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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Totally love to see the what he has done already.. So I am not closing this one down at the moment.
  2. I can understand why people are commenting in the way they are, as you weren't very welcoming asking for assistance. Instead of demanding action and information @marianmadalin32 , you could of asked in a better way. Maybe like, I am looking at taking on a huge project of building a 1/1 Tomcat. I am looking for information and reference, can anyone point me in the right direction or assist me? Well, I am not knowledgeable in the said subject, but there is lots of people on Facebook that are very knowledgeable in that area. I would start looking for F-14 Tomcat groups and start looking from there. At my place of work we have built scale props of things using scale models as the base for measurement. Perhaps look at getting new Tamiya 1/48 Tomcat kit (there is A & D versions), and start using that as your base for measurements. From what I understand its are really good kit and the best on the market and its pretty accurate on shape. There are tons of F-14 walkarounds on the net also. What are you planning to use to build this replica? Wood as the frame and then sheet metal for the skin?
  3. @[CAT]CplSladeNo there isn't anything posted on the internet, just Sam and I chatting in Facebook Messenger. But basically there is proof that Zimmerit was applied in 2 coats at the factory. Sam's theory is 219 didn’t have ridges as such, and that 219 only got the first layer of zim. But that's his unproven theory that some went out with only 1 layer. As It looks like only the foundation layer in those images.
  4. Its time for my clubs annual Build the Same Kit competition, and the Armour subject is Meng's Panther Family. Which works out great as it ties in nicely with the GB here! Meng's fantastic Panther Ausf. D kit built as '219' of I./SS-Pz.Rgt 12 in Fonteny-le-Pesnil area of Normandy sometime between 9-11 June 1944. Huge thanks to Sam Dwyer, who has been more than helpful, pointing me in the right directions and the discussion in 219 ridge-less zimmerit. Zimmerit was added by using Tamiya's Polyester 2 part putty, slapped with an old toothbrush. The tracks are MasterClub, and Meng's Suspension kit has been used, which will help to get that weighted sit once a base is made for it. Still have a few tools, cables and chains to fit, and chipping of some zimmerit areas. But it's getting closer to paint. Ba'sz Photo collage of '219' on Flickr - https://flic.kr/p/rqgrMY
  5. Well I've made a small start on the hull, and a couple of quick shots. Went together pretty quickly and flawlessly as expected. This one is going to be OOB, but there is lots of extra details you can add!
  6. I would be interested seen how this one goes together as well! Plastic looks pretty good.
  7. That's an awesome kit! I built it last year, I will be ordering the Achilles M10 shortly
  8. Nice! I have been wanting one of these kits... Keep missing out on it when they come up.
  9. So this will be my first subject for the GB... I think it will be pretty much OOB, but I will see how that will turn out along the way.
  10. I'm down for this one! I have plans for a couple of builds! Let us see if I can actually finish them!
  11. You missed the Wingnut Wings Sopwith Pup Gnome
  12. There Spitfire Mk.II spinner is out of production. I emailed them a little while ago and that was their reply. Have a look at EagleParts Spinner. It was mastered by Jim & Jeroen. http://www.eagle-editions.com/eagleparts-fine-cast-resin-parts-to-update-or-modify-model-kits/spitfire-mk-i-and-mk-ii-1-32nd-resins
  13. I wasnt happy with how it looked. I just ordered a bunch of Balas so will be making a base for this one and others soon as it arrives.
  14. I am calling this one done now for now! I'm impressed with what Takom have done, and the kit falls together! I reckon this could easily be a weekend build project if you were looking for one! Clean up wasn't too bad thanks to where Takom placed the sprue attachment points, and a sharp sprue cutter makes it hassle-free. Mission Model Dunkelgelb, Rubber, Gun Metal and Transparent dust paints were used, which is now my favourite paint brand as its so easy to use without all the smells from solvent-based paints. Ak Interactive pigments were used on the tracks, exhaust and sand build up/weathering. I dumped the idea of it blowing a track as it didn't look right, I ended up connecting the track back up. Only thing I want to revisit is the Imperial Star on the front, as it should be a little be darker.
  15. Happy B'day Mikey!
  16. Had some spare time over the last few days and I started weathering the Tankette. I'm using Ammo & AK weathering washes and effects. I still need to add some chips and paint a couple of little details like the Star on the front and rear taillamp. Tracks were painted with MMP Burnt Iron, and AK Track wash. I have decided to try my hand a making a small base for it. I am going to go with an abandoned Tankette after blowing a track in battle and. I'm also looking at adding a figure it too, there is a nice looking figure of USMC soldier charging from Alpine. But there doesn't seem to be much out there. Well, this is where I am currently, I am waiting on a couple of jars of pigments to arrive for me to continue...
  17. Personally, I would love to see a Wellington! But not till after a Sterling!
  18. Small update... All the base colours are on now. I have decided to go with the overall sand colour scheme, with the rising sun flag on the sides of the tank. All the colour callouts are from the Ammo paint range which I am not a huge fan of, so I converted them over to Mission Models Paints. The colour Ammo suggest is a shade of Dunkelgelb, so I have used MMP-011 as my base colour. Tools and barrel also painted using Mission paints. So that is where I am at the moment, I will start some weathering later tonight if I can get downstairs for a bit.
  19. Interesting your tackling this with the HK Models kit announced...
  20. I just got some acrylic makeup holders. Come in different styles and sizes, and cheap! I got a bunch of vertical nail polish racks too for all my paint. I will take a photo when I head down stairs next time.
  21. I can say that Wingnut Wings will not tackle a Mosquito as there is a perfectly good kit out there from Tamiya & HK Models.
  22. Ha! I saw this thread and my reply was going to be that you need to check out Anthony's thread over on LSP as he is doing the same... But he bet me too it! He just needs to finish the damn thing!
  23. Don't go off the HPH site, There is an importer for HPH in the US already mentioned by Ernie.
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