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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Any ideas what the inside of the fabric would look like after PC10 outside colour had bled through? On the 1/28 version I used a beige colour which looks good but doesn't make any sense, does it? What's the inside coulour of the Se5a for instance. Cees
  2. Hi Paul, Thanks for the suggestion. It had crossed my mind and still haven't made up my mind how to tackle it. Carving such large areas and keeping the top and bottom straight seems a bit daunting. Still thinking about that, that's probably why I have started another HP 0\400. Cees
  3. Update The port fuselage half is almost finished. Not bad for a few evenings work. Everything is just simply sticking evergreen strips or plastic card on large Cutouts of the fuselage shape. No rocket science. Full beer gives an idea of the scale Cees
  4. Thanks Martin, It worked just know using the I pad App Cees
  5. Hi Edgar, Good to see you here, pull up a seat and indulge us with your deep knowledge. Cees
  6. Not kidding, Having done it before, the second time is easier albeit a bit smaller. Somehow I like sticking strips of plastic on a blank canvas. Thoroughly enjoying it too Sorry photobucket doesn't want to behave, pic to follow later Cees
  7. Thanks Jeroen, Much appreciated. Cees
  8. Update This baby will have a baby sister. The original build is 1/28 due to a miscalculation. This always bugged me as I couln't use any bits from the spares box. I have enlarged the drawings now to 1/32 scale and will start another Bloody Paralyser next to this one. Having learned from my mistakes, this will be better too I hope. Cees
  9. That is very very very nice, Great work Cees
  10. And on the Tempest for that matter. Cees
  11. Rick, I fully agree about Flugzeug Classic. I have a subscription and they always seem to have Great articles about wreck recovery and projects. Good to see the B here. Cees
  12. Nice and stubby or should that be tubby. Cees
  13. Hi Sasho, No one is stopping you, go for it. Cheers Cees
  14. A long journey starts with one step Confucius said heh heh From these rough shapes the fuselage formers will be carved/filed and sanded. Finally the fuselage ill be vacuumformed from these. After cutting out the Pilot will have a place to sit. Cees
  15. Some recent pics of my full size HP Hampden cockpit " slice" . It is almost finished apart from some Painting and details. Cees
  16. With all that wood going on here I wood like to chip in with some Balsa. The rough shape has been cut out, time to chop some wood, wood I? Cheers Cees
  17. It looks comical at this stage with such a short fuselage. Cees
  18. Ah the stage has been set, let the Polikarpov commenceth.... Cees
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