the Regia Aeronautica. The first prototype and several of the zero series aircraft were used operationally by the 362a Squadriglia, 22o Gruppo at Naples-Capodichino starting in May 1943, being used to defend Rome and Naples. The squadron had developed a rather daring method of attacking Allied B-17s which involved diving head-on with all guns blazing, then flipping the aircraft over on its back and diving away at the last minute. The Reggiane had good behaviour in close dogfight and , according to General Minguzzi, who flew both Re 2005 and Spitfire, was even better than the Spit in tight turns and handling. The aircraft were all new and did not operate for very long so weathering was left alone, which suits me as I am rubbish at it. The kit itself is a back to basic modelling type build but as with other PCM kits it does deliver in the end. Paints used were Xtracolor with Humbrol for the detail painting, all mistakes and bodges are mine. Cheers Dennis
  13. Very smart, a superb build. Cheers Dennis
  14. I did not plan to buy any kits in 2024 but the HpH Kate to go with the Infinity Val was a tentative purchase until I saw the price £216, so I swerved and pre ordered the Border Kate instead at £72. We shall see how it turns out. Cheers Dennis
  15. Just did the same and the HPH price was way over my limit so ordered (back order) the Border kit instead, it will be a shot in the dark for me. Cheers Dennis
  16. No kits but will be looking for AM stuff for my 2024 intended builds, unless a BP Defiant, Fulmar of Battle or something similar appears in 1/32 kit form. Cheers Dennis
  17. A very fine old model kit, I have built a couple of them, love the shark mouth, nice one. Cheers Dennis
  18. Thank you for the kind words but it isthe Xtracolour that does it Peter, saves me having to gloss coat it for decals. Cheers Dennis
  19. Getting there (slowly) Cheers Dennis
  20. Well here is my result for 2023, not very impressive, in fact an absolute disaster, my main hobby and this is the result, and no its not a stealth fighter. The PCM Re 2005 nearly made it though Cheers Dennis
  21. Looks good to me John, nice work on a golden oldie. Cheers Dennis
  22. I turned my back again and another masterpiece appears, looking good John, I remember building two of those kits and really enjoyed the process. Cheers Dennis
  23. Happy New Year everyone, have a great 2024. Cheers Dennis
  24. I don't buy many kits, my interests are only WW2, 1/32 scale, and aircraft but this year I actually bought 6 kits. The Italeri C202, it is about time we saw some new Italian subjects being kitted, the PCM kits are very long in the tooth now. The Trumpeter TBD, I have always wanted to build some USN Midway subjects so this was a must. I also have a thing about Japanese subjects so the Aichi Val was in the post very quickly. The Hobby 2000 Me110 sort of accidently fell into my shopping cart at Hannants, I do not normally build Luftwaffe stuff but I have a thing about their desert schemes, and it was cheap. It will make a nice relaxed build as I do not worry about accuracy with Lufwaffe subjects so I just build them. But the one that really fired me up was the Kotare Spitfire, I have two, the Mid and the Early, so for me this was the "Special" one. Cheers Dennis
  25. Wow, just Wow. Cheers Dennis
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