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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Slowly getting there, on the good bits now. Cheers Dennis
  2. Well my wonderful supportive wife outdid herself this year. I'm impressed, we each make a wish list every Christmas, as we have a spending limit you can only get so many things but you never know what until the big day which one you will get. This guaranties that you will get something you will like. This is what came my way Reference material Riveting stuff. And a posh stand, now the toilet roll and thick books can be retired from modelling work And in "action" Cheers Dennis
  3. Beautiful work, reminds me of my visit Telford. Cheers Dennis
  4. Quality and quantity, nice work, and I'm very jealous must try harder. Cheers Dennis
  5. Bit late, I am another who does not use FB, I used to have an account but rarely used it and could not see the point of it. Cheers Dennis
  6. The Re2005 has been getting some more attention, I don't like using decals so paint masks are the order of the day, there are no masks available for the Re2005 so I used some Montex masks for the C202, they are roughly the same size. And they came out great. All ready for the off. And the finished article. Some minor damage to the wing paint but has now been repaired and on to the undercarriage assembly. Cheers Dennis
  7. I resisted this for a short (very) time but in the end it got me, I have always wanted to build a very early Spitfire. such as the one on the box lid. Cheers Dennis
  8. Amazing, just amazing. Cheers Dennis
  9. Amazing Cheers Dennis
  10. Well after a family tragedy getting back to normal I have returned to the Re2005, it was time for paint, not one of the exotic Italian scheme but plain Green, it sounds more exotic as Verde Oliva Scuro 2. For this I used Xtracolor X109, FS14052, Marine Corps Green, and this was the result. Weathering will be very light as these aircraft were new and did not last long in service. Cheers Dennis
  11. Nice one Peter, it certainly captures that beautiful Spitfire shape. Cheers Dennis
  12. Gosh that's a blast from the past, nicely built as well, I remember building mine as a USN Wildcat and as you say it was a no bother build. Cheers Dennis
  13. Very nice, love that late colour and markings. Cheers Dennis
  14. Looks great, love the smoke rings (kit decals ?) Cheers Dennis
  15. Looking very fine, keep up the good work. Cheers Dennis
  16. Nice one John, I like the looks of the P-39 and have always wanted to build a Soviet one as they got the most out of the type. Cheers Dennis
  17. Hi Peter Kotare might be right with the colour, look at this article, will do some more digging as I have one of these kits. https://www.hyperscale.com/2023/reviews/kits/kotarek32001reviewbg_1.htm Cheers Dennis
  18. Thank you guys and yes it was about time, I've just got the display cabinet and all the book shelves to sort out now up here, then downstairs and cleaning the display cabinets down there. The Cromwell is one of my favourites, I was half way through a Bronco A13 when the tracks got the better of me, I have not touched armour since, I was really keen on modelling BEF vehicles at the time as well. Cheers Dennis
  19. Nothing new it was just that the dust in my study was really annoying me so it was time to bite the bullet, on top of my display cabinets are my "refugee" models, either old or too big for the display cabinets and they get pretty dusty. So armed with a bucket of soapy water, a cloth, cotton buds and a paintbrush I set to. Plus of course CA was on hand for the inevitable repairs. Before And after And restored to their perches after cleaning, the Heinkel was fun to clean, it's big. Now on to the shelves and book cases Cheers Dennis
  20. Great work John, I thing the Mustang does reslly suit the RAF paint and markings, I built the ancient Revell kit many years ago in that guise and was very pleased with the result. Cheers Dennis
  21. Top Notch do a great job, I have used them quite a lot, they even made custom masks for my Eagle Squadron Spitfire. Cheers Dennis
  22. Impressive, certainly breaks up the monotone Olive Drab nicely. Cheers Dennis
  23. Dead clever, really superb work. Cheers Dennis
  24. Well it's horrible out there so will post a few more photos from yesterday. This display was most impressive. And yours truly at the Airfix area
  25. As usual went to Telford and had a great day, saw some great and imaginative model displays but sadly bought nothing which meant I could just look around. Here are some photos to give you an idea of the event. There was a lot of these built up on display tables, most impressive. The competition area, this is a small section of it. Some of the ones that took my eye. More later Cheers Dennis
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