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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. The cans have been sprayed in a black basecolour. Some faint traces of the printing process but some light sanding should eradicate that. Testfitting the tailplanes, it’s certainly begins to look like a Toom. Some more work is needed on the area between the cans.
  2. Been preparing various parts for paint. I will use most of the Tamiya tailpipe parts on top of which the Spey cans will be glued so as to get a good view of depth when you look into the tailpipes.
  3. What did you use for the oleos Jeroen? Alclad?
  4. It’s beginning to look a lot like....... a British Toom. Still need to adress the gap between the cans and tail.
  5. Well, I wasn’t very happy with the gaps between the wings and wingtips. It kept nagging so something had to be done, and the wingtips were ripped off. Shimming was the solution and I cut open the inboard join and inserted some pieces of plasticard. Now the wings matched and using a template the dihedral was set. I also sanded off the slight mismatch between the fuselage and the radome.
  6. ....and not to mention as mad as a doormat. It is beginning to look a lot like a Brit Toom though. The fueldump pipes etc. have been fitted. Also fitted the Tamiya wingtips to the Revell mainwings. Unfortunately there is a mismatch as the Revell wings are a bit thicker and a ridge remains although the panellines match up well. Oh well I have to live with it I suppose. The Revell wingtips have a slat that can only be fitted extended and looks crude and the wingtiplights are much more different. So would need a lit of work to use them which I didn’t want to.
  7. Spent some time rescribing. Didn’t want to redo the whole airframe so some were adapted from the Tamiya kit. Mostly done now. Need to fill some irregularities here and there, but considering the butchery that has taken place nothing shocking. Also made the “whatsit” outlets by drilling a hole and inserting part of a cottonbud. The thickness serving as the collar and giving depth too. Next adding the outerwings and the various odds and ends. The most difficult part has been done and the painting stage is looming.
  8. Engraving panellines is not one of my hobbies, but very rewarding in the end.
  9. Thanks Anthony, I made a start with engraving the lost panellines and new ones. Cees
  10. Thanks, I had seen this thread but I am to model an early FGR-2 and hope these didn't have them. Saving me more work. I did some work today, mostly cleaning up after the sanding session and making sure the wing/fuselage join is as smooth as possibe. Although I have grafted on a Revell tail, I intend to keep the Tamiya rear engine trunking to give depth. The 3D printed exhaust cans will hopefully fit onto these. The Revell parts had a lower horizontal ledge which interferes and I had to cut these out with great difficulty through the exhaust openings ( another operation). Luckily the joins didn’t crack. For someone contemplating a similar transplant I noticed that tailpart sprues are available seperately on ebay, so you do not have to purchase a whole kit. Getting ready for some serious engraving though not as extensive as you Anthony.
  11. I have very little info on this Anthony. Did the FGR-2 have these?
  12. Nope, sounds like you cracked the code.
  13. After a marathon sanding session the shapes are nice and smooth. During daylight I will have to check if there are ( and there must be) any irregularities. But I am happy how the join between the fuselage and wing has turned out so far.
  14. Miliput and if that doesn't work I have Plastic White Putty ready for plan B.
  15. Thanks chaps, In the meantime I have adapted the Tamiya flaps to fit the Revell wing. This makes for a less static model. Also preparing for a major filling session and marking out the areas.
  16. Fantastic engineering, how do you keep the correct radius of the fuselage contour during bending? As they must be compound curves.
  17. Oh man, this is truly supercalifragilisticespicalidocious. Very nice scratchbuilding.
  18. The Revell tailhook is longer than the Tamiya one.
  19. Some more work being done. I saved the sawn off bits from the Revell wing as at the time I thought they might be useful later They are, as the gaping hole between fuselage and wing can be plugged. The remaining gaps will be filled with Miliput. I am pleased how this turned out. Also finished the Revell tailhook as the Tamiya one is too short.
  20. The Stranraer was recovered the same museum IIRC which displays the "Hampden".
  21. Wedgy time. Destruction before reconstruction. In order to get the mismatch as minimal as possible I had to cut out again the earlier filled joins on top of the fuselage. A wedge forced the side out just enough for a good transition. The wedges were then glued. This is a better option than heavy sanding at the front which would also destroy the panellines. Miliput will fill the irregularities.
  22. Supermarine Stranraer was a gem they found in Saanich Inlet.
  23. Exactly the type of scratchbuilding I like, way to go Tom.
  24. No news on the Manchester but when I was working in the museum the other day I walked past the earlier 1/48 conversion I did, see pic.
  25. Anthony, are there by any chance 43 Sqn decals for a camo Toom in the Wild Hare set? in the meantime the intakes have been fitted.
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