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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Sad news, but alas not unexpected... Unlike the Spanish Inquisition!
  2. Very clever... And yet so simple! S
  3. Thanks John. Correct about the launch bar, However a dummy weight was subsequently added, as the lighter nose gear was creating nose wheel shimmy apparently. I must dig those photos out (this one not mine). S
  4. A slight detour... Smitty, do we have a definitive time frame for the addition of the LEX strakes on the Legacy Hornets? This photo of A21-108 is unfortunately not dated, but is possibly from Darwin from the look of the shelter. I recall doing a walk-around on an A airframe at Rockhampton airport in 1989; this was straight after Exercise Kangaroo '89 over Shoalwater and that bird definitely had the strakes fitted. Just for asking's sake? S
  5. I'm very fortunate that my Wife understands and respects individual space within our relationship. I already had a lot of my stash when we got together, and my accumulation has slowed in the last few years while she has pursued her interest in her Aquarium. So we're both on the same page, even though they're different books. I have quite a few multiple copies of Hasegawa '109 and '190 kits amongst others, but having duplicates isn't an issue for her. She has 4 Clownfish for example, all with different patterns but still the same species. I have plans for all of the kits, but to be honest if I ever get them all completed in my lifetime, I'll be very disappointed. In the end they're just things, like clothes in the closet or books on a shelf. S
  6. How do I feel when I get free time to model? Pressure, Like the Countdown clock is ticking down behind me. It's such a rare occurrence, I try to squeeze every last second out of it. S
  7. We are a day ahead here in Australia Smitty... And yet somehow still stuck in the 20th Century. Perplexing, isn't it? S
  8. A couple of points to ponder... Firstly, we might be waiting a while for another Kit Manufacturer to take on this project; given the size, complexity and nature of the subject. Secondly, read about hideous errors where exactly? To my knowledge, this kit was produced with the co-operation of Faun. If you're going to cast doubts on it's accuracy, probably best to have that reference at hand to back up your statement. Because "I heard" or "I read" somewhere usually doesn't suffice. If you expect that this is a place you can visit and straight up start trashing people without evidence, then as a Moderator on another site where this thing happens regularly said only yesterday... "You'll be disappointed." S
  9. Dale, To my knowledge, the only 1/32nd scale Grumman Tracker is a vac-formed release from Tigger Models. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/tigger-models-06-grumman-s-2-tracker--938047 According to his Facebook page, it is still available: http://tigger-models.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/welcome-to-tigger-models.html S
  10. It's deliciously ironic... The Toy chain where I took that photo used to stock Dragon kits, but recently got rid of them all; because, as I was told by an Employee "Dragon doubled their prices overnight." One store used to have hundreds, literally a wall of Dragon kits, mostly Armour. Well, now the Revell re-box of the '110 is more expensive there than the Dragon one ever was. $60 US is roughly $85 AuD... Add our tax and shipping and it's double what you guys pay. S
  11. Well, speaking of Canadians... This would be my theme song. After Army, Dad was a Carpenter. Despite my best attempts, I never quite measured up to his standards. I still have some of his tools that I use here from after he passed; and if you listen real closely I reckon you can still hear his teeth grinding from way up on high, inbetween strikes on the head of a nail as I choke his favourite Hammer!
  12. I am very interested in watching from the sidelines, and living vicariously through the builds of you all. I have enough started kits and projects to be getting on with. As my Mum would say... "Finish your Veges before you get Desert!"
  13. This is the newer boxing Dale... Hope the one in your local shop isn't $170 like the one in mine!
  14. I'm pretty sure the stabilisers should be horizontal Dale... http://hsfeatures.com/features04/ki8432ir_1.htm S
  15. It's just lovely. The trick, as with most Aires, is how it fits and how much fettling will be required. This is the bigger set #2033; with cockpit, wheels and wheel wells, and port only weapons bay. There was a #2027 set sans wheels and weapon, but I'm not sure if it's still available.The kit cockpit sidewalls will need to be shaved off and the MG bay door removed from the fuselage, otherwise the assemblies are all drop-in. Cockpit: Wheel wells: Also included is the detail inside the nose cone. Main wheels are nicely done, weighted with a very slight toe-out at the base. MG 151 bay and weapon. The rear of the cockpit bulkhead is nicely notched to accept the front of the bay; the only drawback to this is that it will require a lot of modification to the bulkhead if you wanted to scratch-build the starboard bay for yourself. The package is rounded out with a P/E fret for the seatbelts etc, and a small clear sheet with the instrument faces printed on. HTH, S
  16. A devastating loss, especially at such a young age. I hate Cancer. S
  17. I wish I could use the power of my mind for modelling purposes too Carl... I might get more accomplished! Meanwhile, I picked up the Aires set for the Revell He-162... Got sick of waiting for the Tooth Fairy to return the one I originally bought more than a decade ago.
  18. Just kicked over in Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra. We have another hour here in Queensland, we have eschewed the notion of Daylight Savings. It fades the curtains, and makes the Cows come in too late for milking.
  19. So long 2019... You were a good Year, capping off an eventful Decade. Much to look forward to in 2020. Fair weather and far Horizons everyone! Steve
  20. I wish I could go so badly... My Daughter is in Phoenix at the moment; she went to Disneyland a week or two ago, and somehow managed to make the Happiest place on Earth seem "Meh". If you have experience with Millennials you'll understand what I mean. Travel is wasted on the young. S
  21. Harv... Either you're with Photobucket and it's playing up again, or you've drawn a blank.
  22. Hope you had a great one Gaz... Remember, too much Christmas Punch makes for a hectic Boxing Day!
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