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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. What did you ahum...errr pay for it Chris? Cees
  2. Well, that is good news then, any news on the Fokker DXXXI? Cees
  3. What I have seen of this kit is very nice. Must try one myself soon. Would look nice next tot he Sea Fury, Tempest and Typhoon. Ceee
  4. Fantastic work Tony, This was published in one of the magazine IIRC. Cees
  5. Steve, You have made something to be proud of. You learn everytime. Cees
  6. I made a dorsal canopy master using Miliput. Great stuff. I was advised to cover it in Mr Surfacer and it works great, evening out any irregularities. Thanks Huub. Now to try some crashmoulding. Does anyone have any experience in this? Cheers Cees
  7. Tony, you are a master wielding the hairy stick. I like your build very much. The Trumpter B-version has had a lot of negative publicity but you show that a decent model can be made. Must try that sometime too. Cheers Cees
  8. Me too Tony, Funny to see that part of my finger in the picture seems to make the port engine spin. My photography skills (or lack thereof) are legendary. Cees
  9. Hi Ralph, Nice to see a P40 build. Cees
  10. Update, Marking out the canopy strips on canopy plan B. These strips show where to to place the interior details using rod and strip. If it fails canopy plan A will be used. Cheers Cees
  11. Easily your best build Tom, Have you gotten the Stirling yet? Cees
  12. Wow, that makes a change from the standard splinterpattern. Great work. Cees
  13. Looking great. Cees
  14. Good on ya Ralph, That's how it starts, just a small project and before you know it, you are hooked. Cheers Cees
  15. Update, Scratchbuilt rocketrails and mounting plate. Funny what you can do with several Evergreen strips, rods etc. I hope to use the aftermarket rockets but they are again very rough. Perhaps I should scratch these too Using some thick rod. The photoetch fins are very nice though. Cheers Cees
  16. Looking very nice Tom. You can clearly see how the Merlin installation seems to be dwarfed by that massive firewall. After all the Halifax was designed with the Hercules in mind. The bureaucrats at the Air Ministry insisted that the Merlin be used. That's the reason for the less than ideal installation set up. If HP would have got his way the Hercules Halifax had been available in 1942. Ahh hindsight. Cheers Cees
  17. So do I. That's why I like these old kits so much. Plenty of room to add something of your own. A bit of basic aftermarket would be nice though. Cees
  18. Thanks, In fact I did that and it worked. But the quality of casting is a bit rough. And although I managed to fit them on the base plates they looked wrong. Turned out that they are intended (of course) for the MDC Typhoon. The rails als not fitted on stubs. So will scratchbuild my own. Cees
  19. Some lovely scratchbuilding. Cheers Cees
  20. That looks seriously nice. Good paintjob too. Thanks for posting. What do you intend to use for snow? Cees
  21. Thanks Silver Wings Team, What a great release. I'm curious to see a review soon. Cheers Cees
  22. Good honest review James. Cees
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