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Everything posted by Mikester

  1. Excellent work Jeff, came out great!
  2. Great to see this one again, just excellent!
  3. Nick, was this supposed to be in the thread I started in the staff area?
  4. Glad to see you could squeeze some modelling in between drinking beer! Nice work, amigo!
  5. The Hasegawa kit overall is very good, a little short in length, the spinner is a little too blunt but otherwise they got it mostly right. The Revell kit looks like they've improved a couple of areas and added some detail but not by a huge magnitude.
  6. Already see some things I like, posable control surfaces, cowl covers that are laid out closer to the the real thing, wheel bumps molded in top of wings, lightening holes in gear strut bays opened up, smooth and treaded tires. Still no profile shot of the spinner which nobody has gotten right so far. Cockpit appears like it might be a minor upgrade over Hasegawa, Didn't notice any gondolas for wing mounted MG 151's or 210 mm rocket tubes, hoping they will be included in the final release.
  7. Bro, I've slowed down on 109's, I think I have about 40 of them in 1/32 by now. I'll pick up the new Revell when it comes out out of curiosity but that;s it for awhile!
  8. I'm going with the Revell kit, actually. Just got the Revell 219, Eduard pre-painted interior and Eduard Brassin wheels for under $100. I will be picking up some of the figures though.
  9. Great stuff, Jim. I've got the Alley cat set for the SCW Dora, need to get around to it one of these days!
  10. Is the "H" on the shelves yet? Curious to see if it has torpedoes, I believe KG 26 had a staffel that sported white engine cowls that would make a great looking model.
  11. Now that is just too cool, love the MG's flashes! You 'da man, thanks!!!
  12. Jeroen, While you're on a roll..... Can you do one for me with this pic? Just the front half of the aircraft, thanks!
  13. Or just use beer money for models instead, wait a minute what am I saying?
  14. Nice work, Dave! Glad to see your resin nose fit better than my project!
  15. You mean that jet engine with a couple of wings tacked on? Wasn't Italeri doing a new tool 1/32 F-104?
  16. The seat issue has always been a conundrum for me. On the Hasegawa F-2, the instructions have you build it with the simplified bucket, on the F-4 they have you use the "E" style seat. This seems strange since the simplified bucket was used on all subsequent models.
  17. IIRC the rumor mill had them doing a 1/32 Do 335 as well.
  18. Built the P-36, decent kit but definitely not shake and bake. If you don't an aversion to filling and sanding you should be OK.
  19. Fokkin' A! Beauty, Jeroen!
  20. Absolutely, and the US and Europe really are secondary markets as far as Tamiya and Hasegawa are concerned, I think a lot of people fail to realize that.
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