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Everything posted by timvkampen

  1. One of the most wanted kits out there when it comes to 1/32 jets...and Tamiya is not considering a re-issue as they do with the F-14 or Phantom series...I wonder why?
  2. This is still viable I think: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234965337-132-focke-wulf-fw190a-345678-d-9-by-zoukei-mura-box-art3d-renders/ The current situation is not helping perhaps, but the FWs will come surely.
  3. Beauty! Excellent build.
  4. and this site: http://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/index.php?cPath=21
  5. the Waldron set is great. https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/WRP035
  6. Hi All, does anyone know how you can submit suggestion to Tamiya directly? On the website they just mention a line under the Q&A but that is it. Tim
  7. unfortunately also the Trumpy one is ok, but has a serious defect which is a major part of the appearance: the intakes. http://www.zactomodels.com/ So, if Tamiya would just scale it up (since they apparently completely measured the beast for the 48 scale) we could have a Tomcat that is as accurate as the Corsair or Mossie they issued around the time Top Gun 2, aka Top Gun: Maverick comes out...
  8. Since Tamiya surprised us with the F-14A in the 1/48 scale and considering it is a great kit, would it not be a good idea to have them upscale this to 1/32? What are your thoughts?
  9. Jeroen actually introduced me to a show...I believe it was near Eindhoven...AK interactive brought the sales lady....Beautiful shape and form...I think the stand was sold out rather quickly...
  10. have the book too; inspiring man!
  11. very impressive! Isn't it an idea to request a visit at the Udvar-Házy museum on behalf of the largescalemodeller community?
  12. that is badas* work! Nice!
  13. forget the kit wheels. Wheeliant you need...
  14. well done!! beautiful kit
  15. kicking it into shape I see!!
  16. Nice build. Lots of corrections...I have one in my stash...hmmm, wonder whether I am up to the challenge at some point...
  17. Excellent work, very unusual subject!
  18. Impressive Danny, that 104 is coming along nicely as is its driver!! How did you make the decal for the helmet? Best Tim
  19. Great news on the jet-front: http://www.italeri.com/news_scheda.asp?idNews=643 http://www.italeri.com/imgup/Preview%20Italeri%202016%281%29.pdf
  20. WOW!!! This looks promising people!!
  21. Great set by Luuk and I have the HpH beast which is the best multimedia kit in 1/32 in my opinion!
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