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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Dave, If this is a typical example from your shelf of doom, i hate to think what your shelf of success looks like. Very nice Spit. Cees
  2. Hi Nick, Great to see you here. Fantastic choice to show us the possibilities of 3D printing. Here on LSM we are Very interested in the future of modelling. Can you tell us what the main important pieces of information in the computerprogram are to successfully get a result Such as yours? Cees
  3. Jeroen, Looks great, you seem to have mastered the paint overlap on the edges as well. Cees
  4. Wow, that's some serious heavy metal. The Black Widow looks great too. Cees
  5. No, she just wants the beercan. Cees
  6. You'd better finish that Henschel Hs129 first. Ceed
  7. Hello Dwight, Welcome to the forum, make yourself at home here and and tap into a lot of experience And fun here. Can you introduce yourself in the say hello subforum? Cees
  8. Harv, It does now with the distinctive rudder fitted. Scribing is finished, but needs cleaning up. Cees
  9. Fully agree, looks very good. Just being curious, what source did you use regarding drawings? Cees
  10. Ahh, that Hawk is a beast, I believe the fitting of the engine cowling is very difficult. Looking Good sofar. By the way, I think it's great for you to ask for improvements so that you can improve Your skills. Can you post progress on the Hawk in the work in progress forum? Cees
  11. Another update, The seams have been roughly sanded. I used sellotape to keep the halves tight together as these old kits can have some dodgy fitting. The sellotape left much residue which needs to be cleaned off later. After cleaning I need to further rescribe the fuselage and then it's time to fit the tail, progress is progressing heh heh Cees
  12. Incredibly small update, The fuselage is now closed. Cees
  13. Johann, A modeller is his worst critic, you have made some fine models, what are you working on now? Show it here. Cees
  14. If you were not happy with it, you wouldn't have posted the photo's. I think it looks a fine model. Cees
  15. Dave, You do, just start and take it from there. If I can do it. That's why I chose the title:a journey Just to see what's possible. Cees
  16. A throw away interceptor, after a short flight the thing was supposed to descend by parachute and the pilot Baling out. The rocket could then be reused. Strange things people invent when desperate. Very interesting choice James. Cees
  17. Jeroen, Yes, it has. I had a different seat at first witch already had a sutton harness and was left over from a stalled Buffalo kit. I found the other seat from the same kit in the spares box and it had a square form, much better Than the rounded shape, it had to be reduced in height but looks more like the Beau's Observer/gunner Version. After final painting both seats get sutton harnesses. Cees
  18. Update time, The "Gizmology" process has been finished. Now the fun starts. First stage colouring in, this is the first coat and has some rough edges here and there. The second stage will see some cleaner brushwork (I hope). If all goes well the fuselage can be closed soon hopefully. Cheers Cees
  19. Hi Johann, Welcome to the forum, fantastic to have a Russian member here. The 109 looks good. I like the back rubber sealing strip in the engine cowling. Cheers Cees
  20. It's a heater pipe, lined with asbestos in real life. Cees
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