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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Mdc Typhoon arrived yesterday, quality control was good, no fuselage halves with different lenghts. Very happy with it. Cees
  2. Hmm well, errr I fouled up both the observer and pilot's vacform canopies, bugger!!! Oh well, have to find me a new set on ebay, in the meantime I need a simple Kit to restore my motivation, That Trumpeter Bearcat is beckoning me, hmmmm Cees
  3. That's old school modelling, pioneers i would call it. I love it. Thanks for sharing Brad. Cees
  4. IIRC Russian aircraft were made from moulded birch strips over a former. Cees
  5. Just spotted this, amazing tutorial, have been thinking about a home made vacformmachine. Thanks very much. Cees
  6. You mean naked aircraft? Must be a psychological thing Cees
  7. Fairings and scribing done. Vacform canopies now, hope it works out, just one of each. So no mistakes. No pics just yet. Wish me luck. Cees
  8. Yes! Finally you are tackling this one. Fantastic. Cees
  9. That looks great Johann. Thanks for sharing Cees
  10. Postman brought a Trumpeter Bearcat for me today, and a MDC Typhoon has been ordered. Looking forward to it too. Cees
  11. Sometimes the groundcrew were instructed by pilot's to wax the aircraft for more speed. Cees
  12. Jeroen, I brushed it on, it's Mr Surfacer 1000. Cees
  13. I am a fan of Mr Surfacer, great stuff. Now the tailplane and main wingroot fairings stand out more With a coat of the magic liquid. N First time I used it, not the last time. Next trying to cut out the vac canopies. The painting stage is rapidly approaching. Cees Using the photobucket app for Ipad, click the thumbnail
  14. Jeroen, Exactly, it stands proud of the surface. Dave, thanks for your reply, a true modeller. Cheers Cees
  15. About those wooden blades, they were made of compressed wood and resin to make one very hard Material. The leading edge had a brass sheath. The whole blade was covered in a material like Plastic. This was very hard. I used to have an original Spit propblade where some of this covering had Cracked. In that case the blade was not serviceable. So you would never see wood shining through. Hope this makes sense. Cees
  16. I have a feeling Martin seems to like what you are doing James. Same here Cees
  17. They expect you to heat the seat back and bend it around the seatbase? Or is the plastic flexible? Cees
  18. So the bottom of the Scratchbuilders 1/32 kit market is about to fall out. These kits have sold at ridiculous prices over the years. This one wil not be cheap though. But HPH is surely making a name for them. Cees
  19. Chris, After this one, what's next? Cees
  20. Thanks Vance, not much is seen but I know it's there. Cees
  21. Fully agree, excellent build. Cees
  22. I would think the starboard root has much less wear as you can only get in on the port ide, Nice progress. Cees
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