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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. After further consideration, it would seem that the reason the liquid is not taken from a receptacle, is that there must also be some form of Coronal/Epiglotal contact required to fully explore all scenarios expected to be encountered within the general population. Therefore, unfortunately I find that I would be unsuitable as a Candidate for this experiment, as my genetic makeup is overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon in origin.
  2. Mine, 2012 Mazda 3 2.0 Litre Hatch (122 ci), 108kw output and 184nm torque. Hers, 2016 Cruze 1.8 litre sedan (110 ci), 104kw output and 176nm torque. To me it seems breathless compared to my car. So 3.8 litres capacity over two vehicles. As a comparison, my first car was a 1977 Ford Cortina Mk4 3.3 litre crossflow straight six, good for 88kw at the time (but lots more torque though.)
  3. Ideally, I suspect the recipient should have a wide vocal range, and preferably be multi-lingual to explore the full effects of the testing parameters... someone from Quebec perhaps? However, I'm surprised that the test liquid isn't simply administered directly from a sterile cup or beaker. This seems a far more controlled method, and of course eliminates the chance of inadvertantly being blinded by Science.
  4. Well, I just hope you get a Lady volunteer is all Jeff!
  5. That just seems so cold and impersonal. I think I'd want dinner and a movie first, thanks!
  6. That's very considerate of you Max... It's the modelling equivalent of feeding a starving Family for a year!
  7. Sehr interessant... Remove your tax component, and that's $133.85 AUD converted... our tax component @ roughly 50 cents, and the prices we pay for just the fuels are almost identical.
  8. Currently paying $1.359 per litre at my local here in Brisbane, Australia. We are in the middle of a fuel cycle that fluctuates around 10 cents per litre higher or lower. A tank fill in my 2.0 Mazda 3 is usually 43 litres, and gets me between 650 and 700 klms combined, for an average of 65 to 67 ltr per 100 klms, or approx 9 cents per klm. Of this $1.359 per litre, 12.35 cents is GST (VAT) that goes to the Federal Government and get re-distributed back to the individual States (also not necessarily the State it was earned in), and 39.5 cents is Fuel Excise that goes to the Federal Government and disappears into the Ether. Fuel is one of the few commodities here that is double-taxed, and no-one is able to satisfactorily explain why this is the case. We also are forced to pay the Singapore bulk price, even thought Australia only actually imports 40% of its Petrol / Diesel needs, supplying the majority of it's own requirements.
  9. Think of it as Providence. Things are going well, because it's meant to be. Have a good trip, and may this new chapter in your lives be all you hope for. S
  10. Too bl**dy right... One of our Subbies is from India originally. He has 2 other guys in trucks driving for him as well, and drives Uber on the weekends. Last year he got married here, and went back and had a 2 day 2nd Wedding celebration for the whole Village. He's the model for how self belief and working hard can grant you limitless opportunity.
  11. It sounds like my Workplace as well, probably Transport / Logistics? Half of our workforce is from the Sub-Continent, and a good many more are from Aotearoa. If you can get here and can drive, are physically fit and have common sense there's plenty of work. Young Aussies don't want to work. I'm a Driver Trainer amongst other tasks, and this year I must have had half a dozen young Men train with me for their first day and then just not bother to turn up for the second... too much like hard work.
  12. If it was the A-4 boxing, I'd take you up on it Danny!
  13. Just a tip, look up and check the pipes before they get the ceiling on. At my Daughters' house, the original Builder cheaped out on the plumbing and instead of all copper piping installed PVC for the cold water. At some point, either a Rat or Possum got inside the roof cavity and gnawed through the plastic. Daughter #1 came home from work, and thought Daughter #2 had shaken up a Pepsi bottle as she described it, there was a brown patch on the ceiling with little drops formed. 15 minutes later... Water had filled the cavity above the shower over the day, the brown she saw was the colour leeching out of the beams. $8000 damage! So yeah, make sure you check ALL those pipes before you seal it up. S
  14. So, apart from a resin figure... It's just an M/T box then?
  15. Did they ever find the source of the leak? Steve
  16. Dear Trading Standards Bureau... Make up your mind please. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Trellis.
  17. I wouldn't worry... He can't do accents either. Whether it's the English King Arthur, a Russian Sub Captain or an Irish Cop after Al Capone, it all shhounds the shhame!
  18. Always Gus When my Kids were little we had a Couple living next door from Glasgow, she and my Partner became best Pals. So you had to keep up, or they'd get up to allsorts together, especially after a wee Dram. Steve
  19. In a similar vein, there was much ado recently on the IL2 Forum regarding the Fw190 A-8 variant overheating with the cowl gills closed ( counter-intuitively, the later Fw variants run cooler with the gills closed so that air circulates around the engine, and is forced by pressure through the oil radiator inside the nose ring) Sometimes Game Developers are better served by listening to SME's and Enthusiasts.
  20. Aye, there's still a bit of Farquhar in that one! There's a Lass on the phones at the local Motorists Club here w'i a lovelty Glaswegian lilt. Thick and sweet like treacle it is... makes me go all gooey inside!
  21. Love Pam Ayres. Was especially good to hear her again on the last series of ISIHAC.
  22. Not only the leafy and liquid methods, apparently now you can get it in powdered form too...
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