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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Again a very comprehensive review, well done Dave. LSM seems to set a fine standard here. Cees
  2. That's interesting Grant, That might be the occasion he shot down German ace August Geiger. We have some bits of that 110 On display including a tailfin with kill marks on. Two aces fighting it out. The Msquito is known as an excellent nightfighter but so was the Beau. Some were sent with the Bomber stream to chase the nightfighter. Cat and mouse, but who was who? Cees
  3. Hi Grant, Nice pic, yes the Americans used Beau's too. Reversed Lend-lease IIRC. But I like the Coastal Command version with invasion stripes, so that will be it. Newsflash, The wings are on, bloody thing fought me all the way, but I won, for now. What A beast, and heavy too. Had to remove quite a lot from the wingroots to avoid a Corsair gull wing look. Fit is terrible and nearly gave me a fit. Cees
  4. Paul, I would say, just go for it. Such a lot can be done with these old but fascinating kits. And they are the only game in town. Jeroen,thanks for the tip. Cees
  5. Update time The instrument panel, seat bels and control column have now been fitted, the rudder pedals and control column have been set according to the drooped elevators and rudder turned to the right. Various levers in the "off" position. And then the whole lot was cemented inside the fuselage. Next, fitting the fuselage to the wings, that will be tomorrow hopefully. Cheers Cees
  6. Paul, To make the modification you have to have some good drawings. I used the SAM Datafile on the subject. The drawing was enlarged to 1/32 Scale. I cut off the root of both horizontal tailplanes and cemented them to the tail. This creates a horizontal stub. The ends were sanded at an angle so the lenghtened Tailplanes would butt against the new root stubs. The tailplanes were lenghtened by glueing a piece of not too thick plasticcard Which was folded over. Sanding the surface made the joint invisible. The elevators need to be larger too. Hope this makes sense. Cees
  7. Hi Paul, Thanks for the link, although I know Chris, i had never seen his Beau. He has a habit of cutting kits up More than I do. With luck the front cockpit will be fitted this evening, with the wings possibly tomorrow so watch this Space, Cees
  8. Jeroen, Good to see you back working on the Ninak, looks great. Cees
  9. Interesting rudder Jeroen. The edges remained PC10? Cees
  10. Thanks, That makes sanding it easier LOL. I plan to fit the front cockpit and then the wings hopefully at the end of the Coming week. Cees
  11. James, A review that's hard to beat, very comprehensive. Well done. Any info on the remastered canopy?, IIRC They were not happy with the initial canopy shape. Cees
  12. We need more jets here so go for it. Cees
  13. According to SAM magazine the kit should be available from this saturday june 15th. Cees
  14. Johann, How did you modify the nose? Balsa wood, or vacformed? Cees
  15. Jimmy, I feel your pain, and you have a point there. But could you try to keep your message header down To a dull roar please ( ok, nicked it from Dempsey and Makepeace, I admit). It gives the impression something is seriously wrong. Cees
  16. Anyone? Spent two hours sanding down the joints on the tailplane. Elevators have been removed for cleaning up and later Having them set set an identical angle (they were'nt). Seems (pun intended) that I seem(oops) to be sanding such kits together. Wonder why I always take the masochistic route. Must make it easier for myself. But I'm getting there in the end, I hope. Cees
  17. Hi Petr, Thanks for your reply, it really helps as it gives an insight to the amount of effort your team have spent To get a good quality product. Cheers Cees
  18. At last, it looks to be more complete than I thought. It was feared that only large chuncks Could be recovered. This is a unique recovery. Now let them preserve it before it corrodes Into dust. Cees
  19. About Mr Surfacer, I have never used it. Can anyone tell me if it can be applied by brush. The plan Is to simulate a fin fillet which looks slightly thicker than the surrounding area. I have the 1000 type. Any advice is appreciated. Cees
  20. [quote Cees, I'm not really sure that I understand clearly what you asked me, but I suppose that your question is about how I started from scratch, until the final result? Or maybe your question is about how did I start dealing with CAD software proccessing? Please explain again if you please, to let me give the correct answer. Hi Nick, Thanks for the reply. I fully agree that forums are to learn from, but that doesn't mean we cannot appreciate your work. Your detailed posts are really Helpful to understand how you work, and we can learn from them. Same as other members can teach you and me other techniques. That is what LSM wants to achieve. What I (we all here) want to know is how a 3d computer file is made, what information is needed so that it can be used For 3d printing. Can any image drawn in 3d software be used for printing? What are the rules. Hope this explains it better. Cees
  21. Some more, The fuselage has been rescribed, which is not easy with such a whale like shape. Fin fillet needs some work, probably some Mr Sufacer is needed to even things out. The tailplanes have been fitted to, not easy as they fought me all the way. Especially the dihedral gave me fits. The original stance I did was too V-shaped and it looked like a rocket. That's the problem with these kits, nothing fits. After this a shake and bake kit would work wonders. Can in situ, cat not. she was harrassing the local cat-population. Cees
  22. Great pics James, I will hopefully visit Munich this september. Did you carve your: James H was here , into the skin? Then I can add mine underneath Disclaimer: just a joke Hehe Cees
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