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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Excellent Jeroen Cees
  2. Can I have a bit of Halifax please? Cees
  3. Matt, That's exactly what it is about, the journey itself. What do you do once it's finished? You start another project. Figures Cees
  4. That's a great project Johan. Cees
  5. Thanks Chaps, I won't admit that yesterday I ripped the rudders apart again. Ooops,I said it The top of the rudders slope inward to a relatively sharp end. Mine were too square. So out came the knife and sandpaper again. So the rudders need again covering with alutape. I don't mind as they will be improved. But where will it end. A shake and bake kit would be nice sometimes. Cees
  6. That is one utterly fantastic build, please have a look at that tutorial posting pics and blow us away. Cees
  7. Hi all, Back again, been quite busy. Scratchbuilding is a strange thing. At first you are overjoyed about what has been achieved and then something starts nagging. A little voice in the back of your head makes you wonder and you start thinking. Well, this is how it was last friday And then I ripped everything off, which did not go easily, which is a good thing. I thought the elevator profiles were too rounded instead of flat as seen on photographs (always look at as many photographs as you can get), and the strips didn't look right to me. They looked like strips of tape on a plastic surface. I did put all new tape back on but after a small booboo scribing panellines, I had visions of the bin beckoning me. I covered up the tapes with wide strips of tape and hey presto they look like stretched fabric with rib tapes and in my humble opinion looks even better. Well this is how it is now Cees
  8. Welcome to the forum, Unfortunately the link needs you to log in on that forum. Could you post the pics on here please? Would love to see the RE8 Cheers Cees
  9. Great choice Erik, The F is easily the best looking 109 in my view. I will be following this one. Cheers Cees
  10. Another magnum opus Jeroen, The base goes very well with it too. Cees
  11. I use the Tamiya scriber which removes a v-groove and is very effective. Cees
  12. Paul, Thanks for the background information, great to learn from it. Cheers Cees
  13. Wow, that really looks like tired fabric. Cees
  14. Interesting, i can only speak for WWII exhausts but I have never seen rusted exhaust pipes on service aircraft. Having been involved In aviation archaeology for many years the steel (inconel?) used is very rustproof. Sometimes I see heavily rusted exhausts on kits that look a bit overdone. They tend to get very hot and discolour heavily. Cees
  15. Cold nose and hot feet, steel men and wooden ships those days. Cees
  16. Looking good, never seen that kind of structural detail in the wheel wells, wonder where they got their Info from. Cees
  17. Not on your life, this model had once the pleasure to sit on your dining table. Cees
  18. Another update, Well phase one is almost finished! The taifins have their rib tapes applied and couldn't contain myself and have just fitted the fins onto the tailplanes. Phew, it really is a journey, Apart from small details such as control surface actuators and the rudder mass balances it's finished. After the small details are finished a coat of Mr Surfacer (that will be another first for me) will be applied to blend in the tapes and give a good surface for later painting. I'm chuffed Cees
  19. Thanks Grant, Just to show that this is not rocket science. I just do what I have read about in the various modelling magazines, Looking at skilled modellers and just by trial and error. The fuselage masters will be the next big hurdle. Cees
  20. Thanks Jeroen, likewise. James, haven't had time to use it yet, although I did finish the other tailfin Last evening. sjeesh. Cees
  21. It was fun, and the quality of the models was high. Cees
  22. Thanks chaps, Got mr surfacer today at Heiden and also met Jeroen Veen which was a pleasure. Yesterday I finished one tailfin, one left to go. Cees
  23. Hi James, Yes I plan to do that, first to give the whole area a smooth surface and to blend in the strips. Also to make sure the strips stay firmly in place. Wouldn't want to have some come loose later. Any tips are welcome. Mr Surfacer is on my shopping list tomorrow. Cees
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